Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Mandatory Curriculum
20-30-5-23. Computer Science Course; Curriculum; Annual Report

Sec. 23. (a) After June 30, 2021, each public high school, including each charter school, shall offer at least one (1) computer science course as a one (1) semester elective in the public high school's curriculum at least once each school year for high school students.
(b) After June 30, 2021, each public school, including each charter school, shall include computer science in the public school's curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12. A public high school fulfills the requirements under this subsection by meeting the requirements under subsection (a).
(c) If a public school fails to comply with this section, the department shall assist the public school in meeting the requirements under this section.
(d) The department shall:
(1) prepare an annual report concerning the implementation of computer science courses in public high schools, including charter schools, that includes the information described in subsection (e); and
(2) submit, before December 1 of each year, the report to the following:
(A) The state board.
(B) The general assembly.
(C) The commission for higher education.
The department shall submit the written report to the general assembly in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.
(e) The report under subsection (d) must include the following information:
(1) The total number and percentage of computer science unique student course enrollments and course completions for each public high school, including each charter school, and by each course title approved by the department.
(2) The number and percentage of unique student enrollments and course completions in a computer science course by each course title approved by the department and disaggregated by:
(A) race;
(B) gender;
(C) grade;
(D) ethnicity;
(E) limited English language proficiency;
(F) free or reduced price lunch status; and
(G) eligibility for special education.
(3) The number of computer science instructors at each school disaggregated by:
(A) gender;
(B) certification, if applicable; and
(C) academic degree.
(4) Any other pertinent matters.
(f) The department shall post the report described in subsections (d) and (e) on the department's Internet web site.
As added by P.L.132-2018, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.76-2020, SEC.4.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 20. Education

Article 30. Curriculum

Chapter 5. Mandatory Curriculum

20-30-5-0.5. Display of United States Flag; Pledge of Allegiance

20-30-5-1. Constitutions

20-30-5-2. Constitutions; Interdisciplinary Course

20-30-5-3. Protected Writings, Documents, and Records of American History or Heritage

20-30-5-4. System of Government; American History

20-30-5-4.5. Moment of Silence

20-30-5-5. Morals Instruction

20-30-5-5.5. Bullying Prevention; Student Instruction

20-30-5-5.7. Instruction on Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse

20-30-5-6. Good Citizenship Instruction

20-30-5-7. Curriculum; Ethnic and Racial Groups Course; Naturalization Examination Report; Posting Pass Rate

20-30-5-7.3. Civics Education Course Required

20-30-5-7.5. Physical Activities

20-30-5-8. Safety Education

20-30-5-9. Hygiene and Sanitary Science; Leaflet; Excused From Instruction

20-30-5-10. Diseases

20-30-5-11. Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, Prescription Drugs, and Controlled Substances; Instruction in Kindergarten Through Grade 12

20-30-5-12. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

20-30-5-13. Instruction on Human Sexuality or Sexually Transmitted Diseases

20-30-5-14. Career Awareness and Career Development Education; Indiana Career Explorer Program and Standards; Use of Alternative Internet Based System and Standards

20-30-5-14.5. Request for Proposals; Indiana Career Explorer Program Educational and Career Assessments and Tools

20-30-5-15. Breast Cancer and Testicular Cancer Instruction

20-30-5-16. Human Organ and Blood Donor Program Instruction

20-30-5-17. Access to Materials Relating to Instruction on Human Sexuality, Personal Analysis, Evaluation, or Survey of Students; Consent and Procedure for Participation

20-30-5-18. Meningitis Information

20-30-5-19. Personal Financial Responsibility Instruction

20-30-5-20. Instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Use of an Automated External Defibrillator

20-30-5-21. Program, Class, or Activity Contrary to Curriculum Prohibited

20-30-5-22. Elective Course on Indiana Studies

20-30-5-23. Computer Science Course; Curriculum; Annual Report