Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (Post)
16-36-6-4. "Post Form"

Sec. 4. As used in this chapter, "POST form" refers to a physician order for scope of treatment (POST) form developed by the state department under section 9 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.164-2013, SEC.8.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 36. Medical Consent

Chapter 6. Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (Post)

16-36-6-1. "Consent"

16-36-6-2. "Declarant"

16-36-6-3. Repealed

16-36-6-4. "Post Form"

16-36-6-5. "Qualified Person"

16-36-6-6. "Representative"

16-36-6-6.5. Application of Chapter

16-36-6-7. Individuals Who May Complete a Post Form; Requirements; Representative Acting in Good Faith

16-36-6-8. Execution of Post Form; Requirements for Post Form to Be Effective; Signature

16-36-6-9. State Department Development of Post Form; Requirements; Internet; Not Liable

16-36-6-10. Original Kept by Declarant; Copy in Medical File

16-36-6-11. Revocation of Post Form; Effectiveness; Notification

16-36-6-12. Alternative Treatment Request Allowed

16-36-6-13. Petition for Relief; Court Authority

16-36-6-14. Post Form Not Effective During Pregnancy

16-36-6-15. Medical Orders in Post Form Effective in All Settings; Noncompliance; Contrary Care Not Required; Discussion of Order Requirement; Transfer of Care

16-36-6-16. Good Faith and Medical Standards; Immunity From Civil and Criminal Liability; Presumption of Compliance

16-36-6-17. No Modification or Alteration of Practice of Medicine or Nursing; Prohibition on Medically Inappropriate Treatment

16-36-6-18. Death Not Considered Suicide; Prohibition on Compelling Completion of Post Form; Legal Rights Not Superseded; Post Form Voluntary

16-36-6-19. No Authorization of Euthanasia

16-36-6-20. Execution or Revocation of Post Form Does Not Affect Other Legal Documents or Authority

16-36-6-21. Other State's Post Form; Web Site List