Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Statewide Maternal Mortality Review Committee
16-50-1-9. Annual Report; Release on Internet Web Site

Sec. 9. (a) The statewide maternal mortality review committee shall, before July 1 of each year, submit a report to the state department that includes the following information:
(1) A summary of the data collected regarding the reviews conducted by the statewide maternal mortality review committee.
(2) Actions recommended by the statewide maternal mortality review committee to improve systems of care and enhance coordination to reduce maternal morbidity and maternal mortality in Indiana.
(3) Legislative recommendations for consideration by the general assembly.
(b) A report released under this section must not contain identifying information relating to the deaths reviewed by the statewide maternal mortality review committee.
(c) The state department shall make a report prepared under this section available to public inspection and post the report on the state department's Internet web site.
As added by P.L.48-2018, SEC.3.