Indiana Code
Chapter 1.1. Gasoline Tax
6-6-1.1-201.5. Repealed

As added by Acts 1980, P.L.10, SEC.7. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.88, SEC.5. Repealed by P.L.59-1985, SEC.37.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 1.1. Gasoline Tax

6-6-1.1-101. Short Title

6-6-1.1-102. Application of Definitions and Rules of Construction

6-6-1.1-103. Definitions

6-6-1.1-104. Rules of Construction

6-6-1.1-105. Citation to Prior Law

6-6-1.1-201. Rate and Burden of Tax

6-6-1.1-201.5. Repealed

6-6-1.1-202. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline; Withdrawal From Refinery or Terminal

6-6-1.1-203. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Storage

6-6-1.1-204. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Use Directly From Transport

6-6-1.1-205. Time Considered Received; Imported Gasoline; Transport by Licensed Distributor

6-6-1.1-206. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline Produced or Blended

6-6-1.1-207. Time Considered Received; In-State Gasoline Not Covered by Ic 6-6-1.1-202 Through Ic 6-6-1.1-206

6-6-1.1-208. Imported Gasoline; Motor Vehicle Fuel Supply Tanks; Exemption

6-6-1.1-209. Inventory Tax; Imposition; Computation; Listed Tax

6-6-1.1-301. Exemptions

6-6-1.1-302. Application for Exemption Permit; Persons Eligible

6-6-1.1-303. Application for Exemption Permit; Form; Fee

6-6-1.1-304. Application for Exemption Permit; Investigation

6-6-1.1-305. Exemption Permit Holders; Issuance of Certificate to Distributors

6-6-1.1-401. License to Distributor; Requirement

6-6-1.1-402. License to Distributor; Application; Contents

6-6-1.1-403. License to Distributor; Denial; Grounds; Hearing

6-6-1.1-404. License to Distributor; Foreign Corporations

6-6-1.1-405. License to Distributor; Financial Statement; Fee

6-6-1.1-405.5. Investigations to Enforce Chapter

6-6-1.1-406. License to Distributor; Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit

6-6-1.1-407. Bond or Letter of Credit of Distributor Unsatisfactory; Reduction of Cash Deposit

6-6-1.1-408. Amount of Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit Insufficient; New Requirements; Cancellation of Certificate

6-6-1.1-409. Release of Surety of Distributor's Bond or Institution Issuing Letter of Credit; Retaining Cash Deposit; Notice; Cancellation of License

6-6-1.1-410. Financial Statements; Increased Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit Amounts

6-6-1.1-411. Temporary License; Investigation; Conditions and Requirements

6-6-1.1-412. Permanent License; Minimum Gallonage

6-6-1.1-413. No Permanent License; Insufficient Gallonage

6-6-1.1-414. License Nonassignable; New License Required

6-6-1.1-415. Cancellation of Distributor's License; Grounds; Notice; Hearing

6-6-1.1-416. Cancellation of License on Distributor's Request; Requisites

6-6-1.1-417. Cancellation of Distributor's License for Inactiveness; Notice

6-6-1.1-418. Listing of Licensed Distributors; Index of Applications and Bonds

6-6-1.1-501. Monthly Reports to Determine Tax Liability; Itemized Contents

6-6-1.1-502. Monthly Payment of Tax Due; Computation

6-6-1.1-503. Repealed

6-6-1.1-504. Purchaser Other Than Licensed Distributor; Same Reports; Payment of Tax

6-6-1.1-505. Repealed

6-6-1.1-506. Repealed

6-6-1.1-507. Repealed

6-6-1.1-508. Repealed

6-6-1.1-509. Repealed

6-6-1.1-510. Repealed

6-6-1.1-511. Repealed

6-6-1.1-512. Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Notice to Administrator

6-6-1.1-513. Discontinuance, Sale, or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Accrued Tax Liabilities Due and Payable

6-6-1.1-514. Sale or Transfer of Distributor's Business; Liability of Purchaser or Transferee for Any Accrued Unpaid Tax, Penalty, and Interest

6-6-1.1-515. Reports; Electronic Filing

6-6-1.1-601. Repealed

6-6-1.1-602. Repealed

6-6-1.1-603. Repealed

6-6-1.1-604. Repealed

6-6-1.1-605. Repealed

6-6-1.1-606. Monthly Reports of All Deliveries of Gasoline in and From Indiana; Forms; Contents

6-6-1.1-606.5. Registration and Licensure of Persons Transporting Gasoline in and From Indiana; Persons Qualified to Accept Delivery of Gasoline; Transporter Emblems; Language of Invoices or Manifests; Legitimate Diversion

6-6-1.1-606.6. Penalties; Improper Delivery of Gasoline

6-6-1.1-607. Monthly Accounting of All Gasoline Delivered to or Withdrawn From Refinery or Terminal; Lessor Report of Leased Storage Space

6-6-1.1-608. Waiver of Reports Required by Ic 6-6-1.1-606 and Ic 6-6-1.1-607; Time Limitations

6-6-1.1-701. Deduction for Exempted Gasoline

6-6-1.1-702. Sale or Exchange Agreement; Deduction

6-6-1.1-703. Sale of Tax Exempt Gasoline; Deduction

6-6-1.1-704. Refund or Deduction

6-6-1.1-705. Deduction for Evaporation, Shrinkage, Losses, and Tax Related Expenses

6-6-1.1-801. Tax Collected by Distributor as State Money in Trust; Liability; Use Restricted to Authorized Purposes

6-6-1.1-801.5. Tax Receipts; Transfer

6-6-1.1-802. Deposit of Tax Receipts

6-6-1.1-803. Refunds and Costs; Payment

6-6-1.1-804. Repealed

6-6-1.1-805. Motor Fuel Tax Fund; Transfer of Residue Balance to Highway Account

6-6-1.1-806. Repealed

6-6-1.1-901. Refund to Purchaser for Gasoline Lost or Destroyed; Limitations; Requisites; Distributor Excepted

6-6-1.1-902. Refund to Local Transit System; Interest

6-6-1.1-902.5. Refund to Rural Transit System; Interest

6-6-1.1-903. Refund for Tax Paid on Gasoline Purchased or Used for Designated Purposes; Interest

6-6-1.1-904. Repealed

6-6-1.1-904.1. Refund; Required Procedures

6-6-1.1-905. Repealed

6-6-1.1-906. Refunds or Credits; Rules and Regulations

6-6-1.1-907. Refund or Deduction; Payment of Tax in Error; Warrant; Payment; Requisites

6-6-1.1-908. Deduction in Lieu of Warrant for Payment of Refund

6-6-1.1-909. Gasoline Tax Refund Account

6-6-1.1-910. Class Action for Refund of Tax; Prerequisites

6-6-1.1-1001. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1002. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1003. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1004. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1005. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1006. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1007. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1008. Sealing Pumps; Impoundment of Vehicles or Tanks; Report of Meter Readings

6-6-1.1-1009. Cumulative Remedies

6-6-1.1-1101. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1102. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1103. Requests of Another State for Information

6-6-1.1-1104. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1105. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1106. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1107. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1108. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1109. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1110. Gallonage Totalizers; Sealing; Installation; Evidence

6-6-1.1-1201. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1202. Identification Markings on Transportation Equipment

6-6-1.1-1203. Separate Statement of Tax Rate on Sales or Delivery Slips, Bills, or Statements

6-6-1.1-1204. Political Subdivisions; Excise Tax Prohibited

6-6-1.1-1205. Criminal Proceedings; Precedence

6-6-1.1-1206. Suit Against State to Resolve Tax Dispute; Jurisdiction; Limitation

6-6-1.1-1301. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1302. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1303. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1304. Repealed

6-6-1.1-1305. Submission of False Information on Invoice to Support Refund or Credit; Forfeiture

6-6-1.1-1306. Fraudulent Procurement of Refund or Credit; Offense

6-6-1.1-1307. Submission of Multiple Invoices for Refund; Offense

6-6-1.1-1308. Failure to Pay Tax Collected to Administrator; Offense

6-6-1.1-1309. Distributor; Violations; Offense

6-6-1.1-1310. Use of Untaxed Gasoline; Offense

6-6-1.1-1311. Use or Sale in Indiana of Tax-Exempt Gasoline Purchased for Export; Offense; Tax Liability; Export Sales Excepted

6-6-1.1-1312. Reckless Violations; Offense

6-6-1.1-1313. Evasion of Tax; Offense

6-6-1.1-1314. Failure to Keep Books and Records; Penalty

6-6-1.1-1315. Failure to File Reports; Incomplete Reports; Civil Penalty

6-6-1.1-1316. Breaking Fuel Pump Seals; Failure to Report Meter Readings; Removing Post Signs; Failure to Notify; Offenses