Sec. 24. (a) A fund member may designate one (1) or more beneficiaries to receive in a lump sum the fund member's contributions plus interest at a rate determined by the system board if the fund member dies:
(1) without receiving a retirement benefit under sections 10 and 11 of this chapter;
(2) without receiving a disability benefit under section 13.3 or 13.5 of this chapter;
(3) without a survivor entitled to receive a benefit under section 13.8, 13.9, or 14.1 of this chapter; and
(4) without the system board returning the fund member's contributions under section 8 of this chapter.
(b) A fund member who chooses to designate one (1) or more beneficiaries under this section shall file the fund member's designation with the system board on a form prescribed by the system board.
(c) The system board shall adopt rules to allow a fund member who designates more than one (1) beneficiary to allocate the contributions and interest paid in percentage increments.
(d) Whenever a fund member does not designate a beneficiary under this section and has no survivors entitled to receive a benefit under section 13.8, 13.9, or 14.1 of this chapter, the system board shall refund to the fund member's estate:
(1) the fund member's contributions; plus
(2) interest at a rate determined by the system board.
As added by P.L.23-2010, SEC.4; P.L.62-2010, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.35-2012, SEC.141.
Structure Indiana Code
Chapter 8. 1977 Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension and Disability Fund
36-8-8-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter
36-8-8-1. Application of Chapter
36-8-8-1.5. "Electronic Funds Transfer"
36-8-8-2.5. Qualification of 1977 Fund Under Internal Revenue Code
36-8-8-2.6. Administration of Fund
36-8-8-3. Participation by Units; Longevity Increases
36-8-8-4. Fund Established; Managed by System Board
36-8-8-5. System Board; Powers and Duties; Appeals; Personnel; Confidentiality of Fund Records
36-8-8-6. Employer Contributions; Reports and Records
36-8-8-6.5. Submission of Salary
36-8-8-7. Membership in Fund; Reemployment With Participating Employer
36-8-8-7.2. Fire Chief or Police Chief Transfer of Service Credit to Perf
36-8-8-8. Employee Contributions; Lump Sum Withdrawal on Termination of Employment
36-8-8-8.3. Purchase of Military Service Credit
36-8-8-8.5. Purchase of Service Credit in Certain Indiana Public Retirement Funds
36-8-8-8.6. Purchase of In-State Service Credit
36-8-8-8.8. Purchase of Out-of-State Service Credit
36-8-8-9. Conversion From Prior Fund
36-8-8-9.5. Fund Member Maximum Retirement Age
36-8-8-11. Computation of Retirement Benefits; Actuarially Reduced Benefits
36-8-8-11.5. Reemployment After Retirement
36-8-8-12.3. Covered Impairments; Hearings; Inclusions; Class 3 Excludable Condition; Determination
36-8-8-12.4. Election of Coverage by Ic 36-8-8-12.5 and Ic 36-8-8-13.5
36-8-8-12.5. Determination of Class of Impairment
36-8-8-13.3. Disability Benefits; Benefit for Catastrophic Physical Personal Injury
36-8-8-13.6. "Class 3 Excludable Condition"; Rules; Recording and Retaining Listing of Condition
36-8-8-13.7. Review of Member's Impairment; Hearing; Costs of Medical Examination
36-8-8-13.8. Members Dying Other Than in Line of Duty After August 31, 1982
36-8-8-13.9. Members Dying in Line of Duty Before September 1, 1982
36-8-8-14.1. Members Dying in Line of Duty After August 31, 1982
36-8-8-14.2. Public Safety Officers Survivors' Health Coverage Cumulative Fund
36-8-8-15. Cost of Living Adjustment
36-8-8-16. Lump Sum Death Benefit
36-8-8-17.2. Voluntary Benefit Deductions
36-8-8-18.1. Members Electing to Transfer or Being Transferred to 1997 Fund From Perf
36-8-8-19. Baseline Statewide Physical and Mental Examinations
36-8-8-20. Special Lump Sum Death Benefit in Addition to Other Benefits
36-8-8-22. Selection of Administrative Law Judge