Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Miscellaneous
24-4.4-2-404. Suspension or Revocation of License as Creditor; Order to Show Cause; Order of Suspension or Revocation; Relinquishment of License; Preexisting Contracts; Emergency Order for Revocation

Sec. 404. (1) The department may issue to a person licensed as a creditor to engage in first lien mortgage transactions an order to show cause why the person's license should not be revoked or suspended for a period determined by the department.
(2) An order issued under subsection (1) must:
(a) include:
(i) a statement of the place, date, and time for a meeting with the department, which date may not be less than ten (10) days from the date of the order;
(ii) a description of the action contemplated by the department; and
(iii) a statement of the facts or conduct supporting the issuance of the order; and
(b) be accompanied by a notice stating that the licensee is entitled to:
(i) a reasonable opportunity to be heard; and
(ii) show the licensee's compliance with all lawful requirements for retention of the license;
at the meeting described in subdivision (a)(i).
(3) After the meeting described in subsection (2)(a)(i), the department may revoke or suspend the license if the department finds that:
(a) the licensee has repeatedly and willfully violated:
(i) this article or any applicable rule, order, or guidance document adopted or issued by the department; or
(ii) any other state or federal law, regulation, or rule applicable to first lien mortgage transactions;
(b) the licensee does not meet the licensing qualifications contained in section 402 of this chapter;
(c) the licensee obtained the license for the benefit of, or on behalf of, another person;
(d) the licensee knowingly or intentionally made material misrepresentations to, or concealed material information from, the department; or
(e) facts or conditions exist that, had they existed at the time the licensee applied for the license, would have been grounds for the department to deny the issuance of the license.
(4) Whenever the department revokes or suspends a license, the department shall enter an order to that effect and notify the licensee of:
(a) the revocation or suspension;
(b) if a suspension has been ordered, the duration of the suspension;
(c) the procedure for appealing the revocation or suspension under IC 4-21.5-3-6; and
(d) any other terms and conditions that apply to the revocation or suspension.
Not later than five (5) days after the entry of the order, the department shall deliver to the licensee a copy of the order and the findings supporting the order.
(5) Any person holding a license as a creditor to engage in first lien mortgage transactions may relinquish the license by notifying the department in writing of the relinquishment. However, a relinquishment under this subsection does not affect the person's liability for acts previously committed and coming within the scope of this article.
(6) If the director determines it to be in the public interest, the director may pursue revocation of a license of a licensee that has relinquished the license under subsection (5).
(7) If a person's license is revoked, suspended, or relinquished, the revocation, suspension, or relinquishment does not impair or affect any obligation owed by any person under any preexisting lawful contract.
(8) If the director has just cause to believe an emergency exists from which it is necessary to protect the interests of the public, the director may proceed with the revocation of a license through an emergency or another temporary order under IC 4-21.5-4.
As added by P.L.145-2008, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.35-2010, SEC.18; P.L.27-2012, SEC.10; P.L.186-2015, SEC.8.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 24. Trade Regulation

Article 4.4. First Lien Mortgage Lending

Chapter 2. Miscellaneous

24-4.4-2-101. Short Title

24-4.4-2-201. Duty to Provide Payoff Amount; Liability for Failure to Provide; Prepayment Penalty Prohibited for Adjustable Rate Mortgages; Short Sales; Foreclosed Property; No Protection From Deficiency Judgment

24-4.4-2-202. Federal Disclosure Requirements; Creditor's Duty to Comply; Exempt Transactions

24-4.4-2-301. Violation of State or Federal Law, Regulation, or Rule; Enforcement

24-4.4-2-401. License Required; Registration With Nmlsr; Licensed Mortgage Loan Originators; Loan Processor or Underwriting Activities; Applications for Licensure; Director's Authority to Contract With Nmlsr

24-4.4-2-402. Applications for Licenses; Issuance; Evidence of Compliance; Use of Nmlsr; Denial of Application; Right to Hearing; Fees; License Not Assignable or Transferable; Tax Warrant List

24-4.4-2-402.1. National Criminal History Background Check; Fingerprints; Payment of Fees or Costs; Use of Nmlsr

24-4.4-2-402.2. Credit Reports; Payment of Fees or Costs; Demonstrated Financial Responsibility; Considerations

24-4.4-2-402.3. Surety Bond; Requirements; Amount; Termination; Liability; Notices

24-4.4-2-402.4. Use of Nmlsr in Department's Licensing System; Reporting of Information to Nmlsr; Confidentiality; Director's Authority to Enter Agreements; Waiver of Privilege; Processing Fee; Electronic Records

24-4.4-2-403. License Renewal; Revocation or Suspension of License Not Renewed; Reinstatement or Appeal; Correcting Amendments

24-4.4-2-404. Suspension or Revocation of License as Creditor; Order to Show Cause; Order of Suspension or Revocation; Relinquishment of License; Preexisting Contracts; Emergency Order for Revocation

24-4.4-2-404.1. Violations by Individuals; Persons Convicted of Felonies; Civil Penalties; Creditor's Duty to Notify Department of Discharge or Termination

24-4.4-2-404.2. Director's Notice of Intent to Issue Order; Contents; Hearing; Final Order; Suspension or Prohibition Pending Final Order; Official Record

24-4.4-2-404.3. Consent Agreement; Notice of Charges Not Required

24-4.4-2-404.4. Final Order; Penalties; Time for Issuance; Consent Presumed Upon Failure to Appear

24-4.4-2-404.5. Final Order; Effective Date; Authority of Department or Court to Stay, Modify, or Vacate

24-4.4-2-404.6. Factors for Determining Amount of Civil Penalty; Indemnification by Creditor Prohibited; Deposit of Civil Penalties in Financial Institutions Fund

24-4.4-2-404.7. Authority of Director to Enforce Orders, Agreements, or Conditions in Court

24-4.4-2-405. Record Keeping; Use of Unique Identifier on Forms and Documents; Use of Examination and Regulatory Software; Reports of Condition to Nmlsr; Financial Statements; Notice to Department of Certain Events or Changes

24-4.4-2-406. Change in Control of Creditor; Application to Department; Timeframe for Department's Decision; Conditions for Approval; Creditor's Duty to Report Transfer of Securities; Director's Discretion to Require New License

24-4.4-2-501. Creditor's Duty to Comply With Closing Requirements

24-4.4-2-502. Debtor's Right to Rescind; Accruing Interest Prohibited During Rescission Period; Disbursement of Proceeds

24-4.4-2-503. Reverse Mortgages; Pamphlet; Counseling Required for Debtor