Indiana Code
Chapter 20. Procedures for Issuance of Bonds and Other Evidences of Indebtedness by Political Subdivisions
6-1.1-20-11. Standards; Validity of Signatures on Petition

Sec. 11. (a) This section applies to the determination of the validity of a signature on a document required for a petition and remonstrance procedure under this chapter.
(b) If:
(1) the validity of a signature is uncertain; and
(2) this section does not establish a standard to be applied in that case;
a reasonable doubt must be resolved in favor of the validity of the signature.
(c) Whenever the name of an individual, as printed or signed, contains a minor variation from the name of the individual as set forth in the relevant county records, the signature is considered valid.
(d) Whenever the residence address or mailing address of an individual contains a minor variation from the residence address or mailing address as set forth in the relevant county records, the signature is considered valid.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (c) or (d), if the residence address or mailing address of an individual contains a substantial variation from the residence address or mailing address as set forth in the relevant county records, the signature is considered invalid.
(f) If the signature of an individual does not substantially conform with the signature of the individual in the relevant county records, the signature is considered invalid. In determining whether a signature substantially conforms with an individual's in the relevant county records, consideration shall be given to whether that lack of conformity may reasonably be attributed to the age, disability, or impairment of the individual.
As added by P.L.162-2006, SEC.6.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 20. Procedures for Issuance of Bonds and Other Evidences of Indebtedness by Political Subdivisions

6-1.1-20-0.5. Project Cost; Exception for Donations

6-1.1-20-0.7. Project Costs for a Political Subdivision Located in Hamilton County; Exemption for Money Segregated for Use in the Project

6-1.1-20-1. "Bonds"

6-1.1-20-1.1. "Controlled Project"

6-1.1-20-1.2. "Debt Service"

6-1.1-20-1.3. "Lease"

6-1.1-20-1.4. "Lease Rentals"

6-1.1-20-1.5. "Obligations"

6-1.1-20-1.6. "Property Taxes"

6-1.1-20-1.7. "Project"

6-1.1-20-1.8. "County Voter Registration Office"

6-1.1-20-1.9. "Registered Voter", "Eligible Voter", and "Owner of Property"

6-1.1-20-2. Lease Obligations and Issuance of Instruments Authorized

6-1.1-20-2.5. Allocation of Certain Project Costs

6-1.1-20-3. Repealed

6-1.1-20-3.1. Procedures to Be Completed by Political Subdivision Before Imposing Property Taxes for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Thresholds

6-1.1-20-3.2. Petition and Remonstrance Process for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects

6-1.1-20-3.3. Applicability of Other Statutes to Imposition of Property Taxes

6-1.1-20-3.4. Repealed

6-1.1-20-3.5. Procedures Required Before Imposing Property Taxes for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Thresholds; Petition Requesting Initiation of Referendum

6-1.1-20-3.6. Referendum Process for Bonds or Lease for Certain Projects; Imposition of Property Taxes to Pay Debt Service

6-1.1-20-3.7. Political Subdivision Resolution to Apply Local Public Question Process if No Petition Requested the Application or in Certain Disaster, Accident, or Emergency Circumstances

6-1.1-20-3.8. Procedure for Initiating Referendum for Certain Projects When Petition and Remonstrance Process Would Otherwise Apply

6-1.1-20-3.9. Eligibility to Vote on Public Question

6-1.1-20-4. Repealed

6-1.1-20-5. Issuance of Bonds or Leases in Excess of $5,000; Objections by Taxpayers to Certain Bonds or Leases

6-1.1-20-6. Department of Local Government Finance Hearing on Taxpayers' Objections; Department Action; Appeal

6-1.1-20-7. Interest Rate in Excess of 8%; Approval by Department of Local Government Finance of Certain Bonds

6-1.1-20-7.5. Review and Approval by Department of Local Government Finance Not Required for Certain Bonds or Leases

6-1.1-20-8. Repealed

6-1.1-20-8.5. Repealed

6-1.1-20-9. Public Improvement Bonds, Ordinance, or Resolution; Construction Bidding

6-1.1-20-10. Restrictions on Promoting a Position on a Petition and Remonstrance

6-1.1-20-10.1. Restrictions on Promoting a Position on a Referendum

6-1.1-20-11. Standards; Validity of Signatures on Petition

6-1.1-20-12. Distribution of Levy Approved in Referendum