Indiana Code
Chapter 16.7. Statewide 911 Services
36-8-16.7-37. Board's Administration of Fund; Board's Expenses; Distribution to Counties

Sec. 37. (a) Subject to subsection (b), the board shall administer the fund in the following manner:
(1) In each state fiscal year, the board may retain the lesser of:
(A) ten percent (10%) of the statewide 911 fees deposited in the fund in the previous state fiscal year; or
(B) the amount of fees deposited in the fund in the previous state fiscal year that would provide for the operating expenses of the statewide 911 system during the state fiscal year for which the fees are retained;
to pay the board's expenses in administering this chapter and to develop, operate, and maintain a statewide 911 system. The board may decrease the amount of fees retained by the board under this subdivision.
(2) After retaining the amount set forth in subdivision (1), the board shall distribute to the counties the remainder of the statewide 911 fees in the fund. With respect to any state fiscal year beginning after June 30, 2015, the board shall first ensure a distribution to each county in an amount that is equal to the total amount of statewide 911 fees distributed to the county during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014.
(3) If any statewide 911 fees remain in the fund after the distributions ensured under subdivision (2), the board shall distribute the fees as follows:
(A) Ninety percent (90%) of the fees shall be distributed to the counties based upon each county's percentage of the state's population.
(B) Ten percent (10%) of the fees shall be distributed equally among the counties.
(b) The board may not distribute money in the fund in a manner that impairs the ability of the board to fulfill its management and administrative obligations under this chapter.
As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.157-2015, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 16.7. Statewide 911 Services

36-8-16.7-1. "Affiliate"

36-8-16.7-2. "Automatic Location Information"

36-8-16.7-3. "Automatic Number Identification"

36-8-16.7-4. "Board"

36-8-16.7-5. "Cmrs"

36-8-16.7-6. "Cmrs Provider"

36-8-16.7-7. "Communications Service"

36-8-16.7-8. "Customer"

36-8-16.7-8.7. "Eligible Telecommunications Carrier"

36-8-16.7-9. "Enhanced 911 Service"

36-8-16.7-10. "Exchange Access Facility"

36-8-16.7-11. "Executive Director"

36-8-16.7-12. "Fund"

36-8-16.7-13. "Interconnected Voip Service"

36-8-16.7-14. "Local Exchange Carrier"

36-8-16.7-15. "Multiline Telephone System"

36-8-16.7-16. "Place of Primary Use"

36-8-16.7-17. "Prepaid User"

36-8-16.7-18. "Proprietary Information"

36-8-16.7-19. "Provider"

36-8-16.7-20. "Psap"

36-8-16.7-21. "Standard User" or "User"

36-8-16.7-22. "Statewide 911 System"

36-8-16.7-23. "Voip Provider"

36-8-16.7-24. Statewide 911 Board; Establishment; Recommendations to Governor; Membership; State Treasurer as Chair; Terms; Residency; Proxy Voting Prohibited

36-8-16.7-25. Board Quorum; Meetings Subject to Open Door Law

36-8-16.7-26. Board Members; Expense Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-27. Powers of Board; Contracts for Communications Service and Equipment; Indiana Transparency Internet Web Site

36-8-16.7-28. Executive Director; Duties; Salary

36-8-16.7-29. Statewide 911 Fund; Investments; Money Not Subject to Transfer, Reversion, or Reassignment; Money Continuously Appropriated

36-8-16.7-30. State Board of Accounts Audit; Board Review of 911 Service

36-8-16.7-31. Use of Third Party to Process Checks and Distribute Funds

36-8-16.7-32. Monthly Statewide 911 Fee; Amount; Adjustments; Additional Fees Prohibited; Exemptions; Responsibility of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers; Written Notice if Fee Increased

36-8-16.7-33. Provider's Duty to Collect and Remit Fee; Report to Board; Cost Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-34. User's Liability for Fee; Provider's Obligation to Remit Fees Collected

36-8-16.7-35. Fee Not to Be Included in Base for Taxes and Other Charges

36-8-16.7-36. Provider Not Required to Enforce Fee Collection; Collection Action by Board

36-8-16.7-37. Board's Administration of Fund; Board's Expenses; Distribution to Counties

36-8-16.7-38. Psap Use of Distributions; Annual Report to Board; Audits

36-8-16.7-38.5. Advance Payment of Certain Expenses; Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-39. Providers' Duty to Coordinate With Board and Provide Information; Board's Use of Confidential Information

36-8-16.7-40. Emergency Notification Systems; Establishment by County; Board Approval Required; Provider's Duty to Provide User Data

36-8-16.7-41. Providers' Duty to Provide User Data to Psaps; Permissible Uses by Psap; Violations; Contracts Between Providers and Users

36-8-16.7-42. Confidentiality of Proprietary Information

36-8-16.7-43. Immunity From Civil or Criminal Liability

36-8-16.7-44. Permissible Uses of 911 Service

36-8-16.7-45. Automatic Dialing of 911 Prohibited; Violations

36-8-16.7-46. Knowing or Intentional Placement of 911 Calls for Prohibited Purposes

36-8-16.7-47. Counties Prohibited From Containing More Than Two Psaps After December 31, 2014; Exceptions; Interlocal Agreements; Parties; Required Plans and Protocols; Noncomplying Counties; Distributions of Fees Prohibited

36-8-16.7-48. Budget Committee's Review of Statewide 911 System; Considerations; Report of Findings to Legislative Council; Recommendation on Continuation of Fee After June 30, 2015; Expiration of Fee