Indiana Code
Chapter 5. County Election Boards
3-6-5-4.5. Proxy of Record; Alternate Proxy

Sec. 4.5. (a) A member may appoint an individual to serve as a proxy of record in the member's place as a member of the county election board by filing a written instrument appointing the proxy of record with the circuit court clerk. The proxy of record has the same authority to act and vote on all matters as does the member. The member may revoke the authority of the proxy of record at any time. The authority of the proxy of record may be either limited or general with regard to duration or subject matter as set forth by the member in the written instrument appointing the proxy.
(b) If both the member and the member's proxy of record are unavailable, the member may appoint another individual in writing to serve as an alternate proxy in the member's place as a member of the county election board. The alternate proxy has the same authority to act and vote on all matters as does the member. The member may revoke the authority of the alternate proxy at any time. The authority of the alternate proxy may be either limited or general with regard to duration or subject matter as set forth by the member in the written instrument appointing the proxy.
As added by P.L.4-1991, SEC.14.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 3. Elections

Article 6. Political Party and Election Officers

Chapter 5. County Election Boards

3-6-5-1. Establishment

3-6-5-2. Membership

3-6-5-3. Candidates for Office as Members of Board or Proxies of Record; Circuit Court Clerk as Member of Candidate's Committee

3-6-5-4. Appointment of Members; Term of Office

3-6-5-4.5. Proxy of Record; Alternate Proxy

3-6-5-5. Nominations by County Chairmen

3-6-5-6. Removal of Member Upon Request of County Chairman

3-6-5-7. Vacancies

3-6-5-8. Chairman of County Election Board; Secretary

3-6-5-9. Compensation of Members and Secretary

3-6-5-10. Office Space

3-6-5-11. Chairman to Call Meetings

3-6-5-12. Failure of Chairman to Call Meeting

3-6-5-13. Minutes of Meetings; Inclusion of Ballot Styles With Minutes

3-6-5-14. Powers and Duties

3-6-5-14.5. Delegation of Duties of Circuit Court Clerk; Resolution

3-6-5-15. Political Subdivisions With Territory in More Than One County; Duties of County Election Boards

3-6-5-16. Budget Estimates

3-6-5-17. Reports to Election Division; Contents

3-6-5-17.5. Report Concerning Absentee Ballots From Overseas and Uniformed Services Voters

3-6-5-18. Circuit Court Clerk to Perform Duties of Clerk or Secretary

3-6-5-19. Circuit Court Clerk; Exercise of Powers and Duties of Board

3-6-5-20. Deputy Election Commissioners; Appointment and Removal; Residency

3-6-5-21. Designation of Deputy Election Commissioners by County Chairmen

3-6-5-22. Deputy Election Commissioner's Duties

3-6-5-23. Clerks, Custodians, and Employees; Students Serving as Nonpartisan Assistants

3-6-5-24. Candidates for Elected Office; Service as Deputy Election Commissioner or Employment by County Board

3-6-5-25. Audit of Books of County Election Board

3-6-5-26. Examination of Persons; Administration of Oaths

3-6-5-27. Subpoena Power

3-6-5-28. Service of Process

3-6-5-29. Refusal of Person to Attend or Testify; Court Order; Contempt

3-6-5-30. Witness Fees

3-6-5-31. Election Law Violations; Investigation; Action by Board

3-6-5-32. Civil Action by Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney; Injunctions

3-6-5-33. Assistance by Law Enforcement Officers

3-6-5-34. Appeal of County Election Board Decision; Time to File

3-6-5-35. Failure to Perform Duty as Precinct Election Officer; Removal of Officer; Assessment of Civil Penalty