Indiana Code
Chapter 36. Barrett Law Funding for Counties and Municipalities
36-9-36-4. Preliminary Resolutions; Cross-Sections, Plans, and Specifications

Sec. 4. (a) If the works board of a unit wants to make an improvement under this chapter, the works board must first do the following:
(1) Adopt a preliminary resolution for the improvement.
(2) Adopt and place on file cross-sections, general plans, and specifications for the work at the time the preliminary resolution is adopted.
(b) This subsection does not apply to a county. The cross-sections, plans, and specifications filed under subsection (a) must conform to any paving standards adopted by the works board, unless engineering practice justifies a different design.
As added by P.L.98-1993, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 36. Barrett Law Funding for Counties and Municipalities

36-9-36-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-36-2. Authorized Improvements

36-9-36-3. Limitations on Authorized Improvements; Location of Improvement; Water Main Extensions

36-9-36-4. Preliminary Resolutions; Cross-Sections, Plans, and Specifications

36-9-36-5. Estimate of Costs; Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs

36-9-36-6. Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs; Inclusion on Assessment Roll

36-9-36-7. Incidental, Inspection, and Engineering Costs; Inclusion in Contracts; Subrogation Rights of Contractor

36-9-36-8. Notice of Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Publication; Mailing to Property Owners

36-9-36-9. Estimate of Maximum Cost

36-9-36-9.5. Assessments; Installment Payments

36-9-36-10. Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Determination of Special Benefits Accruing to Property

36-9-36-11. Levy of Special Assessments; Improvement Cost as Maximum Amount of Assessment; Improvement Cost Payable by Unit

36-9-36-12. Allowances Against Assessment and Contract Price

36-9-36-13. Confirmation, Modification, or Rescission of Preliminary Resolution

36-9-36-14. Remonstrances and Appeals

36-9-36-15. Objections to Final Resolution; Filing; Bond; Prior Assessments

36-9-36-16. Court Hearing on Objections to Final Resolution

36-9-36-17. Construction or Repair of Sidewalks and Curbs; Notice to Abutting Property Owner of Order Requiring Construction or Repair

36-9-36-18. Contracting by Works Board for Construction or Repair of Sidewalk or Curb

36-9-36-19. Levy and Collection of Assessments for Construction or Repair of Sidewalk or Curb

36-9-36-20. Improvements on Streets Occupied by Railroad Tracks; Procedure

36-9-36-21. Roadway Grading; Assessment

36-9-36-22. Advertisement for Bids; Opening and Consideration of Bids

36-9-36-23. Bid Bond or Deposit

36-9-36-24. Contracts; Scope; Actions to Enjoin Performance

36-9-36-25. Contractor's Guarantee

36-9-36-26. Repairs by Contractor

36-9-36-27. Monthly Payments to Contractor

36-9-36-28. Completed Improvements; Acceptance; Cost Estimates

36-9-36-29. Assessments; Abutting Lands or Lots; Street and Alley Intersections

36-9-36-30. Assessments; Basis; Back Lots; Platted Subdivisions

36-9-36-31. Preparation of Assessment Roll

36-9-36-32. Presumptive Finality of Assessments; Publication of Notice

36-9-36-33. Remonstrance Hearings; Final Determination of Assessments

36-9-36-34. Completion and Delivery of Assessment Roll; Appeals

36-9-36-35. Delivery of Primary Assessment Roll; Payment of Assessments to Disbursing Officer

36-9-36-36. Assessment Installments; Notice When Due

36-9-36-37. Cash Payment of Assessments; Interest on Delinquencies

36-9-36-38. Appeal of Assessment; Payment by Property Owner Following Court Certification

36-9-36-39. Appeal of Assessment; Payment of Part Ordered to Be Assessed Against Unit

36-9-36-40. Assessment Liens

36-9-36-41. Installment Payment Procedure; Proceeds Constituting Special Fund for Payment of Improvement; Diversion Prohibited

36-9-36-42. Notice; Payments to Bond Owner; Process Collectable by Fiscal Officer

36-9-36-43. Delinquent Installments; Acceleration; Foreclosure of Lien; Notice of Delinquency

36-9-36-44. Bonds in Anticipation of Assessment Proceeds; Authorization

36-9-36-45. Bonds; Date; Tax Exemption

36-9-36-46. Bonds; Maturation; Interest Rate

36-9-36-47. Transfer of Assessment Liens to Bond Owners

36-9-36-48. Bond Owners; Foreclosure Actions; Procedure

36-9-36-49. Sale of Property Following Foreclosure Action; Amount

36-9-36-50. Negotiability of Bonds

36-9-36-51. Foreclosure Actions by Contractors

36-9-36-52. Foreclosure Actions; Complaint; Proof

36-9-36-53. Foreclosure Actions; Defenses

36-9-36-54. Foreclosure Actions; Amount of Recovery; Sale Procedure

36-9-36-55. Foreclosure Sales; Irregularities; Redemption

36-9-36-56. Foreclosure Actions; Parties; Appearances; Disposition of Proceeds

36-9-36-57. Foreclosure Actions; Payment of Judgment; Costs and Attorney's Fees; Decree

36-9-36-58. Foreclosure Actions; Copy of Complaint Forwarded to Disbursing Officer; Certification to Disbursing Officer of Dismissals and Sheriff's Sales

36-9-36-59. Foreclosure Actions; Suspension of Collection of Assessments

36-9-36-60. Reduction of Installments

36-9-36-61. Disposition of Foreclosure Proceeds Contrary to Chapter

36-9-36-62. Improvement Costs to Be Paid by Unit; Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness

36-9-36-63. Certificates of Indebtedness Issued Under Ic 36-9-36-62; Authorization; Interest; Payment; Maturity Date

36-9-36-64. Funding for Payment of Certificates of Indebtedness; Special Tax Levy

36-9-36-65. Special Assessments to Pay Improvement Costs; Issuance of Anticipatory Certificates

36-9-36-66. Correction of Defects and Irregularities

36-9-36-67. Surface Improvements on Public Ways; Performance by Municipality; Procedure