Indiana Code
Chapter 2.5. Special Fuel Tax
6-6-2.5-62. Special Fuel Restrictions; Violations; Exemptions

Sec. 62. (a) No person shall import, sell, use, deliver, or store in Indiana special fuel in bulk as to which dye or a marker, or both, has not been added in accordance with section 31 of this chapter, or as to which the tax imposed by this chapter has not been paid to or accrued by a licensed supplier or licensed permissive supplier as shown by a notation on a terminal-issued shipping paper subject to the following exceptions:
(1) A supplier shall be exempt from this provision with respect to special fuel manufactured in Indiana or imported by pipeline or waterborne barge and stored within a terminal in Indiana.
(2) An end user shall be exempt from this provision with respect to special fuel in a vehicle supply tank when the fuel was placed in the vehicle supply tank outside of Indiana.
(3) A licensed importer, and transporter operating on the importer's behalf, that transports in vehicles with a capacity of more than five thousand four hundred (5,400) gallons shall be exempt from this prohibition if the importer or the transporter has met all of the following conditions:
(A) The importer or the transporter before entering onto the highways of Indiana has obtained an import verification number from the department not earlier than twenty-four (24) hours before entering Indiana.
(B) The import verification number must be set out prominently and indelibly on the face of each copy of the terminal-issued shipping paper carried on board the transport truck.
(C) The terminal origin and the importer's name and address must be set out prominently on the face of each copy of the terminal-issued shipping paper.
(D) The terminal-issued shipping paper data otherwise required by this chapter is present.
(E) All tax imposed by this chapter with respect to previously requested import verification number activity on the account of the importer or the transporter has been timely remitted.
In every case, a transporter acting in good faith is entitled to rely upon representations made to the transporter by the fuel supplier or importer and when acting in good faith is not liable for the negligence or malfeasance of another person. A person who knowingly violates or knowingly aids and abets another person in violating this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(b) No person shall export special fuel from Indiana unless that person has obtained an exporter's license or a supplier's license or has paid the destination state special fuel tax to the supplier and can demonstrate proof of export in the form of a destination state bill of lading. A person who knowingly violates or knowingly aids and abets another person in violating this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(c) No person shall operate or maintain a motor vehicle on any public highway in Indiana with special fuel contained in the fuel supply tank for the motor vehicle that contains dye or a marker, or both, as provided under section 31 of this chapter. This provision does not apply to persons operating motor vehicles that have received fuel into their fuel tanks outside of Indiana in a jurisdiction that permits introduction of dyed or marked, or both, special fuel of that color and type into the motor fuel tank of highway vehicles or to a person that qualifies for the federal fuel tax exemption under Section 4082 of the Internal Revenue Code and that is registered with the department as a dyed fuel user. A person who knowingly:
(1) violates; or
(2) aids and abets another person in violating;
this subsection commits a Class A infraction. However, the violation is a Class A misdemeanor if the person has committed one (1) prior unrelated violation of this subsection, and a Level 6 felony if the person has committed more than one (1) prior unrelated violation of this subsection.
(d) No person shall engage in any business activity in Indiana as to which a license is required by section 41 of this chapter unless the person shall have first obtained the license. A person who knowingly violates or knowingly aids and abets another person in violating this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(e) No person shall operate a motor vehicle with a capacity of more than five thousand four hundred (5,400) gallons that is engaged in the shipment of special fuel on the public highways of Indiana and that is destined for a delivery point in Indiana, as shown on the terminal-issued shipping papers, without having on board a terminal-issued shipping paper indicating with respect to any special fuel purchased:
(1) under claim of exempt use, a notation describing the load or the appropriate portion of the load as Indiana tax exempt special fuel;
(2) if not purchased under a claim of exempt use, a notation describing the load or the appropriate portion thereof as Indiana taxed or pretaxed special fuel; or
(3) if imported by or on behalf of a licensed importer instead of the pretaxed notation, a valid verification number provided before entry into Indiana by the department or the department's designee or appointee, and the valid verification number may be handwritten on the shipping paper by the transporter or importer.
A person is in violation of subdivision (1) or (2) (whichever applies) if the person boards the vehicle with a shipping paper that does not meet the requirements described in the applicable subdivision (1) or (2). A person in violation of this subsection commits a Class A infraction (as defined in IC 34-28-5-4).
(f) A person may not sell or purchase any product for use in the supply tank of a motor vehicle for general highway use that does not meet ASTM standards as published in the annual Book of Standards and its supplements unless amended or modified by rules adopted by the department under IC 4-22-2. The transporter and the transporter's agent and customer have the exclusive duty to dispose of any product in violation of this section in the manner provided by federal and state law. A person who knowingly:
(1) violates; or
(2) aids and abets another in violating;
this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(g) This subsection does not apply to the following:
(1) A person that:
(A) inadvertently manipulates the dye or marker concentration of special fuel or coloration of special fuel; and
(B) contacts the department within one (1) business day after the date on which the contamination occurs.
(2) A person that affects the dye or marker concentration of special fuel by engaging in the blending of the fuel, if the blender:
(A) collects or remits, or both, all tax due as provided in section 28(h) of this chapter;
(B) maintains adequate records as required by the department to account for the fuel that is blended and its status as a taxable or exempt sale or use; and
(C) is otherwise in compliance with this subsection.
A person may not manipulate the dye or marker concentration of a special fuel or the coloration of special fuel after the special fuel is removed from a terminal or refinery rack for sale or use in Indiana. A person who knowingly violates or aids and abets another person to violate this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(h) This subsection does not apply to a person that receives blended fuel from a person in compliance with subsection (g)(2). A person may not sell or consume special fuel if the special fuel dye or marker concentration or coloration has been manipulated, inadvertently or otherwise, after the special fuel has been removed from a terminal or refinery rack for sale or use in Indiana. A person who knowingly:
(1) violates; or
(2) aids and abets another to violate;
this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
(i) A person may not engage in blending fuel for taxable use in Indiana without collecting and remitting the tax due on the untaxed portion of the fuel that is blended. A person who knowingly:
(1) violates; or
(2) aids and abets another to violate;
this subsection commits a Level 6 felony.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.44. Amended by P.L.18-1994, SEC.33; P.L.85-1995, SEC.26; P.L.61-1996, SEC.4; P.L.1-1998, SEC.81; P.L.158-2013, SEC.98; P.L.218-2017, SEC.42.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 2.5. Special Fuel Tax

6-6-2.5-1. "Alternative Fuel"

6-6-2.5-1.5. "Biodiesel"

6-6-2.5-2. "Blender"

6-6-2.5-3. "Blending"

6-6-2.5-4. "Bulk End User"

6-6-2.5-5. "Bulk Plant"

6-6-2.5-6. "Commissioner"

6-6-2.5-7. "Department"

6-6-2.5-8. "Destination State"

6-6-2.5-8.5. "Dyed Fuel User"

6-6-2.5-9. "Export"

6-6-2.5-10. "Exporter"

6-6-2.5-11. Repealed

6-6-2.5-12. "Heating Oil"

6-6-2.5-13. "Import"

6-6-2.5-13.1. "Import Verification Number"

6-6-2.5-14. "Invoiced Gallons"

6-6-2.5-15. "Liquid"

6-6-2.5-16. "Motor Vehicle"

6-6-2.5-16.1. "Permissive Supplier"

6-6-2.5-16.5. "Natural Gas Product"

6-6-2.5-17. "Person"

6-6-2.5-18. "Public Highway"

6-6-2.5-19. "Rack"

6-6-2.5-20. "Received"

6-6-2.5-21. "Retailer"

6-6-2.5-22. "Special Fuel"

6-6-2.5-22.5. "Special Fuel Gallon"

6-6-2.5-23. "Supplier"

6-6-2.5-24. "Terminal"

6-6-2.5-25. "Terminal Operator"

6-6-2.5-25.1. "Transfer in Bulk Into or Within a Terminal"

6-6-2.5-25.9. "Transporter"

6-6-2.5-26. "Transmix"

6-6-2.5-26.1. "Transport Truck"

6-6-2.5-26.2. "Two Party Exchange"

6-6-2.5-26.5. "Truck Stop"

6-6-2.5-27. "Wholesaler"

6-6-2.5-28. License Tax; Presumptions; Computation; Liability for Collection and Remittance; Sulfur Content; Penalty

6-6-2.5-29. Inventory Tax; Exclusions; Amount

6-6-2.5-30. Exemptions From Special Fuel Tax; Provision of Export Information; Refunds

6-6-2.5-30.5. Exemption From Special Fuel Tax; Restricted Personal, Noncommercial Use

6-6-2.5-31. Exempted Special Fuels; Dye Requirements and Specifications; Markers

6-6-2.5-32. Refunds; Circumstances; Claims; Investigations

6-6-2.5-32.5. Refund of Special Fuel Tax; Qualification; Claim for Refund

6-6-2.5-33. Payment of Interest on Refund Claim

6-6-2.5-34. Supplier Deduction for Gallons Purchased; Prohibition; Customer Refunds; Application

6-6-2.5-35. Collection and Remittance of Special Fuel Tax

6-6-2.5-36. Remittance of Tax; Procedures; Deadline

6-6-2.5-37. Costs of Collection, Reporting, and Remittance; Retention of Portion of Remittance; Amount; Failure to Report or Remit on Time

6-6-2.5-38. Duties and Responsibilities of Supplier in Collection of Tax; Liability

6-6-2.5-39. Consumption of Tax-Exempt Dyed or Marked Fuel for Nonexempt Purpose; Remittance of Tax

6-6-2.5-40. Transportation of Special Fuel; Requirements and Procedures; Violations

6-6-2.5-41. Licenses

6-6-2.5-42. Application for License; Form and Content; Investigation

6-6-2.5-43. Repealed

6-6-2.5-44. Surety Bond or Cash Deposit; Filing by Applicants

6-6-2.5-45. Disclosure of Financial Records; Increase in Bond or Cash Deposit

6-6-2.5-46. Filing of New Bond; Conditions; Cancellation of License; Reduction of Cash Deposit by Judgment; Additional Deposit

6-6-2.5-47. Deposit Insufficient to Ensure Payment; Written Demand to File New Bond; Requirements; Cancellation of License

6-6-2.5-48. Release of Surety From Liability; Written Request; Notice; Cancellation

6-6-2.5-49. Denial of License; Hearing; Notice

6-6-2.5-50. Issuance of License

6-6-2.5-51. Validity of License

6-6-2.5-52. Transfer of License; Prohibition

6-6-2.5-53. Display of License at Place of Business

6-6-2.5-54. Discontinuance of Business; Surrender of License

6-6-2.5-55. Notice of Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Business; Content; Liability

6-6-2.5-56. Repealed

6-6-2.5-56.5. Suppliers, Permissive Suppliers, and Licensed Importers; Reporting Requirements; Violations

6-6-2.5-57. Terminal Operators; Reporting Requirements; Inventory Records

6-6-2.5-58. Final Report Upon Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Business or Revocation of License; Payment of Taxes and Penalties

6-6-2.5-59. Exporters; Reporting Requirements

6-6-2.5-60. Transporters; Reporting Requirements; Failure to Report; Penalty; Waiver of Report

6-6-2.5-61. Composite and Modified Reports

6-6-2.5-62. Special Fuel Restrictions; Violations; Exemptions

6-6-2.5-63. Failure of Suppliers, Permissive Suppliers, Importers, and Blenders to Collect or Timely Remit Tax; Penalties

6-6-2.5-64. Civil Penalties; Exemption

6-6-2.5-65. Shipping Documents; Violations; Impoundment, Seizure, and Sale of Vehicle; Evidence; Release

6-6-2.5-66. Listed Tax

6-6-2.5-67. Use of Tax Revenues

6-6-2.5-68. Deposit of Revenue

6-6-2.5-69. Class Actions for Refund of Tax; Prerequisites

6-6-2.5-70. Inspections

6-6-2.5-71. Sealing Special Fuel or Kerosene Pump; Compliance; Penalty

6-6-2.5-72. Reports; Electronic Filing