Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Worker's Compensation: Notice of Injury; Treatment; Compensation Schedule; Payments
22-3-3-6. Physical Examination; Physician's Statement; Autopsy

Sec. 6. (a) After an injury and during the period of claimed resulting disability or impairment, the employee, if so requested by the employee's employer or ordered by the worker's compensation board, shall submit to an examination at reasonable times and places by a duly qualified physician or surgeon designated and paid by the employer or by order of the worker's compensation board. The employee shall have the right to have present at any such examination any duly qualified physician or surgeon provided and paid for by the employee. No fact communicated to, or otherwise learned by, any physician or surgeon who may have attended or examined the employee, or who may have been present at any examination, shall be privileged, either in the hearings provided for in IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-6, or in any action at law brought to recover damages against any employer who is subject to the compensation provisions of IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-6. If the employee refuses to submit to or in any way obstructs such examinations, the employee's right to compensation and his right to take or prosecute any proceedings under IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-6 shall be suspended until such refusal or obstruction ceases. No compensation shall at any time be payable for the period of suspension unless in the opinion of the worker's compensation board the circumstances justified the refusal or obstruction. The employee must be served with a notice setting forth the consequences of the refusal under this subsection. The notice must be in a form prescribed by the board.
(b) Any employer requesting an examination of any employee residing within Indiana shall pay, in advance of the time fixed for the examination, sufficient money to defray the necessary expenses of travel by the most convenient means to and from the place of examination, and the cost of meals and lodging necessary during the travel. If the method of travel is by automobile, the mileage rate to be paid by the employer shall be the rate currently being paid by the state to its employees under the state travel policies and procedures established by the department of administration and approved by the budget agency. If such examination or travel to or from the place of examination causes any loss of working time on the part of the employee, the employer shall reimburse the employee for such loss of wages upon the basis of the employee's average daily wage. When any employee injured in Indiana moves outside Indiana, the travel expense and the cost of meals and lodging necessary during the travel payable under this section shall be paid from the point in Indiana nearest to the employee's then residence to the place of examination. No travel and other expense shall be paid for any travel and other expense required outside Indiana.
(c) A duly qualified physician or surgeon provided and paid for by the employee may be present at an examination if the employee so desires. In all cases where the examination is made by a physician or surgeon engaged by the employer and the injured employee has no physician or surgeon present at such examination, it shall be the duty of the physician or surgeon making the examination to deliver to the injured employee, or the employee's representative, a statement in writing of the conditions evidenced by such examination. The statement shall disclose all facts that are reported by such physician or surgeon to the employer. Such statement shall be furnished to the employee or the employee's representative, as soon as practicable, but not later than thirty (30) days before the time the case is set for hearing. The statement may be submitted by either party as evidence by that physician or surgeon at a hearing before the worker's compensation board if the statement meets the requirements of subsection (e). If such physician or surgeon fails or refuses to furnish the employee or the employee's representative with such statement thirty (30) days before the hearing, then the statement may not be submitted as evidence, and such physician or surgeon shall not be permitted to testify before the worker's compensation board as to any facts learned in such examination. All of the requirements of this subsection apply to all subsequent examinations requested by the employer.
(d) In all cases where an examination of an employee is made by a physician or surgeon engaged by the employee, and the employer has no physician or surgeon present at such examination, it shall be the duty of the physician or surgeon making the examination to deliver to the employer or the employer's representative a statement in writing of the conditions evidenced by such examination. The statement shall disclose all facts that are reported by such physician or surgeon to the employee. Such statement shall be furnished to the employer or the employer's representative as soon as practicable, but not later than thirty (30) days before the time the case is set for hearing. The statement may be submitted by either party as evidence by that physician or surgeon at a hearing before the worker's compensation board if the statement meets the requirements of subsection (e). If such physician or surgeon fails or refuses to furnish the employer, or the employer's representative, with such statement thirty (30) days before the hearing, then the statement may not be submitted as evidence, and such physician or surgeon shall not be permitted to testify before the worker's compensation board as to any facts learned in such examination. All of the requirements of this subsection apply to all subsequent examinations made by a physician or surgeon engaged by the employee.
(e) All statements of physicians or surgeons required by this section, whether those engaged by employee or employer, shall contain the following information:
(1) The history of the injury, or claimed injury, as given by the patient.
(2) The diagnosis of the physician or surgeon concerning the patient's physical or mental condition.
(3) The opinion of the physician or surgeon concerning the causal relationship, if any, between the injury and the patient's physical or mental condition, including the physician's or surgeon's reasons for the opinion.
(4) The opinion of the physician or surgeon concerning whether the injury or claimed injury resulted in a disability or impairment and, if so, the opinion of the physician or surgeon concerning the extent of the disability or impairment and the reasons for the opinion.
(5) The original signature of the physician or surgeon.
Notwithstanding any hearsay objection, the worker's compensation board shall admit into evidence a statement that meets the requirements of this subsection unless the statement is ruled inadmissible on other grounds.
(f) Delivery of any statement required by this section may be made to the attorney or agent of the employer or employee and such action shall be construed as delivery to the employer or employee.
(g) Any party may object to a statement on the basis that the statement does not meet the requirements of subsection (e). The objecting party must give written notice to the party providing the statement and specify the basis for the objection. Notice of the objection must be given no later than twenty (20) days before the hearing. Failure to object as provided in this subsection precludes any further objection as to the adequacy of the statement under subsection (e).
(h) The employer upon proper application, or the worker's compensation board, shall have the right in any case of death to require an autopsy at the expense of the party requesting the same. If, after a hearing, the worker's compensation board orders an autopsy and such autopsy is refused by the surviving spouse or next of kin, then any claim for compensation on account of such death shall be suspended and abated during such refusal. The surviving spouse or dependent must be served with a notice setting forth the consequences of the refusal under this subsection. The notice must be in a form prescribed by the worker's compensation board. No autopsy, except one performed by or on the authority or order of the coroner in the discharge of the coroner's duties, shall be held in any case by any person, without notice first being given to the surviving spouse or next of kin, if they reside in Indiana or their whereabouts can reasonably be ascertained, of the time and place thereof, and reasonable time and opportunity given such surviving spouse or next of kin to have a representative or representatives present to witness same. However, if such notice is not given, all evidence obtained by such autopsy shall be suppressed on motion duly made to the worker's compensation board.
Formerly: Acts 1929, c.172, s.27; Acts 1943, c.136, s.7; Acts 1945, c.188, s.2; Acts 1947, c.162, s.4; Acts 1949, c.253, s.1; Acts 1963, c.387, s.6; Acts 1975, P.L.235, SEC.4. As amended by P.L.28-1988, SEC.27; P.L.95-1988, SEC.4; P.L.109-1992, SEC.1; P.L.1-2006, SEC.337.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 22. Labor and Safety

Article 3. Worker's Compensation System

Chapter 3. Worker's Compensation: Notice of Injury; Treatment; Compensation Schedule; Payments

22-3-3-1. Notice of Injury; Time

22-3-3-2. Notice of Injury; Contents; Signature

22-3-3-3. Limitation of Actions; Radiation

22-3-3-4. Medical Treatment Pending Adjudication of Impairment

22-3-3-4.5. Repackaged Drugs; Maximum Reimbursement Amount

22-3-3-4.7. Formulary; Reimbursement for "N" Drug

22-3-3-5. Medical Treatment; Liability of Estate; Right to Order Payment; Medical Service Provider Claims; Attending Physician Fees

22-3-3-5.1. Collection of Medical Expense Payments; Civil Penalties; Good Faith Errors

22-3-3-5.2. Billing Review Service Standards

22-3-3-5.2-b. Billing Review Service Standards

22-3-3-6. Physical Examination; Physician's Statement; Autopsy

22-3-3-7. Temporary Disability Benefits; Installment Payments; Termination; Overpayment

22-3-3-7.5. Average Weekly Wages of Public Employee; Determination

22-3-3-8. Temporary Total Disability or Total Permanent Disability; Awards

22-3-3-9. Temporary Partial Disability; Awards

22-3-3-10. Injuries Schedule

22-3-3-10-b. Injuries Schedule

22-3-3-10.5. Permanent Partial Impairment Agreement; Supporting Documentation; Payment of Compensation; Civil Penalty

22-3-3-11. Partial Disability; Refusing Employment; Notice

22-3-3-12. Subsequent Permanent Injuries; Aggravation; Awards

22-3-3-13. Second Injury Fund; Employee Compensation; Employer Assessments; Penalties

22-3-3-14. Subsequent Injuries; Two Awards

22-3-3-15. Subsequent Injuries; Awards; Extending Period of Payment

22-3-3-16. Death While Receiving Awards; Dependents; Payment

22-3-3-17. Death Benefits

22-3-3-18. Death Resulting From Injuries; Award; Payment to Dependents

22-3-3-19. Presumptive Dependents; Termination of Dependency

22-3-3-20. Total or Partial Dependents; Eligibility; Termination

22-3-3-21. Burial Expenses

22-3-3-22. Awards; Computation

22-3-3-22-b. Awards; Computation

22-3-3-23. Mistake in Payments; Deductions; Payments to State Employees

22-3-3-24. Compensation Ordered by Single Hearing Board Member; Payments; Time of Payments; Civil Penalty

22-3-3-25. Lump Sum Payments; Minors; Interest Rate

22-3-3-26. Lump Sum Payments; Trustees

22-3-3-27. Jurisdiction; Modification of Award

22-3-3-28. Children and Minors; Direct Payments

22-3-3-29. Injured Employee or Dependent Under Guardianship

22-3-3-30. Incompetent Persons; Limitation of Actions

22-3-3-31. Joint Service of Two or More Employers; Apportionment of Award

22-3-3-32. Construction of Article