Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Duties in Civil Actions
4-6-3-6.5. Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Demand

Sec. 6.5. (a) This section applies only to a:
(1) foreign corporation that does business in Indiana;
(2) foreign limited liability company that does business in Indiana; and
(3) person who does not reside or maintain a principal place of business in Indiana.
(b) If a person listed in subsection (a) fails or refuses to comply with a written demand issued under section 3 of this chapter, the court may, upon the request of the attorney general or on the court's own initiative, impose one (1) or more of the following sanctions against the person:
(1) Granting injunctive relief to restrain the person from engaging in the:
(A) advertising or sale of any merchandise; or
(B) conducting of any trade or commerce;
if the alleged or suspected violation involves the merchandise, trade, or commerce.
(2) Revoking or suspending the certificate of authority of the person to do business in Indiana.
(3) Enjoining the person from doing business with or being a contractor for the state of Indiana.
(4) Revoking or suspending any other license, permit, or certificate issued under law to the person which is necessary to perform services or engage in transactions in the industry, field, or trade that the alleged or suspected violation under this chapter occurred.
(5) Granting other relief as may be required, until the person fully complies with the investigative demand.
As added by P.L.65-2014, SEC.2.