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22-3-3-1. Notice of Injury; Time - Sec. 1. Unless the employer or his representative shall have...
22-3-3-2. Notice of Injury; Contents; Signature - Sec. 2. The notice provided for in the preceding section...
22-3-3-3. Limitation of Actions; Radiation - Sec. 3. (a) The right to compensation under IC 22-3-2...
22-3-3-4. Medical Treatment Pending Adjudication of Impairment - Sec. 4. (a) After an injury and prior to an...
22-3-3-4.5. Repackaged Drugs; Maximum Reimbursement Amount - Sec. 4.5. (a) As used in this section, "legend drug"...
22-3-3-4.7. Formulary; Reimbursement for "N" Drug - Sec. 4.7. (a) As used in this section, "formulary" refers...
22-3-3-5. Medical Treatment; Liability of Estate; Right to Order Payment; Medical Service Provider Claims; Attending Physician Fees - Sec. 5. (a) The pecuniary liability of the employer for...
22-3-3-5.1. Collection of Medical Expense Payments; Civil Penalties; Good Faith Errors - Sec. 5.1. (a) A medical service provider or a medical...
22-3-3-5.2. Billing Review Service Standards - Note: This version of section effective until 1-1-2023. See also...
22-3-3-5.2-b. Billing Review Service Standards - Note: This version of section effective 1-1-2023. See also preceding...
22-3-3-6. Physical Examination; Physician's Statement; Autopsy - Sec. 6. (a) After an injury and during the period...
22-3-3-7. Temporary Disability Benefits; Installment Payments; Termination; Overpayment - Sec. 7. (a) Compensation shall be allowed on account of...
22-3-3-7.5. Average Weekly Wages of Public Employee; Determination - Sec. 7.5. For purposes of this chapter, the average weekly...
22-3-3-8. Temporary Total Disability or Total Permanent Disability; Awards - Sec. 8. With respect to injuries occurring prior to April...
22-3-3-9. Temporary Partial Disability; Awards - Sec. 9. With respect to injuries occurring prior to April...
22-3-3-10. Injuries Schedule - Note: This version of section effective until 7-1-2023. See also...
22-3-3-10-b. Injuries Schedule - Note: This version of section effective 7-1-2023. See also preceding...
22-3-3-10.5. Permanent Partial Impairment Agreement; Supporting Documentation; Payment of Compensation; Civil Penalty - Sec. 10.5. (a) The following must be tendered to an...
22-3-3-11. Partial Disability; Refusing Employment; Notice - Sec. 11. (a) If an injured employee, only partially disabled,...
22-3-3-12. Subsequent Permanent Injuries; Aggravation; Awards - Sec. 12. If an employee has sustained a permanent injury...
22-3-3-13. Second Injury Fund; Employee Compensation; Employer Assessments; Penalties - Sec. 13. (a) As used in this section, "board" refers...
22-3-3-14. Subsequent Injuries; Two Awards - Sec. 14. If an employee receives an injury for which...
22-3-3-15. Subsequent Injuries; Awards; Extending Period of Payment - Sec. 15. If an employee receives a permanent injury such...
22-3-3-16. Death While Receiving Awards; Dependents; Payment - Sec. 16. When an employee has been awarded or is...
22-3-3-17. Death Benefits - Sec. 17. On and after April 1, 1965, and prior...
22-3-3-18. Death Resulting From Injuries; Award; Payment to Dependents - Sec. 18. (a) Dependents under IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-6...
22-3-3-19. Presumptive Dependents; Termination of Dependency - Sec. 19. (a) The following persons are conclusively presumed to...
22-3-3-20. Total or Partial Dependents; Eligibility; Termination - Sec. 20. Total or partial dependents in fact shall include...
22-3-3-21. Burial Expenses - Sec. 21. In cases of the death of an employee...
22-3-3-22. Awards; Computation - Note: This version of section effective until 7-1-2023. See also...
22-3-3-22-b. Awards; Computation - Note: This version of section effective 7-1-2023. See also preceding...
22-3-3-23. Mistake in Payments; Deductions; Payments to State Employees - Sec. 23. (a) Any payments made by the employer to...
22-3-3-24. Compensation Ordered by Single Hearing Board Member; Payments; Time of Payments; Civil Penalty - Sec. 24. (a) An award of compensation ordered by a...
22-3-3-25. Lump Sum Payments; Minors; Interest Rate - Sec. 25. (a) In unusual cases, upon the agreement of...
22-3-3-26. Lump Sum Payments; Trustees - Sec. 26. Whenever the worker's compensation board deems it expedient,...
22-3-3-27. Jurisdiction; Modification of Award - Sec. 27. (a) The power and jurisdiction of the worker's...
22-3-3-28. Children and Minors; Direct Payments - Sec. 28. (a) When the aggregate payments of compensation, awarded...
22-3-3-29. Injured Employee or Dependent Under Guardianship - Sec. 29. If any injured employee or a dependent is...
22-3-3-30. Incompetent Persons; Limitation of Actions - Sec. 30. No limitation of time provided in IC 22-3-2...
22-3-3-31. Joint Service of Two or More Employers; Apportionment of Award - Sec. 31. Whenever any employee for whose injury or death...
22-3-3-32. Construction of Article - Sec. 32. The provisions of this article may not be...