Indiana Code
Chapter 8. 1977 Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension and Disability Fund
36-8-8-12.3. Covered Impairments; Hearings; Inclusions; Class 3 Excludable Condition; Determination

Sec. 12.3. (a) Upon a request from a fund member or from the safety board of the appropriate police or fire department, the local board shall conduct a hearing under section 12.7 of this chapter to determine whether the fund member has a covered impairment.
(b) A covered impairment is an impairment that permanently or temporarily makes a fund member unable to perform the essential function of the member's duties, considering reasonable accommodation to the extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, with the police or fire department. However, a covered impairment does not include an impairment:
(1) resulting from an intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide while sane or insane;
(2) resulting from the fund member's commission or attempted commission of a felony;
(3) that begins within two (2) years after a fund member's entry or reentry into active service with the department and that was caused or contributed to by a mental or physical condition that manifested itself before the fund member entered or reentered active service. Notwithstanding this subdivision, a fund member may not be required to satisfy more than one (1) such two (2) year period for the same mental or physical condition; or
(4) that is occasioned, in whole or in part, by the fund member currently engaging (as defined in 29 CFR 1630.3, Appendix) in any of the following:
(A) Use of a controlled substance (as defined in the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812)).
(B) Unlawful use of a prescription drug.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), this subsection applies to the following:
(1) A fund member who is hired after March 1, 1992.
(2) A fund member who was admitted to the 1977 fund after having been covered by another public pension plan as a police officer or firefighter.
For a fund member who is determined by the system board to have a Class 3 excludable condition under IC 36-8-8-13.6, a covered impairment does not include an impairment that would be classified as a Class 3 impairment that begins at any time after the fund member's entry or reentry into active service with the department and is related in any manner to the Class 3 excludable condition.
(d) If the local board determines that a covered impairment exists, the chief of the police or fire department shall submit to the local board written determinations of the following:
(1) Whether there is suitable and available work on the appropriate department for which the fund member is or may be capable of becoming qualified, considering reasonable accommodation to the extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(2) For a fund member covered by sections 12.5 and 13.5 of this chapter, the fund member's years of service with the department.
As added by P.L.311-1989, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.4-1992, SEC.46; P.L.213-1995, SEC.9; P.L.231-1997, SEC.5; P.L.35-2012, SEC.127.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 8. 1977 Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension and Disability Fund

36-8-8-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

36-8-8-1. Application of Chapter

36-8-8-1.5. "Electronic Funds Transfer"

36-8-8-2. "Employer"

36-8-8-2.1. "Local Board"

36-8-8-2.3. "System Board"

36-8-8-2.5. Qualification of 1977 Fund Under Internal Revenue Code

36-8-8-2.6. Administration of Fund

36-8-8-3. Participation by Units; Longevity Increases

36-8-8-4. Fund Established; Managed by System Board

36-8-8-5. System Board; Powers and Duties; Appeals; Personnel; Confidentiality of Fund Records

36-8-8-6. Employer Contributions; Reports and Records

36-8-8-6.5. Submission of Salary

36-8-8-7. Membership in Fund; Reemployment With Participating Employer

36-8-8-7.2. Fire Chief or Police Chief Transfer of Service Credit to Perf

36-8-8-8. Employee Contributions; Lump Sum Withdrawal on Termination of Employment

36-8-8-8.3. Purchase of Military Service Credit

36-8-8-8.5. Purchase of Service Credit in Certain Indiana Public Retirement Funds

36-8-8-8.6. Purchase of In-State Service Credit

36-8-8-8.8. Purchase of Out-of-State Service Credit

36-8-8-9. Conversion From Prior Fund

36-8-8-9.5. Fund Member Maximum Retirement Age

36-8-8-10. Eligibility for Retirement; Initiation of Benefits; Election to Receive Actuarially Reduced Benefits

36-8-8-11. Computation of Retirement Benefits; Actuarially Reduced Benefits

36-8-8-11.5. Reemployment After Retirement

36-8-8-12. Benefits for Members With Covered Impairments; Retirement Benefits for Members Who Have a Disability and Are Less Than 52 Years Old

36-8-8-12.3. Covered Impairments; Hearings; Inclusions; Class 3 Excludable Condition; Determination

36-8-8-12.4. Election of Coverage by Ic 36-8-8-12.5 and Ic 36-8-8-13.5

36-8-8-12.5. Determination of Class of Impairment

36-8-8-12.7. Hearings; Notice; Procedure; Discovery; Determinations; Appeals; Records; Determination Whether Disability in Line of Duty

36-8-8-13. Repealed

36-8-8-13.1. Submission of Determination of Local Board and Safety Board to System Director; Medical Examinations; Initial Determination; Objections; Hearing; Final Order; Appeals

36-8-8-13.3. Disability Benefits; Benefit for Catastrophic Physical Personal Injury

36-8-8-13.5. Applicability to Certain Fund Members; Disability Benefits for Classes of Impairment; Benefit for Catastrophic Physical Personal Injury

36-8-8-13.6. "Class 3 Excludable Condition"; Rules; Recording and Retaining Listing of Condition

36-8-8-13.7. Review of Member's Impairment; Hearing; Costs of Medical Examination

36-8-8-13.8. Members Dying Other Than in Line of Duty After August 31, 1982

36-8-8-13.9. Members Dying in Line of Duty Before September 1, 1982

36-8-8-14. Repealed

36-8-8-14.1. Members Dying in Line of Duty After August 31, 1982

36-8-8-14.2. Public Safety Officers Survivors' Health Coverage Cumulative Fund

36-8-8-15. Cost of Living Adjustment

36-8-8-16. Lump Sum Death Benefit

36-8-8-17. Benefits Exempt From Judicial Process; Reimbursement of Employers; Withholding Payments; Transfer Prohibited; Rollover to Eligible Retirement Plan

36-8-8-17.2. Voluntary Benefit Deductions

36-8-8-18. Credit for Service Prior to Participation in 1977 Fund; Rollover Distributions; Trustee to Trustee Transfers

36-8-8-18.1. Members Electing to Transfer or Being Transferred to 1997 Fund From Perf

36-8-8-19. Baseline Statewide Physical and Mental Examinations

36-8-8-20. Special Lump Sum Death Benefit in Addition to Other Benefits

36-8-8-21. 1977 Fund Members; Age Limitation; Aptitude, Physical Agility, and Physical and Mental Standards; Credit for Prior Service

36-8-8-22. Selection of Administrative Law Judge

36-8-8-23. Disability Retiree Supplemental Benefit

36-8-8-24. Beneficiary Designation