Indiana Code
Chapter 39. Economic Development Districts
6-1.1-39-9. Industrial Development Program Obligations; Ordinance; Proceeds of Obligation

Sec. 9. (a) The fiscal body of a unit may by ordinance authorize the issuance of obligations to the department of commerce under IC 4-4-8 (before its repeal) or to the Indiana economic development corporation under IC 5-28-9 payable solely from taxes allocated under section 5 of this chapter. Any obligations issued and payable from taxes allocated under section 5 of this chapter are not general obligations of the unit that established the economic development district under this chapter.
(b) The economic development district created by a unit under this chapter is a special taxing district authorized by the general assembly to enable the unit to provide special benefits to taxpayers in the economic development district by providing local public improvements that are of public use and benefit.
(c) The ordinance of a unit authorizing the issuance of obligations must contain a finding of the fiscal body that the proposed industrial development program:
(1) constitutes a local public improvement;
(2) provides special benefits to property owners in the district; and
(3) will be of public use and benefit.
(d) Proceeds of obligations issued under this section, IC 4-4-8 (before its repeal), and IC 5-28-9 may be used to pay for the following:
(1) The cost of local public improvements.
(2) Interest on the obligations for the period of construction of the local public improvements plus one (1) year after completion of construction.
(3) Reasonable debt service reserves.
(4) Costs of issuance of the obligations.
(5) Any other reasonable and necessary expenses related to issuance of the obligations.
As added by P.L.19-1988, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.4-2005, SEC.48; P.L.146-2008, SEC.298.