Indiana Code
Chapter 1.1. Gasoline Tax
6-6-1.1-607. Monthly Accounting of All Gasoline Delivered to or Withdrawn From Refinery or Terminal; Lessor Report of Leased Storage Space

Sec. 607. (a) Every person owning or operating a refinery or terminal in Indiana shall, on forms prescribed by the administrator, make a monthly accounting to the administrator of all gasoline withdrawn from a refinery or terminal, and all gasoline delivered to and withdrawn from any terminal, whether or not the fuel is owned by the owner or operator.
(b) Every person owning or operating a refinery or terminal in Indiana who leases storage space in that refinery or terminal for gasoline to another person shall on forms prescribed by the administrator make a monthly accounting to the administrator with respect to the leased storage space. The report shall show the following:
(1) The name of the lessee.
(2) The volume of storage space that is leased.
(3) The volume of gasoline existing in that storage space at the beginning and end of the month.
(4) The monthly throughput which is:
(A) the total volume of gasoline put into the storage space during the month; and
(B) the total volume of gasoline removed from the storage space during the month.
As added by Acts 1979, P.L.79, SEC.1. Amended by Acts 1980, P.L.51, SEC.31; P.L.69-1991, SEC.10.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 1.1. Gasoline Tax

6-6-1.1-101. Short Title

6-6-1.1-102. Application of Definitions and Rules of Construction

6-6-1.1-103. Definitions

6-6-1.1-104. Rules of Construction

6-6-1.1-105. Citation to Prior Law

6-6-1.1-201. Rate and Burden of Tax

6-6-1.1-201.5. Repealed

6-6-1.1-202. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline; Withdrawal From Refinery or Terminal

6-6-1.1-203. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Storage

6-6-1.1-204. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Use Directly From Transport

6-6-1.1-205. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Transport by Licensed Distributor

6-6-1.1-206. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline Produced or Blended

6-6-1.1-207. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline Not Covered by Ic 6-6-1.1-202 Through Ic 6-6-1.1-206

6-6-1.1-208. Imported Gasoline; Motor Vehicle Fuel Supply Tanks; Exemption

6-6-1.1-209. Inventory Tax; Imposition; Computation; Listed Tax

6-6-1.1-301. Exemptions

6-6-1.1-302. Application for Exemption Permit; Persons Eligible

6-6-1.1-303. Application for Exemption Permit; Form; Fee

6-6-1.1-304. Application for Exemption Permit; Investigation

6-6-1.1-305. Exemption Permit Holders; Issuance of Certificate to Distributors

6-6-1.1-401. License to Distributor; Requirement

6-6-1.1-402. License to Distributor; Application; Contents

6-6-1.1-403. License to Distributor; Denial; Grounds; Hearing

6-6-1.1-404. License to Distributor; Foreign Corporations

6-6-1.1-405. License to Distributor; Financial Statement; Fee

6-6-1.1-405.5. Investigations to Enforce Chapter

6-6-1.1-406. License to Distributor; Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit

6-6-1.1-407. Bond or Letter of Credit of Distributor Unsatisfactory; Reduction of Cash Deposit

6-6-1.1-408. Amount of Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit Insufficient; New Requirements; Cancellation of Certificate

6-6-1.1-409. Release of Surety of Distributor's Bond or Institution Issuing Letter of Credit; Retaining Cash Deposit; Notice; Cancellation of License

6-6-1.1-410. Financial Statements; Increased Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit Amounts

6-6-1.1-411. Temporary License; Investigation; Conditions and Requirements

6-6-1.1-412. Permanent License; Minimum Gallonage

6-6-1.1-413. No Permanent License; Insufficient Gallonage

6-6-1.1-414. License Nonassignable; New License Required

6-6-1.1-415. Cancellation of Distributor's License; Grounds; Notice; Hearing

6-6-1.1-416. Cancellation of License on Distributor's Request; Requisites

6-6-1.1-417. Cancellation of Distributor's License for Inactiveness; Notice

6-6-1.1-418. Listing of Licensed Distributors; Index of Applications and Bonds

6-6-1.1-501. Monthly Reports to Determine Tax Liability; Itemized Contents

6-6-1.1-502. Monthly Payment of Tax Due; Computation

6-6-1.1-503. Repealed

6-6-1.1-504. Purchaser Other Than Licensed Distributor; Same Reports; Payment of Tax

6-6-1.1-505. Repealed

6-6-1.1-506. Repealed

6-6-1.1-507. Repealed

6-6-1.1-508. Repealed

6-6-1.1-509. Repealed

6-6-1.1-510. Repealed

6-6-1.1-511. Repealed

6-6-1.1-512. Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Notice to Administrator

6-6-1.1-513. Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Accrued Tax Liabilities Due and Payable

6-6-1.1-514. Sale or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Liability of Purchaser or Transferee for Any Accrued Unpaid Tax, Penalty, and Interest

6-6-1.1-515. Reports; Electronic Filing

6-6-1.1-601. Repealed

6-6-1.1-602. Repealed

6-6-1.1-603. Repealed

6-6-1.1-604. Repealed

6-6-1.1-605. Repealed

6-6-1.1-606. Monthly Reports of All Deliveries of Gasoline in and From Indiana; Forms; Contents

6-6-1.1-606.5. Registration and Licensure of Persons Transporting Gasoline in and From Indiana; Persons Qualified to Accept Delivery of Gasoline; Transporter Emblems; Language of Invoices or Manifests; Legitimate Diversion

6-6-1.1-606.6. Penalties; Improper Delivery of Gasoline

6-6-1.1-607. Monthly Accounting of All Gasoline Delivered to or Withdrawn From Refinery or Terminal; Lessor Report of Leased Storage Space

6-6-1.1-608. Waiver of Reports Required by Ic 6-6-1.1-606 and Ic 6-6-1.1-607; Time Limitations

6-6-1.1-701. Deduction for Exempted Gasoline

6-6-1.1-702. Sale or Exchange Agreement; Deduction

6-6-1.1-703. Sale of Tax Exempt Gasoline; Deduction

6-6-1.1-704. Refund or Deduction

6-6-1.1-705. Deduction for Evaporation, Shrinkage, Losses, and Tax Related Expenses

6-6-1.1-801. Tax Collected by Distributor as State Money in Trust; Liability; Use Restricted to Authorized Purposes

6-6-1.1-801.5. Tax Receipts; Transfer

6-6-1.1-802. Deposit of Tax Receipts

6-6-1.1-803. Refunds and Costs; Payment

6-6-1.1-804. Repealed

6-6-1.1-805. Motor Fuel Tax Fund; Transfer of Residue Balance to Highway Account

6-6-1.1-806. Repealed

6-6-1.1-901. Refund to Purchaser for Gasoline Lost or Destroyed; Limitations; Requisites; Distributor Excepted

6-6-1.1-902. Refund to Local Transit System; Interest

6-6-1.1-902.5. Refund to Rural Transit System; Interest

6-6-1.1-903. Refund for Tax Paid on Gasoline Purchased or Used for Designated Purposes; Interest

6-6-1.1-904. Repealed

6-6-1.1-904.1. Refund; Required Procedures

6-6-1.1-905. Repealed

6-6-1.1-906. Refunds or Credits; Rules and Regulations

6-6-1.1-907. Refund or Deduction; Payment of Tax in Error; Warrant; Payment; Requisites

6-6-1.1-908. Deduction in Lieu of Warrant for Payment of Refund

6-6-1.1-909. Gasoline Tax Refund Account

6-6-1.1-910. Class Action for Refund of Tax; Prerequisites

6-6-1.1-1001. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1002. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1003. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1004. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1005. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1006. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1007. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1008. Sealing Pumps; Impoundment of Vehicles or Tanks; Report of Meter Readings

6-6-1.1-1009. Cumulative Remedies

6-6-1.1-1101. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1102. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1103. Requests of Another State for Information

6-6-1.1-1104. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1105. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1106. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1107. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1108. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1109. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1110. Gallonage Totalizers; Sealing; Installation; Evidence

6-6-1.1-1201. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1202. Identification Markings on Transportation Equipment

6-6-1.1-1203. Separate Statement of Tax Rate on Sales or Delivery Slips, Bills, or Statements

6-6-1.1-1204. Political Subdivisions; Excise Tax Prohibited

6-6-1.1-1205. Criminal Proceedings; Precedence

6-6-1.1-1206. Suit Against State to Resolve Tax Dispute; Jurisdiction; Limitation

6-6-1.1-1301. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1302. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1303. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1304. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1305. Submission of False Information on Invoice to Support Refund or Credit; Forfeiture

6-6-1.1-1306. Fraudulent Procurement of Refund or Credit; Offense

6-6-1.1-1307. Submission of Multiple Invoices for Refund; Offense

6-6-1.1-1308. Failure to Pay Tax Collected to Administrator; Offense

6-6-1.1-1309. Distributor; Violations; Offense

6-6-1.1-1310. Use of Untaxed Gasoline; Offense

6-6-1.1-1311. Use or Sale in Indiana of Tax-Exempt Gasoline Purchased for Export; Offense; Tax Liability; Export Sales Excepted

6-6-1.1-1312. Reckless Violations; Offense

6-6-1.1-1313. Evasion of Tax; Offense

6-6-1.1-1314. Failure to Keep Books and Records; Penalty

6-6-1.1-1315. Failure to File Reports; Incomplete Reports; Civil Penalty

6-6-1.1-1316. Breaking Fuel Pump Seals; Failure to Report Meter Readings; Removing Post Signs; Failure to Notify; Offenses