Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Powers and Duties of Department
14-19-1-1. Duties of Department

Sec. 1. The department shall do the following:
(1) Have the custody of and maintain the parks, preserves, forests, reservoirs, and memorials owned by the state.
(2) Adopt the necessary rules under IC 4-22-2 to secure enforcement of this title, which must include provisions for the use of motorized carts during the hours specified in IC 9-21-7-2(a)(1) at state parks and recreation areas by an individual who is the holder of a driver's license and who:
(A) is at least sixty-five (65) years of age; or
(B) has a mobility disability as defined by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq).
Rules adopted under this subdivision must comply with the provisions for mobility devices as described in 28 CFR 35.137.
(3) Prepare, print, post, or distribute printed matter relating to the state parks and preserves.
(4) Subject to the approval of the governor, purchase land for parks or preserves and scenic and historic places. For the purpose of acquiring land for parks or preserves and scenic and historic places, the commission may exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided in IC 14-17-3.
(5) Accept in the name of the state by gift or devise the fee or other estate in land or scenic or historic places.
(6) Employ, with the approval of the authorities having control of a state penal institution, the convicts committed to a penal institution for the purpose of producing or planting trees, clearing, improving, repairing, draining, or developing land purchased or acquired by the state for parks or preserves or as scenic or historic places.
(7) Have the custody of all abstracts of title, papers, contracts, or related memoranda except original deeds to the state, for land purchased or received for parks or preserves or for scenic or historic purposes under this section.
(8) Cooperate with:
(A) the department of environmental management;
(B) other state agencies; and
(C) local units of government;
to protect the water and land of Indiana from pollution.
(9) Have general charge of the navigable water of Indiana.
[Pre-1995 Recodification Citations: 14-3-1-14; 14-3-2-9 part; 14-6-2-1 part.]
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.225-2005, SEC.15; P.L.155-2015, SEC.9.