Indiana Code
Chapter 5. County Election Boards
3-6-5-11. Chairman to Call Meetings

Sec. 11. The chairman of a county election board shall call a meeting of the board whenever the chairman considers it necessary for the performance of the board's duties.
[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-4-3 part.]
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 3. Elections

Article 6. Political Party and Election Officers

Chapter 5. County Election Boards

3-6-5-1. Establishment

3-6-5-2. Membership

3-6-5-3. Candidates for Office as Members of Board or Proxies of Record; Circuit Court Clerk as Member of Candidate's Committee

3-6-5-4. Appointment of Members; Term of Office

3-6-5-4.5. Proxy of Record; Alternate Proxy

3-6-5-5. Nominations by County Chairmen

3-6-5-6. Removal of Member Upon Request of County Chairman

3-6-5-7. Vacancies

3-6-5-8. Chairman of County Election Board; Secretary

3-6-5-9. Compensation of Members and Secretary

3-6-5-10. Office Space

3-6-5-11. Chairman to Call Meetings

3-6-5-12. Failure of Chairman to Call Meeting

3-6-5-13. Minutes of Meetings; Inclusion of Ballot Styles With Minutes

3-6-5-14. Powers and Duties

3-6-5-14.5. Delegation of Duties of Circuit Court Clerk; Resolution

3-6-5-15. Political Subdivisions With Territory in More Than One County; Duties of County Election Boards

3-6-5-16. Budget Estimates

3-6-5-17. Reports to Election Division; Contents

3-6-5-17.5. Report Concerning Absentee Ballots From Overseas and Uniformed Services Voters

3-6-5-18. Circuit Court Clerk to Perform Duties of Clerk or Secretary

3-6-5-19. Circuit Court Clerk; Exercise of Powers and Duties of Board

3-6-5-20. Deputy Election Commissioners; Appointment and Removal; Residency

3-6-5-21. Designation of Deputy Election Commissioners by County Chairmen

3-6-5-22. Deputy Election Commissioner's Duties

3-6-5-23. Clerks, Custodians, and Employees; Students Serving as Nonpartisan Assistants

3-6-5-24. Candidates for Elected Office; Service as Deputy Election Commissioner or Employment by County Board

3-6-5-25. Audit of Books of County Election Board

3-6-5-26. Examination of Persons; Administration of Oaths

3-6-5-27. Subpoena Power

3-6-5-28. Service of Process

3-6-5-29. Refusal of Person to Attend or Testify; Court Order; Contempt

3-6-5-30. Witness Fees

3-6-5-31. Election Law Violations; Investigation; Action by Board

3-6-5-32. Civil Action by Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney; Injunctions

3-6-5-33. Assistance by Law Enforcement Officers

3-6-5-34. Appeal of County Election Board Decision; Time to File

3-6-5-35. Failure to Perform Duty as Precinct Election Officer; Removal of Officer; Assessment of Civil Penalty