Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Licenses
4-32.3-4-10. Out-of-State Charitable Organization License to Conduct a Single Raffle; Prohibitions

Sec. 10. (a) An out-of-state charitable organization:
(1) may apply for a license to conduct a single raffle; and
(2) is prohibited from conducting any other allowable activity.
(b) A raffle conducted under this section must occur:
(1) during a conference conducted by the out-of-state charitable organization; and
(2) at a designated Indiana convention center, as defined by IC 36-10-1-5, or at a location approved by the executive director.
(c) The members of an out-of-state charitable organization may conduct a raffle under this section without meeting the requirements of IC 4-32.3-5-13 concerning the membership of a qualified organization.
As added by P.L.58-2019, SEC.4.