Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Statewide Maternal Mortality Review Committee
16-50-1-3-b. Statewide Maternal Mortality Review Committee Established; Duties; Authority

Note: This version of section effective 9-15-2022. See also preceding version of this section, effective until 9-15-2022.
Sec. 3. (a) The state department shall establish a statewide maternal mortality review committee to:
(1) review cases of maternal morbidity and maternal mortality;
(2) determine factors contributing to maternal morbidity and maternal mortality;
(3) identify public health and clinical interventions to improve systems of care and enhance coordination; and
(4) develop strategies for the prevention of maternal morbidity and maternal mortality;
in Indiana.
(b) The statewide maternal mortality review committee:
(1) shall review cases involving the death of a woman occurring during pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, through one (1) year after the pregnancy;
(2) shall study how changes in the state's abortion laws affect maternal mortality in Indiana; and
(3) may review cases of maternal morbidity;
to carry out the duties set forth in this chapter.
As added by P.L.48-2018, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.65-2021, SEC.2; P.L.179-2022(ss), SEC.38.