Indiana Code
Chapter 36. Barrett Law Funding for Counties and Municipalities
36-9-36-65. Special Assessments to Pay Improvement Costs; Issuance of Anticipatory Certificates

Sec. 65. (a) This section applies only to municipalities.
(b) In addition to issuing bonds and certificates of indebtedness under section 62 of this chapter, a unit may pay the unit's part of the cost of an improvement from a fund raised by special assessments against all of the lands and lots in the unit. The unit comprises a special assessment district for that purpose.
(c) The following apply to special assessments under this section:
(1) The special assessments shall be levied in proportion to the value of the land or lots, excluding the value of improvements on the land or lots, as the land or lots are assessed for general taxation.
(2) The special assessments shall be levied annually at the time of the levy of general taxes. The levy must be for the amount necessary to pay the cost, with interest, of all work done during the year for which the special assessments are levied.
(3) The special assessments are payable at the time of payment of general taxes.
(d) The fund raised under this section is a specific fund to be held and used only for the purpose prescribed by this section.
(e) In anticipation of the collection of the special assessments, certificates in denominations not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) shall be issued under a resolution adopted by the works board in the name of the unit. The fiscal officer shall sell the certificates or deliver the certificates to the contractor, as directed by the works board.
(f) The certificates entitle the holder to the amounts named in the certificates when a fund for redemption of the certificates has been collected. The certificates are negotiable instruments. One-half (1/2) of the certificates are payable on June 30 of the year after the special assessments for payment of the certificates have been made, and the remaining one-half (1/2) are payable on December 31 of that year. The certificates must be dated as of the date of the final acceptance of the improvement and may bear interest at any rate.
As added by P.L.98-1993, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 36. Barrett Law Funding for Counties and Municipalities

36-9-36-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-36-2. Authorized Improvements

36-9-36-3. Limitations on Authorized Improvements; Location of Improvement; Water Main Extensions

36-9-36-4. Preliminary Resolutions; Cross-Sections, Plans, and Specifications

36-9-36-5. Estimate of Costs; Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs

36-9-36-6. Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs; Inclusion on Assessment Roll

36-9-36-7. Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs; Inclusion in Contracts; Subrogation Rights of Contractor

36-9-36-8. Notice of Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Publication; Mailing to Property Owners

36-9-36-9. Estimate of Maximum Cost

36-9-36-9.5. Assessments; Installment Payments

36-9-36-10. Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Determination of Special Benefits Accruing to Property

36-9-36-11. Levy of Special Assessments; Improvement Cost as Maximum Amount of Assessment; Improvement Cost Payable by Unit

36-9-36-12. Allowances Against Assessment and Contract Price

36-9-36-13. Confirmation, Modification, or Rescission of Preliminary Resolution

36-9-36-14. Remonstrances and Appeals

36-9-36-15. Objections to Final Resolution; Filing; Bond; Prior Assessments

36-9-36-16. Court Hearing on Objections to Final Resolution

36-9-36-17. Construction or Repair of Sidewalks and Curbs; Notice to Abutting Property Owner of Order Requiring Construction or Repair

36-9-36-18. Contracting by Works Board for Construction or Repair of Sidewalk or Curb

36-9-36-19. Levy and Collection of Assessments for Construction or Repair of Sidewalk or Curb

36-9-36-20. Improvements on Streets Occupied by Railroad Tracks; Procedure

36-9-36-21. Roadway Grading; Assessment

36-9-36-22. Advertisement for Bids; Opening and Consideration of Bids

36-9-36-23. Bid Bond or Deposit

36-9-36-24. Contracts; Scope; Actions to Enjoin Performance

36-9-36-25. Contractor's Guarantee

36-9-36-26. Repairs by Contractor

36-9-36-27. Monthly Payments to Contractor

36-9-36-28. Completed Improvements; Acceptance; Cost Estimates

36-9-36-29. Assessments; Abutting Lands or Lots; Street and Alley Intersections

36-9-36-30. Assessments; Basis; Back Lots; Platted Subdivisions

36-9-36-31. Preparation of Assessment Roll

36-9-36-32. Presumptive Finality of Assessments; Publication of Notice

36-9-36-33. Remonstrance Hearings; Final Determination of Assessments

36-9-36-34. Completion and Delivery of Assessment Roll; Appeals

36-9-36-35. Delivery of Primary Assessment Roll; Payment of Assessments to Disbursing Officer

36-9-36-36. Assessment Installments; Notice When Due

36-9-36-37. Cash Payment of Assessments; Interest on Delinquencies

36-9-36-38. Appeal of Assessment; Payment by Property Owner Following Court Certification

36-9-36-39. Appeal of Assessment; Payment of Part Ordered to Be Assessed Against Unit

36-9-36-40. Assessment Liens

36-9-36-41. Installment Payment Procedure; Proceeds Constituting Special Fund for Payment of Improvement; Diversion Prohibited

36-9-36-42. Notice; Payments to Bond Owner; Process Collectable by Fiscal Officer

36-9-36-43. Delinquent Installments; Acceleration; Foreclosure of Lien; Notice of Delinquency

36-9-36-44. Bonds in Anticipation of Assessment Proceeds; Authorization

36-9-36-45. Bonds; Date; Tax Exemption

36-9-36-46. Bonds; Maturation; Interest Rate

36-9-36-47. Transfer of Assessment Liens to Bond Owners

36-9-36-48. Bond Owners; Foreclosure Actions; Procedure

36-9-36-49. Sale of Property Following Foreclosure Action; Amount

36-9-36-50. Negotiability of Bonds

36-9-36-51. Foreclosure Actions by Contractors

36-9-36-52. Foreclosure Actions; Complaint; Proof

36-9-36-53. Foreclosure Actions; Defenses

36-9-36-54. Foreclosure Actions; Amount of Recovery; Sale Procedure

36-9-36-55. Foreclosure Sales; Irregularities; Redemption

36-9-36-56. Foreclosure Actions; Parties; Appearances; Disposition of Proceeds

36-9-36-57. Foreclosure Actions; Payment of Judgment; Costs and Attorney's Fees; Decree

36-9-36-58. Foreclosure Actions; Copy of Complaint Forwarded to Disbursing Officer; Certification to Disbursing Officer of Dismissals and Sheriff's Sales

36-9-36-59. Foreclosure Actions; Suspension of Collection of Assessments

36-9-36-60. Reduction of Installments

36-9-36-61. Disposition of Foreclosure Proceeds Contrary to Chapter

36-9-36-62. Improvement Costs to Be Paid by Unit; Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness

36-9-36-63. Certificates of Indebtedness Issued Under Ic 36-9-36-62; Authorization; Interest; Payment; Maturity Date

36-9-36-64. Funding for Payment of Certificates of Indebtedness; Special Tax Levy

36-9-36-65. Special Assessments to Pay Improvement Costs; Issuance of Anticipatory Certificates

36-9-36-66. Correction of Defects and Irregularities

36-9-36-67. Surface Improvements on Public Ways; Performance by Municipality; Procedure