Indiana Code
Chapter 16.7. Statewide 911 Services
36-8-16.7-13. "Interconnected Voip Service"

Sec. 13. As used in this chapter, "interconnected VOIP service" has the meaning set forth in 47 CFR 9.3.
As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 16.7. Statewide 911 Services

36-8-16.7-1. "Affiliate"

36-8-16.7-2. "Automatic Location Information"

36-8-16.7-3. "Automatic Number Identification"

36-8-16.7-4. "Board"

36-8-16.7-5. "Cmrs"

36-8-16.7-6. "Cmrs Provider"

36-8-16.7-7. "Communications Service"

36-8-16.7-8. "Customer"

36-8-16.7-8.7. "Eligible Telecommunications Carrier"

36-8-16.7-9. "Enhanced 911 Service"

36-8-16.7-10. "Exchange Access Facility"

36-8-16.7-11. "Executive Director"

36-8-16.7-12. "Fund"

36-8-16.7-13. "Interconnected Voip Service"

36-8-16.7-14. "Local Exchange Carrier"

36-8-16.7-15. "Multiline Telephone System"

36-8-16.7-16. "Place of Primary Use"

36-8-16.7-17. "Prepaid User"

36-8-16.7-18. "Proprietary Information"

36-8-16.7-19. "Provider"

36-8-16.7-20. "Psap"

36-8-16.7-21. "Standard User" or "User"

36-8-16.7-22. "Statewide 911 System"

36-8-16.7-23. "Voip Provider"

36-8-16.7-24. Statewide 911 Board; Establishment; Recommendations to Governor; Membership; State Treasurer as Chair; Terms; Residency; Proxy Voting Prohibited

36-8-16.7-25. Board Quorum; Meetings Subject to Open Door Law

36-8-16.7-26. Board Members; Expense Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-27. Powers of Board; Contracts for Communications Service and Equipment; Indiana Transparency Internet Web Site

36-8-16.7-28. Executive Director; Duties; Salary

36-8-16.7-29. Statewide 911 Fund; Investments; Money Not Subject to Transfer, Reversion, or Reassignment; Money Continuously Appropriated

36-8-16.7-30. State Board of Accounts Audit; Board Review of 911 Service

36-8-16.7-31. Use of Third Party to Process Checks and Distribute Funds

36-8-16.7-32. Monthly Statewide 911 Fee; Amount; Adjustments; Additional Fees Prohibited; Exemptions; Responsibility of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers; Written Notice if Fee Increased

36-8-16.7-33. Provider's Duty to Collect and Remit Fee; Report to Board; Cost Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-34. User's Liability for Fee; Provider's Obligation to Remit Fees Collected

36-8-16.7-35. Fee Not to Be Included in Base for Taxes and Other Charges

36-8-16.7-36. Provider Not Required to Enforce Fee Collection; Collection Action by Board

36-8-16.7-37. Board's Administration of Fund; Board's Expenses; Distribution to Counties

36-8-16.7-38. Psap Use of Distributions; Annual Report to Board; Audits

36-8-16.7-38.5. Advance Payment of Certain Expenses; Reimbursement

36-8-16.7-39. Providers' Duty to Coordinate With Board and Provide Information; Board's Use of Confidential Information

36-8-16.7-40. Emergency Notification Systems; Establishment by County; Board Approval Required; Provider's Duty to Provide User Data

36-8-16.7-41. Providers' Duty to Provide User Data to Psaps; Permissible Uses by Psap; Violations; Contracts Between Providers and Users

36-8-16.7-42. Confidentiality of Proprietary Information

36-8-16.7-43. Immunity From Civil or Criminal Liability

36-8-16.7-44. Permissible Uses of 911 Service

36-8-16.7-45. Automatic Dialing of 911 Prohibited; Violations

36-8-16.7-46. Knowing or Intentional Placement of 911 Calls for Prohibited Purposes

36-8-16.7-47. Counties Prohibited From Containing More Than Two Psaps After December 31, 2014; Exceptions; Interlocal Agreements; Parties; Required Plans and Protocols; Noncomplying Counties; Distributions of Fees Prohibited

36-8-16.7-48. Budget Committee's Review of Statewide 911 System; Considerations; Report of Findings to Legislative Council; Recommendation on Continuation of Fee After June 30, 2015; Expiration of Fee