Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Community School Corporations
20-23-4-13. Hearings on Preliminary Plans; Notice

Sec. 13. (a) When a county committee has prepared its preliminary written plans for reorganization of school corporations, the committee shall fix dates and places for one (1) or more hearings on the plans and give notice of the hearings to the residents of the school corporations affected and all interested parties. The county committee may hold more than one (1) hearing. The chairperson of the county committee shall give the notice:
(1) by publication at least one (1) time in one (1) newspaper of general circulation published in the school corporation or corporations; or
(2) if a newspaper is not published in the school corporation or corporations, in a newspaper having a general circulation in the school corporation or corporations;
at least ten (10) days but not more than thirty (30) days before the date of the hearing.
(b) At the hearing:
(1) the county committee shall:
(A) explain the proposed reorganization plan;
(B) summarize the educational improvements adoption of the plan will make possible; and
(C) if the proposed reorganization includes division of an existing school corporation, state the adjustment proposed for:
(i) property;
(ii) assets;
(iii) debts; and
(iv) other liabilities; and
(2) any resident of the county or of any affected school corporation in an adjoining county may be heard with reference to:
(A) the proposed plan; or
(B) an alternative plan.
[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-1-9.]
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 20. Education

Article 23. Organization of School Corporations

Chapter 4. Community School Corporations

20-23-4-1. Purpose and Policy of School Reorganization

20-23-4-2. "Attendance Unit"; "School Unit"

20-23-4-3. "Community School Corporation"

20-23-4-4. "County Committee"; "Committee"

20-23-4-5. Repealed

20-23-4-6. "Party"

20-23-4-7. "Reorganization of School Corporations"

20-23-4-8. "School Aid Bonds"

20-23-4-9. "United School Corporation"

20-23-4-10. Repealed

20-23-4-11. County Committee for Reorganization of School Corporations; Creation; Selecting Membership; Organization; Compensation; Terms of Office; Qualifications; Meetings

20-23-4-12. Preliminary Plans; Contents; Supporting Documents

20-23-4-13. Hearings on Preliminary Plans; Notice

20-23-4-14. Repealed

20-23-4-15. Submission of Reorganization Plans to State Board Prior to Completion of Comprehensive Plan

20-23-4-16. Required Contents of Preliminary or Final Comprehensive Plan

20-23-4-17. Advisory Committees of County; Membership

20-23-4-18. State Board of Education; Powers and Duties

20-23-4-19. Creation of Community School Corporation in Certain Existing School Corporations; Motion of State Board; Hearings; Definitions

20-23-4-20. Approval of Reorganization Plan by State Board; Notice; Creation of Community School Corporation by Petition or Elections; Contents of Petition and Petitioning Procedure

20-23-4-21. Special Election to Create Community School Corporations; Procedure

20-23-4-21.5. Employment Preference for Employees of Reorganized School Corporation

20-23-4-21.6. Retention of Teacher Rights and Privileges

20-23-4-22. Reorganization Plan Involving No Change in Boundaries or Board of Trustees; Automatic Effective Date

20-23-4-23. Rejection of Community School Corporations and Elections; Options of County Committee

20-23-4-24. Failure of Public Official to Perform Duty Within Time Prescribed; Effect

20-23-4-25. Appeal Procedure

20-23-4-26. Community School Corporations; Powers and Duties; Officers

20-23-4-27. Board of School Trustees; Election Options; Exception for Community School Corporations Created Before March 12, 1965

20-23-4-28. Board of School Trustees; Appointment Options; Exception for Community School Corporations Created Before March 12, 1965

20-23-4-29. Repealed

20-23-4-29.1. School Corporation Governing Body; Election Procedures

20-23-4-30. School Corporation Governing Body Members; Tie Votes; Vacancies; Term of Office

20-23-4-31. Board of School Trustees; Appointment of Interim Trustees

20-23-4-32. Assumption and Transfer of Powers and Duties

20-23-4-33. Attendance Units; Transportation

20-23-4-34. Voting Method for Community School Corporations

20-23-4-35. School Corporation; Organization of Governing Body

20-23-4-35.5. Copy of School Corporation Plan Filed With Circuit Court Clerk; Certification of Election Districts; Redistricting; Recertification of Districts; Amendments of Plan Filed With Circuit Court Clerk; Time for Filing; District Boundary Desc...

20-23-4-36. Voting Method for School Corporations

20-23-4-37. Approval of State Board for Reorganization Plan Mandatory; Supplemental Effect of Act

20-23-4-38. Dissolution of County Committees Upon Completion of Reorganization

20-23-4-39. Donations; Power to Accept

20-23-4-40. Budgetary Request of County Committee; Tax Levy

20-23-4-41. Repealed

20-23-4-42. Deadline to Institute Certain Actions to Enjoin School Construction or the Performance of Any of the Terms and Conditions of a Lease or the Execution, Sale, or Delivery of Bonds

20-23-4-43. Amendment of Plan Approved Prior to May 1, 1984

20-23-4-44. Tie Votes in Governing Body of a School Corporation in Certain Counties

20-23-4-45. Authorization