Indiana Code
Chapter 20. Procedures for Issuance of Bonds and Other Evidences of Indebtedness by Political Subdivisions
6-1.1-20-3.9. Eligibility to Vote on Public Question

Sec. 3.9. An individual who changes residence from a location within a school corporation to a location outside the school corporation less than thirty (30) days before an election under this chapter is not an eligible voter and may not vote on a public question.
As added by P.L.109-2021, SEC.75.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 20. Procedures for Issuance of Bonds and Other Evidences of Indebtedness by Political Subdivisions

6-1.1-20-0.5. Project Cost; Exception for Donations

6-1.1-20-0.7. Project Costs for a Political Subdivision Located in Hamilton County; Exemption for Money Segregated for Use in the Project

6-1.1-20-1. "Bonds"

6-1.1-20-1.1. "Controlled Project"

6-1.1-20-1.2. "Debt Service"

6-1.1-20-1.3. "Lease"

6-1.1-20-1.4. "Lease Rentals"

6-1.1-20-1.5. "Obligations"

6-1.1-20-1.6. "Property Taxes"

6-1.1-20-1.7. "Project"

6-1.1-20-1.8. "County Voter Registration Office"

6-1.1-20-1.9. "Registered Voter", "Eligible Voter", and "Owner of Property"

6-1.1-20-2. Lease Obligations and Issuance of Instruments Authorized

6-1.1-20-2.5. Allocation of Certain Project Costs

6-1.1-20-3. Repealed

6-1.1-20-3.1. Procedures to Be Completed by Political Subdivision Before Imposing Property Taxes for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Thresholds

6-1.1-20-3.2. Petition and Remonstrance Process for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects

6-1.1-20-3.3. Applicability of Other Statutes to Imposition of Property Taxes

6-1.1-20-3.4. Repealed

6-1.1-20-3.5. Procedures Required Before Imposing Property Taxes for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Thresholds; Petition Requesting Initiation of Referendum

6-1.1-20-3.6. Referendum Process for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Imposition of Property Taxes to Pay Debt Service

6-1.1-20-3.7. Political Subdivision Resolution to Apply Local Public Question Process if No Petition Requested the Application or in Certain Disaster, Accident, or Emergency Circumstances

6-1.1-20-3.8. Procedure for Initiating Referendum for Certain Projects When Petition and Remonstrance Process Would Otherwise Apply

6-1.1-20-3.9. Eligibility to Vote on Public Question

6-1.1-20-4. Repealed

6-1.1-20-5. Issuance of Bonds or Leases in Excess of $5,000; Objections by Taxpayers to Certain Bonds or Leases

6-1.1-20-6. Department of Local Government Finance Hearing on Taxpayers' Objections; Department Action; Appeal

6-1.1-20-7. Interest Rate in Excess of 8%; Approval by Department of Local Government Finance of Certain Bonds

6-1.1-20-7.5. Review and Approval by Department of Local Government Finance Not Required for Certain Bonds or Leases

6-1.1-20-8. Repealed

6-1.1-20-8.5. Repealed

6-1.1-20-9. Public Improvement Bonds, Ordinance, or Resolution; Construction Bidding

6-1.1-20-10. Restrictions on Promoting a Position on a Petition and Remonstrance

6-1.1-20-10.1. Restrictions on Promoting a Position on a Referendum

6-1.1-20-11. Standards; Validity of Signatures on Petition

6-1.1-20-12. Distribution of Levy Approved in Referendum