Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Operation of County Tuberculosis Hospitals in Allen, St. Joseph, Vanderburgh, and Madison Counties
16-24-2-7. Superintendent; Powers and Duties

Sec. 7. (a) The superintendent is the chief executive officer of the hospital and is subject to bylaws, rules, and regulations of the hospital and to the board of managers and the board's president.
(b) The superintendent shall do the following:
(1) Equip the hospital for the care and treatment of patients and for the use of the officers and employees and to purchase, directly or if the county has a purchasing agent, through the county purchasing agent, all necessary supplies and equipment. The superintendent shall determine the quality needed or the practicability of the articles requisitioned.
(2) The following:
(A) Supervise and control the records, accounts, and buildings of the hospital and the hospital's internal affairs.
(B) Maintain discipline.
(C) Enforce compliance with all rules, bylaws, and regulations adopted by the board of managers for the government, discipline, and management of the hospital and make further rules, regulations, and orders not inconsistent with those of the board of managers.
(3) The following:
(A) Appoint a licensed physician, as medical director, who has at least five (5) years experience in the treatment of tuberculosis.
(B) Employ doctors, department heads, nurses, and employees the licensed physician considers proper and necessary for the efficient performance of the business of the hospital.
(C) Prescribe staff duties, and discharge staff at the superintendent's discretion.
(4) Keep accurate accounts and records of the business and operations of the hospital and include the accounts and records in an annual report for the board of managers, who shall incorporate the accounts and records in the board's report to the county executive.
(5) Admit the following persons to the hospital in the order of application:
(A) A person:
(i) with tuberculosis in any form and other diseases the board of managers designates; and
(ii) who has resided in the county for at least one (1) year before the application for admission.
(B) Persons from other counties or states, as provided in this chapter.
(6) Keep records of the admission, physical condition, and treatment of each patient, including name, age, sex, color, marital condition, residence, occupation, and place of last employment.
(7) The following:
(A) Have a physical examination made of persons admitted to the hospital.
(B) Provide for the treatment of each patient according to the patient's need.
(C) Keep records of the condition of each patient when admitted and thereafter.
(8) Discharge and report to the board of managers concerning a patient who meets any of the following conditions:
(A) Willfully or habitually violates the rules of the hospital.
(B) Does not have or has recovered from tuberculosis or other diseases designated by the board of managers.
(C) Is no longer a suitable patient for treatment.
(9) Hold clinics in all counties affiliated with the hospital, which must be arranged for and under the supervision of the official visitor of the contracting county.
(10) Receive and administer all gifts, bequests, and devises on behalf of the hospital. A gift of money shall, after the payment of all taxes, fees, costs, and other expenses, be deposited in the depository of the hospital designated by the county executive and shall be managed by the board of managers for the best interest of the hospital, according to the donor's conditions.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citations: 16-11-6-6; 16-11-6-15.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.