Indiana Code
Chapter 27. Governor's Workforce Cabinet
4-3-27-17. Course Catalog for Lifelong Learning; Links on Web Sites

Sec. 17. (a) The cabinet may establish a course catalog which must be maintained on the cabinet's Internet web site with links to the course catalog maintained on the department of workforce development's Internet web site and the commission for higher education's Internet web site. The course catalog shall be known as the course catalog for lifelong learning. The course catalog shall list all:
(1) work based learning, preapprenticeship, and apprenticeship opportunities in Indiana; and
(2) providers that are eligible to receive high value workforce ready grants described under IC 21-12-8.
(b) The cabinet may list the cost of each course or experience in the catalog as well as a link on the cabinet's Internet web site to allow an individual to enroll in a particular course or experience.
As added by P.L.216-2021, SEC.2.