Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Offenses Against the Family
35-46-1-15. Repealed

As added by P.L.53-1989, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.26-1990, SEC.14; P.L.37-1990, SEC.27. Repealed by P.L.1-1991, SEC.200.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 35. Criminal Law and Procedure

Article 46. Miscellaneous Offenses

Chapter 1. Offenses Against the Family

35-46-1-0.1. Repealed

35-46-1-1. Definitions

35-46-1-1.3. "Dissolvable Tobacco Product"

35-46-1-1.4. "E-Liquid"

35-46-1-1.5. "Electronic Cigarette"

35-46-1-1.7. "Tobacco"

35-46-1-2. Bigamy

35-46-1-3. Incest

35-46-1-4. Neglect of a Dependent; Child Selling

35-46-1-4.1. Reckless Supervision

35-46-1-5. Nonsupport of a Dependent Child

35-46-1-6. Nonsupport of a Spouse

35-46-1-7. Nonsupport of a Parent

35-46-1-8. Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

35-46-1-9. Profiting From Adoption

35-46-1-9.5. Adoption Deception

35-46-1-10. Sale or Distribution of Tobacco, an E-Liquid, or Electronic Cigarettes to a Minor; Defenses

35-46-1-10.1. Establishment's Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to Minors; Civil Penalties; Defenses

35-46-1-10.2. Retail Establishment's Sale or Distribution of Tobacco, an E-Liquid, or an Electronic Cigarette to a Minor; Defenses

35-46-1-10.5. Purchase, Acceptance, or Possession of Tobacco, an E-Liquid, or an Electronic Cigarette by a Minor; Defenses

35-46-1-11. Tobacco or Electronic Cigarette Vending Machine Sales; Warning Notices; Penalty

35-46-1-11.2. Operation of Tobacco Business Near School Prohibited

35-46-1-11.3. Repealed

35-46-1-11.4. Operation of Tobacco and Vaping Business Near School Prohibited

35-46-1-11.5. Coin Machines for Sale or Distribution of Tobacco or Electronic Cigarettes; Penalty

35-46-1-11.7. Minors Prohibited From Entering Retail Establishments That Primarily Sell Tobacco, E-Liquids, and Electronic Cigarettes; Posting Notices Required; Civil Penalties

35-46-1-11.8. Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Displays; Exceptions; Penalty

35-46-1-11.9. Sale of Tobacco, an E-Liquid, or an Electronic Cigarette That Contains Vitamin E Acetate

35-46-1-12. Exploitation of a Dependent or an Endangered Adult

35-46-1-13. Battery, Neglect, or Exploitation of Endangered Adult or Person With Mental or Physical Disability; Failure to Report; Unlawful Disclosure; Referrals; Retaliation

35-46-1-14. Reporting or Documenting Battery, Neglect, or Exploitation; Immunity From Civil or Criminal Liability

35-46-1-15. Repealed

35-46-1-15.1. Invasion of Privacy; Offense; Penalties

35-46-1-15.3. Violation of Certain No Contact Orders; Offense; Penalty

35-46-1-16. Invasion of Privacy Convictions; Record of Persons Protected by Orders

35-46-1-17. Persons Convicted of Invasion of Privacy; Denial of Access to Protective Order Information

35-46-1-18. Invasion of Privacy Convictions; Release and Hearings; Notice to Persons Protected by Orders

35-46-1-19. Invasion of Privacy Convictions; Time of Notice to Persons Protected by Orders

35-46-1-20. Enforcement of Foreign Protection Orders

35-46-1-21. Unauthorized Adoption Advertising

35-46-1-22. Unauthorized Adoption Facilitation