Indiana Code
Chapter 29.1. Flood Control District in Marion County
36-9-29.1-12. Flood Control District Bonds

Sec. 12. (a) For the purpose of raising money to pay for the property and the construction, and in anticipation of the special tax to be levied as provided in section 14 of this chapter, the board may cause to be issued, in the name of the consolidated city, the bonds of the flood control district, not to exceed the amount of the estimated total cost of all lands, rights-of-way, and other property so to be acquired and the estimated cost of all work or construction as provided for in the resolution, and including all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the proceedings, together with a sum sufficient to pay the cost of supervision and inspection during the period of construction of the work.
(b) The expenses to be covered in the amount of the bond issue must include all expenses of every kind actually incurred preliminary to the acquiring of the property and the construction of the work, such as the cost of necessary records, engineering expenses, publication of notices, salaries, and other expenses necessary to be incurred before and in connection with the acquiring of the property, the amending of the contract, and the sale of bonds.
(c) In case different parcels of land are to be acquired, or more than one (1) contract for work is amended, at approximately the same time, whether under one (1) or more resolutions, the board may provide for the estimated total cost of these items in one (1) issue of bonds.
(d) The bonds shall be issued in accordance with IC 36-3-5-8.
(e) The bonds are negotiable instruments and bear interest payable semiannually, on the first days of January and July of each year, with the first interest to be payable on July 1 preceding the maturity of the first series of the bonds.
(f) On adopting a resolution ordering the bonds, the board shall certify a copy of it to the fiscal officer of the consolidated city, who shall prepare the bonds. The bonds shall be executed by the city executive and attested by the fiscal officer.
(g) The bonds are exempt from taxation as provided by IC 6-8-5.
(h) All bonds issued by the board shall be sold by the city fiscal officer in accordance with IC 5-1-11.
(i) Bonds of the flood control district payable by special taxation may not be issued when the total issue for that purpose, including the bonds already issued and to be issued, exceeds two percent (2%) of the adjusted value of the taxable property within the district as determined under IC 36-1-15. All bonds or obligations issued in violation of this subsection are void.
(j) The bonds are not, in any respect, a corporate obligation or indebtedness of the consolidated city, but constitute an indebtedness of the flood control district as a special taxing district, and the bonds and interest on them are payable only out of a special tax levy upon all the property of the district. The bonds must recite these terms upon their face, together with the purpose for which they are issued.
(k) An action to question the validity of any bonds issued for the flood control district or to prevent their issue must be brought before the date set for the sale of the bonds, and all bonds, from and after that date, are incontestable for any reason.
As added by Acts 1982, P.L.77, SEC.24. Amended by P.L.27-1986, SEC.7; P.L.6-1997, SEC.228.