Indiana Code
Chapter 15. Procedures for Review and Appeal of Assessment and Correction of Errors
6-1.1-15-10. Pending Review; Effect on Tax Payment; Posting of Bond; Separate Assessed Value Record

Sec. 10. (a) If a petition for review to any board or a proceeding for judicial review in the tax court regarding an assessment or increase in assessment is pending, the taxes resulting from the assessment or increase in assessment are, notwithstanding the provisions of IC 6-1.1-22-9, not due until after the petition for review, or the proceeding for judicial review, is finally adjudicated and the assessment or increase in assessment is finally determined. However, even though a petition for review or a proceeding for judicial review is pending, the taxpayer shall pay taxes on the tangible property when the property tax installments come due, unless the collection of the taxes is enjoined under IC 33-26-6-2 pending a final determination in the proceeding for judicial review. The amount of taxes which the taxpayer is required to pay, pending the final determination of the assessment or increase in assessment, shall be based on:
(1) the assessed value reported by the taxpayer on the taxpayer's personal property return if a personal property assessment, or an increase in such an assessment, is involved; or
(2) an amount based on the immediately preceding year's assessment of real property if an assessment, or increase in assessment, of real property is involved.
(b) If the petition for review or the proceeding for judicial review is not finally determined by the last installment date for the taxes, the taxpayer, upon showing of cause by a taxing official or at the tax court's discretion, may be required to post a bond or provide other security in an amount not to exceed the taxes resulting from the contested assessment or increase in assessment.
(c) Each county auditor shall keep separate on the tax duplicate a record of that portion of the assessed value of property that is described in IC 6-1.1-17-0.5(b). When establishing rates and calculating state school support, the department of local government finance shall exclude from assessed value in the county the net assessed value of property kept separate on the tax duplicate by the county auditor under IC 6-1.1-17-0.5.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-31-6.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by Acts 1980, P.L.43, SEC.1; P.L.291-1985, SEC.7; P.L.63-1986, SEC.1; P.L.86-1995, SEC.3; P.L.291-2001, SEC.205; P.L.198-2001, SEC.49; P.L.1-2002, SEC.20; P.L.1-2004, SEC.17 and P.L.23-2004, SEC.18; P.L.219-2007, SEC.44; P.L.146-2008, SEC.139; P.L.137-2012, SEC.19.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 15. Procedures for Review and Appeal of Assessment and Correction of Errors

6-1.1-15-0.3. Transfer of Certain Petitions for Review to Indiana Board of Tax Review; Governing Law

6-1.1-15-0.5. "County Board"

6-1.1-15-0.6. Property Tax Assessment Repeals for Assessment Dates in 2002, 2003, or 2004; Filing Petition; Requirements

6-1.1-15-0.7. Holder of a Tax Sale Certificate; No Interest in Property for Purposes of Obtaining a Review or Bringing an Appeal

6-1.1-15-0.8. "Taxpayer"

6-1.1-15-1. Repealed

6-1.1-15-1.1. Taxpayer's Appeal of an Assessment; Exceptions; Prohibited Claims; Deadlines

6-1.1-15-1.2. Preliminary Informal Meeting; Hearing by County Board; Notice; Continuance; Withdraw of Appeal; Appraisal Not Required; Penalty

6-1.1-15-1.5. Authorization to Enter Into Agreements to Waive Review of an Assessment in an Allocation Area During the Term of Bonds or Lease Obligations Payable From Allocated Property Taxes

6-1.1-15-2. Repealed

6-1.1-15-2.1. Repealed

6-1.1-15-2.5. Agreed Waiver of a Determination by the County Board; Direct Submission to the Indiana Board; Stipulation of Assessed Value as Determined by an Independent Appraisal

6-1.1-15-3. Review by Indiana Board; Initiation by Petition of Taxpayer or County Assessor; Petition Deadline and Form; Appraisal Not Required; Decision; Denial of Refund Claim

6-1.1-15-4. Indiana Board Appeal Procedures; Determination

6-1.1-15-5. Rehearing; Judicial Review; Procedure

6-1.1-15-6. Record for Judicial Review

6-1.1-15-7. Repealed

6-1.1-15-8. Remand by Tax Court; Further Proceedings by Indiana Board; Referral; Petition for Order to Show Cause

6-1.1-15-9. Appeal of Determination After Further Proceedings

6-1.1-15-10. Pending Review; Effect on Tax Payment; Posting of Bond; Separate Assessed Value Record

6-1.1-15-10.5. Authorization to Establish a Property Tax Assessment Appeals Fund; Transfers to the Fund; Uses; Money Transferred to the Fund Is Disregarded in Determining a Taxing Unit's Property Tax Levy

6-1.1-15-10.7. Reimbursement of County Assessor for Defending Certain Appeals; Adoption of Ordinance

6-1.1-15-11. Repealed

6-1.1-15-12. Repealed

6-1.1-15-12.1. Correction of Certain Errors by County Auditor; Notification to Taxpayer; Challenge of County Auditor's Actions

6-1.1-15-12.5. Correction of Error on Township Assessor's Initiative

6-1.1-15-13. Repealed

6-1.1-15-14. Repealed

6-1.1-15-15. Class Action Suits

6-1.1-15-16. Evidence to Be Considered by County Board and Indiana Board of Tax Review

6-1.1-15-17. Repealed

6-1.1-15-17.1. Repealed

6-1.1-15-17.2. Repealed

6-1.1-15-17.3. Restrictions on Serving as a Tax Representative; Representation by a Relative or an Assessor-Appraiser; Power of Attorney Form

6-1.1-15-17.4. Certain Rule Void to Extent It Establishes Shelter Allowance for Residence

6-1.1-15-18. Repealed

6-1.1-15-19. Duty of a County Assessor to Send Quarterly Notices to the Fiscal Officers of a Taxing Unit Concerning Notices for Review Filed and Status of Taxpayer's Appeal

6-1.1-15-20. Assessment by an Assessing Official or County Board Presumed to Be True Tax Value; Five Percent Increase; Indiana Board