Indiana Code
Chapter 39. Economic Development Districts
6-1.1-39-2. Designation of Unit Area as District; Adoption of Declaratory Ordinance

Sec. 2. (a) If the fiscal body of a unit finds that:
(1) in order to promote opportunities for the gainful employment of its citizens, the attraction of a new business enterprise to the unit, the retention or expansion of a business enterprise existing within the boundaries of the unit, or the preservation or enhancement of the tax base of the unit, an area under the fiscal body's jurisdiction should be declared an economic development district;
(2) the public health and welfare of the unit will be benefited by designating the area as an economic development district; and
(3) there has been proposed a qualified industrial development project to be located in the economic development district, with the proposal supported by:
(A) financial and economic data; and
(B) preliminary commitments by business enterprises, associations, state or federal governmental units, or similar entities that evidence a reasonable likelihood that the proposed qualified industrial development project will be initiated and accomplished;
the fiscal body may on or before the adoption deadline determined under subsection (c), adopt an ordinance declaring the area to be an economic development district and declaring that the public health and welfare of the unit will be benefited by the designation.
(b) For the purpose of adopting an ordinance under subsection (a), it is sufficient to describe the boundaries of the area by its location in relation to public ways or streams or otherwise as determined by the fiscal body.
(c) The adoption deadline referred to in subsection (a) is determined in the following manner:
(1) The initial adoption deadline is December 31, 2011.
(2) Subject to subdivision (3), the initial adoption deadline and subsequent adoption deadlines are automatically extended in increments of five (5) years, so that adoption deadlines subsequent to the initial adoption deadline fall on December 31, 2016, and December 31 of each fifth year thereafter.
(3) At least one (1) year before the date of an adoption deadline determined under subdivision (2), the general assembly may enact a law that:
(A) terminates the automatic extension of adoption deadlines under subdivision (2); and
(B) specifically designates a particular date as the final adoption deadline.
As added by P.L.19-1985, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.24-1987, SEC.13; P.L.18-1992, SEC.23; P.L.25-1995, SEC.55; P.L.216-2005, SEC.5.