Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Rules for Counting Ballots
3-12-1-7. Straight Party Ticket Voting; Counting Multiple Votes

Sec. 7. (a) This subsection applies whenever a voter:
(1) votes a straight party ticket; and
(2) votes only for one (1) or more individual candidates who are all of the same political party as the straight ticket vote.
Except as provided in subsection (d) or (e), the straight ticket vote shall be counted and the individual candidate votes may not be counted.
(b) This subsection applies whenever:
(1) a voter has voted a straight party ticket for the candidates of one (1) political party;
(2) only one (1) person may be elected to an office; and
(3) the voter has voted for one (1) individual candidate for the office described in subdivision (2) who is:
(A) a candidate of a political party other than the party for which the voter voted a straight ticket; or
(B) an independent candidate or declared write-in candidate for the office.
If the voter has voted for one (1) individual candidate for the office described in subdivision (2), the individual candidate vote for that office shall be counted, the straight party ticket vote for that office may not be counted, and the straight party ticket votes for other offices on the ballot shall be counted.
(c) This subsection applies whenever:
(1) a voter has voted a straight party ticket for the candidates of one (1) political party; and
(2) the voter has voted for more individual candidates for the office than the number of persons to be elected to that office.
The individual candidate votes for that office may not be counted, the straight party ticket vote for that office may not be counted, and the straight party ticket votes for other offices on the ballot shall be counted.
(d) This subsection applies whenever:
(1) a voter has voted a straight party ticket for the candidates of one (1) political party;
(2) more than one (1) person may be elected to an office; and
(3) the voter has voted for individual candidates for the office described in subdivision (2) who are:
(A) independent candidates or declared write-in candidates;
(B) candidates of a political party other than the political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket under subdivision (1); or
(C) a combination of candidates described in clauses (A) and (B).
The individual votes cast by the voter for the office for the independent candidates, declared write-in candidates, and the candidates of a political party other than the political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket shall be counted unless the total number of these individual votes is greater than the number of persons to be elected to the office. The straight party ticket votes for the office shall not be counted. The straight party ticket votes for other offices on the voter's ballot shall be counted.
(e) This subsection applies whenever:
(1) a voter has voted a straight party ticket for the candidates of one (1) political party;
(2) more than one (1) person may be elected to an office; and
(3) the voter has voted for individual candidates for the office described in subdivision (2) who are:
(A) independent candidates, declared write-in candidates, or candidates of a political party other than the political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket under subdivision (1); and
(B) candidates of the same political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket under subdivision (1).
The individual votes cast by the voter for the office for the independent candidates, the declared write-in candidates, and the candidates of a political party other than the political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket, and the candidates of the political party for which the voter cast a straight party ticket shall be counted unless the total number of these individual votes is greater than the number of persons to be elected to the office. The straight party ticket votes for the office shall not be counted. The straight party ticket votes for other offices on the voter's ballot shall be counted.
(f) If a voter votes a straight party ticket for more than one (1) political party, the whole ballot is void with regard to all candidates nominated by a political party, declared write-in candidates, or candidates designated as independent candidates on the ballot. However, the voter's vote for a school board candidate or on a public question shall be counted if otherwise valid under this chapter.
(g) If a voter does not vote a straight party ticket and the number of votes cast by that voter for the candidates for an office are less than or equal to the number of openings for that office, the individual candidates votes shall be counted.
(h) If a voter does not vote a straight party ticket and the number of votes cast by that voter for an office exceeds the number of openings for that office, none of the votes concerning that office may be counted.
[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-25-18(d).]
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.6-1986, SEC.37; P.L.3-1993, SEC.178; P.L.3-1997, SEC.339; P.L.164-2006, SEC.124; P.L.21-2016, SEC.23.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 3. Elections

Article 12. Ascertaining Results of Elections

Chapter 1. Rules for Counting Ballots

3-12-1-1. Intent of Voter Primary Factor to Consider in Determining Voter's Choice on Ballot

3-12-1-1.2. Chapter Establishes Standards to Define Vote

3-12-1-1.5. "Election Officer" Defined

3-12-1-1.7. Write-in Votes

3-12-1-2. Ballot Void if Not Properly Endorsed; Not Applicable to Absentee Ballots

3-12-1-3. Ballot Void if It Bears Distinguishing Mark or Mutilation

3-12-1-4. Ballot Void for Extrinsic Act; Erasures

3-12-1-5. Counting Voting Marks

3-12-1-6. Voting Mark on or in Voting Square; Public Questions

3-12-1-7. Straight Party Ticket Voting; Counting Multiple Votes

3-12-1-7.5. Counting Write-in Votes

3-12-1-8. Voting Mark on Political Party Device Circle; Individual Votes Required for Candidates for At-Large Districts

3-12-1-9. Counting Voting Marks; Voting Marks Not Counted; Certification of Voting Systems That Can Detect Voting Marks

3-12-1-9.5. Remake of Damaged or Defective Ballot Card; Conditions

3-12-1-10. Void Ballot

3-12-1-11. Primary Election; Application of Chapter

3-12-1-12. Application to Votes Cast by Any Method; Counting Vote Made Invalid by Mistake or Inadvertence of Election Officer

3-12-1-13. Absentee Ballots; Necessary Endorsements

3-12-1-14. Counting of Vote Cast for Candidate Who Ceases to Be Candidate

3-12-1-15. Counting Straight Party Vote for Successor Candidate; Exceptions

3-12-1-16. Vote Cast for "No Candidate" or "Candidate Deceased"

3-12-1-17. Absentee Ballot Received From Overseas Voter by Mail; Arrival Time; When to Count

3-12-1-18. Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot Cast in Primary Election by Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Voter Actions That Void Ballot

3-12-1-19. Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot Cast in General, Municipal, or Special Election by Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Counting Votes