Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (Post)
16-36-6-10. Original Kept by Declarant; Copy in Medical File

Sec. 10. (a) The declarant or representative shall keep the original executed POST form. The POST form is considered the personal property of the declarant. The treating physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant who executes the POST form shall maintain a copy of the POST form in the declarant's medical records. If the POST form is executed at a health care facility (as defined in IC 16-18-2-161), a copy of the POST form shall be maintained in the health care facility's medical records.
(b) A health care provider or health care facility shall treat a facsimile, paper, or electronic copy of a valid POST form as an original document.
(c) A health care provider, a health care facility, or an entity acting in good faith may not be considered to have knowledge of a POST form solely on the basis of the POST form's entry into a medical record that can be accessed by a person described in this subsection.
As added by P.L.164-2013, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.67-2018, SEC.13; P.L.10-2019, SEC.75.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 36. Medical Consent

Chapter 6. Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (Post)

16-36-6-1. "Consent"

16-36-6-2. "Declarant"

16-36-6-3. Repealed

16-36-6-4. "Post Form"

16-36-6-5. "Qualified Person"

16-36-6-6. "Representative"

16-36-6-6.5. Application of Chapter

16-36-6-7. Individuals Who May Complete a Post Form; Requirements; Representative Acting in Good Faith

16-36-6-8. Execution of Post Form; Requirements for Post Form to Be Effective; Signature

16-36-6-9. State Department Development of Post Form; Requirements; Internet; Not Liable

16-36-6-10. Original Kept by Declarant; Copy in Medical File

16-36-6-11. Revocation of Post Form; Effectiveness; Notification

16-36-6-12. Alternative Treatment Request Allowed

16-36-6-13. Petition for Relief; Court Authority

16-36-6-14. Post Form Not Effective During Pregnancy

16-36-6-15. Medical Orders in Post Form Effective in All Settings; Noncompliance; Contrary Care Not Required; Discussion of Order Requirement; Transfer of Care

16-36-6-16. Good Faith and Medical Standards; Immunity From Civil and Criminal Liability; Presumption of Compliance

16-36-6-17. No Modification or Alteration of Practice of Medicine or Nursing; Prohibition on Medically Inappropriate Treatment

16-36-6-18. Death Not Considered Suicide; Prohibition on Compelling Completion of Post Form; Legal Rights Not Superseded; Post Form Voluntary

16-36-6-19. No Authorization of Euthanasia

16-36-6-20. Execution or Revocation of Post Form Does Not Affect Other Legal Documents or Authority

16-36-6-21. Other State's Post Form; Web Site List