Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Declarations
16-36-5-18. Revocation

Sec. 18. (a) A declarant may at any time revoke an out of hospital DNR declaration and order by any of the following:
(1) A signed, dated writing.
(2) Physical cancellation or destruction of the declaration and order by the declarant or another in the declarant's presence and at the declarant's direction.
(3) An oral expression by the declarant of intent to revoke.
(b) A declarant's representative may revoke an out of hospital DNR declaration and order under this chapter only if the declarant is incompetent.
(c) A revocation is effective upon communication to a health care provider.
(d) A health care provider to whom the revocation of an out of hospital DNR declaration and order is communicated shall immediately notify the declarant's attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant, if known, of the revocation.
(e) An attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant notified of the revocation of an out of hospital DNR declaration and order shall immediately:
(1) add the revocation to the declarant's medical file, noting the time, date, and place of revocation, if known, and the time, date, and place that the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant was notified;
(2) cancel the out of hospital DNR declaration and order by entering the word "VOID" on each page of the out of hospital DNR declaration and order in the declarant's medical file; and
(3) notify any health care facility staff responsible for the declarant's care of the revocation.
As added by P.L.148-1999, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.50-2021, SEC.55.