Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Regulation of Birds and Mammals
14-22-6-14. Control of Deer Population; Landowner Assistance Program

Sec. 14. (a) The:
(1) division of fish and wildlife of the department; and
(2) division of soil conservation established within the Indiana state department of agriculture by IC 15-11-4-1, through the soil and water conservation districts established under IC 14-32;
shall, in cooperation with other conservation education organizations and one (1) or more organizations of hunters, establish a program to help landowners with problems determined by the director to be caused by localized deer population.
(b) The program established under this section must educate landowners concerning the means by which a landowner can:
(1) control; or
(2) obtain assistance in controlling;
the deer population on the landowner's tract of land.
(c) Under the program established under this section, one (1) or more hunters or organizations of hunters may, upon request by a landowner, work with the department and the landowner to alleviate problems caused by localized deer populations.
(d) In each county, the division of fish and wildlife, in cooperation with the soil and water conservation district established within the county under IC 14-32, shall disseminate information about the program established under this section.
As added by P.L.47-1995, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.1-2006, SEC.213; P.L.2-2008, SEC.30; P.L.120-2008, SEC.7.