Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Licenses
4-32.3-4-8. Annual Affiliate License

Sec. 8. (a) Only a:
(1) bona fide national organization; and
(2) bona fide national foundation;
may apply for an annual affiliate license under this section.
(b) The commission may issue an annual affiliate license to a qualified organization described in subsection (a) if the qualified organization:
(1) submits an application; and
(2) pays the required fees under IC 4-32.3-6.
(c) The application must include the information the commission requires, including the following:
(1) The name and address of the organization.
(2) The names and addresses of the officers of the organization.
(3) The mailing address of each Indiana affiliate of the organization.
(4) An estimate of the number and approximate locations of the bingo events and raffles the organization's Indiana affiliates plan to conduct.
(5) The name of each proposed operator and sufficient facts relating to the proposed operator to enable the commission to determine whether the proposed operator is qualified.
(6) A sworn statement signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the organization attesting to the eligibility of the organization for a license, including the nonprofit character of the organization.
(d) An annual affiliate license:
(1) may authorize a qualified organization to conduct:
(A) bingo events; and
(B) raffles;
through the organization's Indiana affiliates on more than one (1) occasion during a one (1) year period;
(2) must state the expiration date of the license; and
(3) may be reissued annually upon the submission of an application for reissuance on a form prescribed by the commission after the qualified organization has paid the fee under IC 4-32.3-6.
(e) An Indiana affiliate of the qualified organization may not conduct an activity under an annual affiliate license until the affiliate has been in existence in Indiana for at least sixty (60) days.
(f) The following limitations apply to a qualified organization holding an annual affiliate license:
(1) The qualified organization may not conduct more than ten (10) activities under the annual affiliate license per week through any combination of its Indiana affiliates.
(2) The qualified organization or the Indiana affiliate of a qualified organization, except the Indiana affiliates that decline affiliate status, may not hold a single activity license for bingo or a raffle.
(g) A qualified organization conducting a bingo event or raffle shall provide notice to the commission at least twenty-one (21) days before the day of the allowable activity. Raffle tickets may not be sold before providing notice to the commission. The notice provided under this section must be on a form prescribed by the commission.
As added by P.L.58-2019, SEC.4.