Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Declarations
16-36-5-22. Petition for Review

Sec. 22. (a) A person may challenge the validity of an out of hospital DNR declaration and order by filing a petition for review in a court in the county in which the declarant resides.
(b) A petition filed under subsection (a) must include the name and address of the declarant's attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant.
(c) A court in which a petition is filed under subsection (a) may declare an out of hospital DNR declaration and order void if the court finds that the out of hospital DNR declaration and order was executed:
(1) when the declarant was incapacitated due to insanity, mental illness, mental deficiency, duress, undue influence, fraud, excessive use of drugs, confinement, or other disability;
(2) contrary to the declarant's wishes; or
(3) when the declarant was not a qualified person.
(d) If a court finds that the out of hospital DNR declaration and order is void, the court shall cause notice of the finding to be sent to the declarant's attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant.
(e) Upon notice under subsection (d), the declarant's attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant shall follow the procedures under section 18(e) of this chapter.
As added by P.L.148-1999, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.50-2021, SEC.57.