Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Operation of County Tuberculosis Hospitals in Allen, St. Joseph, Vanderburgh, and Madison Counties
16-24-2-9. Application for Admission; Examination; Payment for Care and Treatment

Sec. 9. (a) Any resident of the county may apply in person to the hospital for treatment or to a physician for examination. If the physician finds that the person has tuberculosis in any form, the physician may apply to the superintendent of the hospital for admission.
(b) The superintendent shall forward application forms to any physician in the county, upon request and without charge. If practicable, applications for admission to the hospital shall be made upon these forms.
(c) If:
(1) the superintendent receives an application from a person who appears to have tuberculosis; and
(2) there is a vacancy in the hospital;
the superintendent shall notify the person named in the application to appear at the hospital.
(d) If, upon examination of the patient, the superintendent is satisfied that the patient has tuberculosis and has made the proper financial arrangement for care and treatment, to the extent of the patient's ability, the superintendent shall admit the patient to the hospital.
(e) All applications must:
(1) state whether the person is able to pay, in whole or in part, for care and treatment at the hospital; and
(2) be filed and kept as a permanent record.
(f) The hospital may not discriminate against any patient because the patient or the patient's relatives contribute to the cost of the patient's maintenance. An officer or employee of the hospital may not accept from any patient any fee, payment, or gratuity for services.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-11-6-8.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.