Indiana Code
Chapter 2.5. Special Fuel Tax
6-6-2.5-42. Application for License; Form and Content; Investigation

Sec. 42. (a) Each application for a license under section 41 of this chapter shall be made upon a form prepared and furnished by the department. It shall be subscribed to by the applicant and shall contain the information as the department may reasonably require for the administration of this chapter, including the applicant's federal identification number and, with respect to the applicant for an exporter's license, a copy of the applicant's license to purchase or handle special fuel tax free in the specified destination state or states for which the export license is to be issued.
(b) The department shall investigate each applicant for a license under this section. No license shall be issued if the department determines that any one (1) of the following exists:
(1) The application is not filed in good faith.
(2) The applicant is not the real party in interest.
(3) The license of the real party in interest has been revoked for cause.
(4) Other reasonable cause for non-issuance exists.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.44. Amended by P.L.146-2020, SEC.33.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 2.5. Special Fuel Tax

6-6-2.5-1. "Alternative Fuel"

6-6-2.5-1.5. "Biodiesel"

6-6-2.5-2. "Blender"

6-6-2.5-3. "Blending"

6-6-2.5-4. "Bulk End User"

6-6-2.5-5. "Bulk Plant"

6-6-2.5-6. "Commissioner"

6-6-2.5-7. "Department"

6-6-2.5-8. "Destination State"

6-6-2.5-8.5. "Dyed Fuel User"

6-6-2.5-9. "Export"

6-6-2.5-10. "Exporter"

6-6-2.5-11. Repealed

6-6-2.5-12. "Heating Oil"

6-6-2.5-13. "Import"

6-6-2.5-13.1. "Import Verification Number"

6-6-2.5-14. "Invoiced Gallons"

6-6-2.5-15. "Liquid"

6-6-2.5-16. "Motor Vehicle"

6-6-2.5-16.1. "Permissive Supplier"

6-6-2.5-16.5. "Natural Gas Product"

6-6-2.5-17. "Person"

6-6-2.5-18. "Public Highway"

6-6-2.5-19. "Rack"

6-6-2.5-20. "Received"

6-6-2.5-21. "Retailer"

6-6-2.5-22. "Special Fuel"

6-6-2.5-22.5. "Special Fuel Gallon"

6-6-2.5-23. "Supplier"

6-6-2.5-24. "Terminal"

6-6-2.5-25. "Terminal Operator"

6-6-2.5-25.1. "Transfer in Bulk Into or Within a Terminal"

6-6-2.5-25.9. "Transporter"

6-6-2.5-26. "Transmix"

6-6-2.5-26.1. "Transport Truck"

6-6-2.5-26.2. "Two Party Exchange"

6-6-2.5-26.5. "Truck Stop"

6-6-2.5-27. "Wholesaler"

6-6-2.5-28. License Tax; Presumptions; Computation; Liability for Collection and Remittance; Sulfur Content; Penalty

6-6-2.5-29. Inventory Tax; Exclusions; Amount

6-6-2.5-30. Exemptions From Special Fuel Tax; Provision of Export Information; Refunds

6-6-2.5-30.5. Exemption From Special Fuel Tax; Restricted Personal, Noncommercial Use

6-6-2.5-31. Exempted Special Fuels; Dye Requirements and Specifications; Markers

6-6-2.5-32. Refunds; Circumstances; Claims; Investigations

6-6-2.5-32.5. Refund of Special Fuel Tax; Qualification; Claim for Refund

6-6-2.5-33. Payment of Interest on Refund Claim

6-6-2.5-34. Supplier Deduction for Gallons Purchased; Prohibition; Customer Refunds; Application

6-6-2.5-35. Collection and Remittance of Special Fuel Tax

6-6-2.5-36. Remittance of Tax; Procedures; Deadline

6-6-2.5-37. Costs of Collection, Reporting, and Remittance; Retention of Portion of Remittance; Amount; Failure to Report or Remit on Time

6-6-2.5-38. Duties and Responsibilities of Supplier in Collection of Tax; Liability

6-6-2.5-39. Consumption of Tax-Exempt Dyed or Marked Fuel for Nonexempt Purpose; Remittance of Tax

6-6-2.5-40. Transportation of Special Fuel; Requirements and Procedures; Violations

6-6-2.5-41. Licenses

6-6-2.5-42. Application for License; Form and Content; Investigation

6-6-2.5-43. Repealed

6-6-2.5-44. Surety Bond or Cash Deposit; Filing by Applicants

6-6-2.5-45. Disclosure of Financial Records; Increase in Bond or Cash Deposit

6-6-2.5-46. Filing of New Bond; Conditions; Cancellation of License; Reduction of Cash Deposit by Judgment; Additional Deposit

6-6-2.5-47. Deposit Insufficient to Ensure Payment; Written Demand to File New Bond; Requirements; Cancellation of License

6-6-2.5-48. Release of Surety From Liability; Written Request; Notice; Cancellation

6-6-2.5-49. Denial of License; Hearing; Notice

6-6-2.5-50. Issuance of License

6-6-2.5-51. Validity of License

6-6-2.5-52. Transfer of License; Prohibition

6-6-2.5-53. Display of License at Place of Business

6-6-2.5-54. Discontinuance of Business; Surrender of License

6-6-2.5-55. Notice of Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Business; Content; Liability

6-6-2.5-56. Repealed

6-6-2.5-56.5. Suppliers, Permissive Suppliers, and Licensed Importers; Reporting Requirements; Violations

6-6-2.5-57. Terminal Operators; Reporting Requirements; Inventory Records

6-6-2.5-58. Final Report Upon Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Business or Revocation of License; Payment of Taxes and Penalties

6-6-2.5-59. Exporters; Reporting Requirements

6-6-2.5-60. Transporters; Reporting Requirements; Failure to Report; Penalty; Waiver of Report

6-6-2.5-61. Composite and Modified Reports

6-6-2.5-62. Special Fuel Restrictions; Violations; Exemptions

6-6-2.5-63. Failure of Suppliers, Permissive Suppliers, Importers, and Blenders to Collect or Timely Remit Tax; Penalties

6-6-2.5-64. Civil Penalties; Exemption

6-6-2.5-65. Shipping Documents; Violations; Impoundment, Seizure, and Sale of Vehicle; Evidence; Release

6-6-2.5-66. Listed Tax

6-6-2.5-67. Use of Tax Revenues

6-6-2.5-68. Deposit of Revenue

6-6-2.5-69. Class Actions for Refund of Tax; Prerequisites

6-6-2.5-70. Inspections

6-6-2.5-71. Sealing Special Fuel or Kerosene Pump; Compliance; Penalty

6-6-2.5-72. Reports; Electronic Filing