Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Community School Corporations
20-23-4-2. "Attendance Unit"; "School Unit"

Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "attendance unit" or "school unit" means the area of an administrative unit served by a single school.
[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-1-3(6).]
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 20. Education

Article 23. Organization of School Corporations

Chapter 4. Community School Corporations

20-23-4-1. Purpose and Policy of School Reorganization

20-23-4-2. "Attendance Unit"; "School Unit"

20-23-4-3. "Community School Corporation"

20-23-4-4. "County Committee"; "Committee"

20-23-4-5. Repealed

20-23-4-6. "Party"

20-23-4-7. "Reorganization of School Corporations"

20-23-4-8. "School Aid Bonds"

20-23-4-9. "United School Corporation"

20-23-4-10. Repealed

20-23-4-11. County Committee for Reorganization of School Corporations; Creation; Selecting Membership; Organization; Compensation; Terms of Office; Qualifications; Meetings

20-23-4-12. Preliminary Plans; Contents; Supporting Documents

20-23-4-13. Hearings on Preliminary Plans; Notice

20-23-4-14. Repealed

20-23-4-15. Submission of Reorganization Plans to State Board Prior to Completion of Comprehensive Plan

20-23-4-16. Required Contents of Preliminary or Final Comprehensive Plan

20-23-4-17. Advisory Committees of County; Membership

20-23-4-18. State Board of Education; Powers and Duties

20-23-4-19. Creation of Community School Corporation in Certain Existing School Corporations; Motion of State Board; Hearings; Definitions

20-23-4-20. Approval of Reorganization Plan by State Board; Notice; Creation of Community School Corporation by Petition or Elections; Contents of Petition and Petitioning Procedure

20-23-4-21. Special Election to Create Community School Corporations; Procedure

20-23-4-21.5. Employment Preference for Employees of Reorganized School Corporation

20-23-4-21.6. Retention of Teacher Rights and Privileges

20-23-4-22. Reorganization Plan Involving No Change in Boundaries or Board of Trustees; Automatic Effective Date

20-23-4-23. Rejection of Community School Corporations and Elections; Options of County Committee

20-23-4-24. Failure of Public Official to Perform Duty Within Time Prescribed; Effect

20-23-4-25. Appeal Procedure

20-23-4-26. Community School Corporations; Powers and Duties; Officers

20-23-4-27. Board of School Trustees; Election Options; Exception for Community School Corporations Created Before March 12, 1965

20-23-4-28. Board of School Trustees; Appointment Options; Exception for Community School Corporations Created Before March 12, 1965

20-23-4-29. Repealed

20-23-4-29.1. School Corporation Governing Body; Election Procedures

20-23-4-30. School Corporation Governing Body Members; Tie Votes; Vacancies; Term of Office

20-23-4-31. Board of School Trustees; Appointment of Interim Trustees

20-23-4-32. Assumption and Transfer of Powers and Duties

20-23-4-33. Attendance Units; Transportation

20-23-4-34. Voting Method for Community School Corporations

20-23-4-35. School Corporation; Organization of Governing Body

20-23-4-35.5. Copy of School Corporation Plan Filed With Circuit Court Clerk; Certification of Election Districts; Redistricting; Recertification of Districts; Amendments of Plan Filed With Circuit Court Clerk; Time for Filing; District Boundary Desc...

20-23-4-36. Voting Method for School Corporations

20-23-4-37. Approval of State Board for Reorganization Plan Mandatory; Supplemental Effect of Act

20-23-4-38. Dissolution of County Committees Upon Completion of Reorganization

20-23-4-39. Donations; Power to Accept

20-23-4-40. Budgetary Request of County Committee; Tax Levy

20-23-4-41. Repealed

20-23-4-42. Deadline to Institute Certain Actions to Enjoin School Construction or the Performance of Any of the Terms and Conditions of a Lease or the Execution, Sale, or Delivery of Bonds

20-23-4-43. Amendment of Plan Approved Prior to May 1, 1984

20-23-4-44. Tie Votes in Governing Body of a School Corporation in Certain Counties

20-23-4-45. Authorization