Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Deposit and Investment Powers
5-13-9-10. County Joint Investment Fund; Participating Political Subdivisions; Written Master Agreement; Administration of Board; Interest Payments

Sec. 10. (a) The investing officers of two (2) or more political subdivisions located within a county may establish a joint investment fund by entering into a written master agreement that defines the rights and obligations of the participating political subdivisions.
(b) An investing officer of a political subdivision that enters into a written master agreement under subsection (a) may pay funds that are held by the investing officer and that are available for investment into the joint investment fund.
(c) The fund shall be administered by a board, which must be comprised of the investing officer of each of the participating political subdivisions and which must be an instrumentality of the participating political subdivisions. Each officer of a political subdivision located within the county who is designated in section 1 of this chapter may pay funds that are held by the officer and available for investment into a joint fund known as a joint investment fund. The fund is administered by a board comprised of the investing officer of each of the participating political subdivisions and is an instrumentality of the participating political subdivisions.
(d) A joint investment fund must be invested and reinvested as a separate and individual fund. A joint investment fund may be invested or reinvested only in investments that are permitted for political subdivisions by this chapter.
(e) A written master agreement under subsection (a) must provide the following:
(1) A political subdivision may participate in a joint investment fund only with the written authorization of its local board of finance.
(2) A political subdivision may participate in a joint investment fund only if its legislative body approves the written master agreement.
(3) Subject to subsection (d), the board of a joint investment fund shall establish written policies for the investment and reinvestment of joint investment funds in the manner provided by IC 30-4-3-3.
(4) A fund shall be invested and reinvested as prescribed in subdivision (3).
(5) A custodian bank or trust company located in Indiana must:
(A) be selected and contracted by the board of a joint investment fund to hold the securities and other investments of the joint investment fund;
(B) collect the income and other receipts from the securities and other investments; and
(C) provide any other services appropriate and customary for a custodian;
subject to the direction of the board of a joint investment fund.
(6) The board of a joint investment fund may select and contract with a fund administrator to provide investment advice to the board and any other services determined by the board to be appropriate and necessary for the efficient administration and accounting of the joint investment fund. The fund administrator shall agree to recommend only securities and other investments as prescribed in the written policies established by the board in rendering investment advice to the board and shall agree to be responsible, accountable, and liable for any breach of this provision. The fund administrator must have experience in the investment of public funds for governmental entities and must be either of the following:
(A) A financial institution located in Indiana.
(B) Registered as an investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (15 U.S.C. 80a-9 et seq.), with public funds under management in the amount of at least one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000).
(7) A joint investment fund must be audited at least annually by an independent auditing firm, with a copy of the audit provided to each participating political subdivision.
(8) The administrative expenses of a joint investment fund, including fees for the fund administrator, custodian, auditor, and other professional services, must be paid from the fund's interest earnings.
(9) The interest earnings that exceed the administrative expenses of a joint investment fund must be credited to each political subdivision participating in the joint investment fund in a manner that equitably reflects the differing amounts and terms of the political subdivision's investment in the joint investment fund.
(10) Each participating political subdivision shall receive reports, including a daily transaction confirmation reflecting any activity in the political subdivision's account and monthly reports reflecting its investment activity in the joint investment fund and the performance and composition of the joint investment fund itself.
(11) The board of a joint investment fund shall meet at least annually to review the operation and performance of the joint investment fund, the custodian, the fund administrator, the auditor, and any other professional retained by the board.
(12) The board of a joint investment fund shall provide for any other policies that are necessary for the efficient administration and accounting of the joint investment fund and are consistent with the law governing the investment, management, deposit, and safekeeping of public funds of political subdivisions.
As added by P.L.224-2003, SEC.276. Amended by P.L.3-2008, SEC.27; P.L.115-2010, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 5. State and Local Administration

Article 13. Investment of Public Funds

Chapter 9. Deposit and Investment Powers

5-13-9-0.3. Legalization of Investment in Certain Public Funds

5-13-9-0.4. Legalization of Certain Investment of Public Funds

5-13-9-1. Investment Powers; Funds That May Be Invested

5-13-9-2. Investment of Funds Held in Securities; Cost in Excess of Par; Protecting Interest in Funds Invested; Legal Custodians; Safekeeping Receipts

5-13-9-2.4. Repealed

5-13-9-2.5. Permitted Investments; Limitations

5-13-9-3. Repurchase Agreements; Funds Held by Officer and Available for Investment; Obligations Held as Collateral

5-13-9-3.3. Investment of Funds in Obligations Issued, Assumed, or Guaranteed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Redevelopment or African Development Bank

5-13-9-3.5. Investment and Reinvestment of Funds; Participation in Loans; Lending Securities

5-13-9-4. Deposit, Investment, or Reinvestment of Funds in Transaction Accounts; Certificates of Deposit; Deposit Accounts

5-13-9-5. Authorization to Invest in Certificates of Deposit; Quotes From Depositories

5-13-9-5.3. Authorization to Invest in Interest Bearing Deposit Accounts; Conditions; Exemption From Security or Pledging Requirements

5-13-9-5.6. Final Maturity; Investment Policy

5-13-9-5.7. Political Subdivision Investment Policy

5-13-9-6. Interest Received From Investment; Deposit; Receipt; Reinvestment; Disposition

5-13-9-7. Repealed

5-13-9-8. Service Charges; Consideration in Computing Interest Rate; Payment by Direct Charge or From Interest Earned; Reporting by Political Subdivision

5-13-9-8.5. Designation as Public Funds

5-13-9-9. Prohibited Acts

5-13-9-10. County Joint Investment Fund; Participating Political Subdivisions; Written Master Agreement; Administration of Board; Interest Payments

5-13-9-11. Local Government Investment Pool