Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Powers and Duties of Department
14-19-1-1.5. Recreational Trails Guidelines

Sec. 1.5. (a) Before March 1, 2016, the department shall develop guidelines concerning recreational trails and amend the guidelines as necessary or advisable thereafter. The guidelines must address at least the following issues:
(1) Clear statement of ownership and management of each trail.
(2) Right-of-way inconsistencies.
(3) The division of responsibility for maintenance of fences, for drainage, and for maintenance of drainage or drain tiles.
(4) Tree, weed, and brush removal between responsible parties and landowners adjacent to recreational trails.
(5) Mowing responsibility.
(6) Law enforcement jurisdiction.
(7) Signage.
(8) Conflict resolution procedures.
(9) Appeal procedures.
(10) Use by public utility facilities.
(b) In developing the recreational trail guidelines described in subsection (a), the division shall consult with various groups, organizations, and agencies that will be impacted by the guidelines.
(c) The department may adopt guidelines, without complying with IC 4-22-2, to implement this section.
As added by P.L.67-2015, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.127-2022, SEC.22.