Indiana Code
Chapter 29.1. Flood Control District in Marion County
36-9-29.1-15. Additional Tax Levy; Flood Control Maintenance and General Expense Fund; Temporary Loans; Insufficient Funds

Sec. 15. (a) For the purpose of:
(1) providing for the payment of all general expenses of the board, including salaries of officers and employees and other items of expense not properly chargeable into the cost of any property acquired or work done under any resolution of the board for which flood control district bonds are issued; and
(2) providing for the operation, maintenance, and repair of any levees, dikes, retaining walls, reservoirs, drains, and other works and improvements in or along any watercourse designed to prevent damage and injury through floods, and other permanent works constructed, including the repair and maintenance of equipment or the performance of any duty imposed by this chapter;
a tax of not exceeding one and thirty-three hundredths cents ($0.0133) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in the district as it appears on the tax duplicates, in addition to all other taxes, shall be levied annually by the city-county legislative body for flood control purposes. The county auditor shall estimate the taxes and enter them upon the tax duplicate, and the county treasurer shall collect and enforce the taxes, in the same manner as state and county taxes are estimated, entered, collected, and enforced.
(b) The county treasurer shall, between the first and tenth days of each month, notify the board of the amount of such taxes collected for flood control purposes during the preceding month, and upon the date of notification the county treasurer shall credit an account to be known as the "flood control maintenance and general expense fund" with such amount of taxes for flood control purposes as may have been collected at that time. The fund shall be used and expended only for the purposes prescribed by this chapter. The board may expend on behalf of the district all sums of money thus realized. Warrants for these expenditures shall be drawn by the fiscal officer of the consolidated city upon the vouchers of the board.
(c) The board may by resolution authorize and make temporary loans in anticipation of revenues actually levied under this section, which loans mature and shall be paid within one (1) year from the date of the making of the loan, with interest payable at the maturity of the loan. The warrants or other evidence of these loans shall be sold for not less than par, and before the making of the loan, notice of the time, place, amount, and terms of making of the loan shall be given by publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1. The warrants import no personal obligation for their payment and are payable only out of the tax so levied.
(d) All money remaining in any of the funds to the credit of the board at the end of the calendar year continues to belong to these funds respectively, to be used by the board for the respective purposes for which the funds are created. All funds raised under this section shall be deposited at interest with the depository or depositories of other public funds of the consolidated city, and all interest collected on them belongs to them.
(e) In the event that the revenues in the "flood control maintenance and general expense fund" of the district are at any time insufficient, the consolidated city may appropriate money out of its general fund for the use and benefit of the district, which amount so appropriated and used shall be returned and repaid to the city out of the first available funds by the board.
As added by Acts 1982, P.L.77, SEC.24. Amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.229.