(75 ILCS 60/0.01) (from Ch. 81, par. 31.9)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Library Incorporation Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(75 ILCS 60/1) (from Ch. 81, par. 32)
Sec. 1.
Where property, real or personal, has
heretofore been or shall hereafter be bequeathed by will or granted,
conveyed or donated by deed or other instrument,
to trustees to be applied by them to the foundation and establishment in
any of the cities, villages and towns of this state of a free public
library, it shall be lawful, when not otherwise provided in the will or
other instrument of gift, for the acting trustees in any such case, in
order to promote the better establishment, maintenance and management of
such library, to cause to be formed a corporation under the provisions of
this Act, with the rights, powers and privileges hereinafter provided for.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
(75 ILCS 60/2) (from Ch. 81, par. 33)
Sec. 2.
Such acting trustees may make, sign and acknowledge before any
officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds in this state, and file
in the office of the Secretary of State a statement in writing, in which
shall be set forth the intent of such trustees to form a corporation under
this act; a copy of the will or other instrument by which endowment of said
library has been provided; the name adopted for the proposed corporation
(which shall not be the name of any other corporation already existing);
the city, village or town in which the library and the principal place of
business of the corporation will be located; the number of managers who may
be denominated trustees, managers or directors of the corporation; and the
names of the trustees, managers or directors who are to constitute the
original board of such officers, and who shall hold until their successors
respectively are elected and qualified, as in this act provided.
(Source: Laws 1891, p. 157.)
(75 ILCS 60/3) (from Ch. 81, par. 34)
Sec. 3.
Upon the filing in his office of such a statement as above
stated the
Secretary of State shall issue to the incorporators, under his signature and
seal of State, articles of incorporation comprised of the above stated
statement, declaring that the organization of the corporation is completed. The
incorporators shall thereupon cause such articles of incorporation to be recorded in a
proper record book for the purpose in the office of the recorder
of the county in which the library is to be located; and thereupon the
corporation shall be deemed fully organized and may proceed to carry out
its corporate purposes, and may receive by conveyance, from the trustees
under the will, deed or other instrument of donation, the property
provided by will or otherwise as above stated for the
endowment of the
library, and may hold the same in whatever form it may have been received
or conveyed by the trustees until such form is changed by the action
of the said corporation.
(Source: P.A. 96-66, eff. 1-1-10.)
(75 ILCS 60/3.1) (from Ch. 81, par. 34.1)
Sec. 3.1.
A corporation organized under this Act may amend its articles of
incorporation, from time to time, in any respect which is consistent with
this Act. An amendment shall be adopted at a meeting of the board of
trustees, managers or directors upon receiving the vote of a majority of
the trustees, managers or directors in office. Any number of amendments may
be submitted and voted upon at any one meeting.
The articles of amendment shall be executed in duplicate by the
corporation by its secretary, or assistant secretary and by one other
officer, verified by either of the officers executing such statement, and
shall set forth:
(a) The name of the corporation;
(b) The amendment so adopted; and
(c) A statement of the date of the meeting of the board of trustees,
managers or directors at which the amendment was adopted and of the fact
that such amendment received the vote of a majority of the trustees,
managers or directors in office.
Duplicate originals of the articles of amendment shall be delivered to
the Secretary of State, who shall file one such duplicate original in his
office, and issue articles of amendment to which he shall affix the
other duplicate original. Such articles of amendment, with the duplicate
original of the articles of amendment affixed thereto by the Secretary of
State, shall be returned to the corporation or its representative and shall
thereupon be filed by the corporation for record in the office of the
recorder where the articles of incorporation are recorded.
Upon the issuance of the articles of amendment by the Secretary of
State, the amendment shall become effective and the articles of
incorporation shall be deemed to be amended accordingly. No amendment shall
affect any existing cause of action in favor of or against the corporation,
or any pending action to which such corporation shall be a party.
(Source: P.A. 96-66, eff. 1-1-10.)
(75 ILCS 60/4) (from Ch. 81, par. 35)
Sec. 4.
Organizations formed under this Act shall be bodies corporate and
politic to be known under the names stated in the respective articles of incorporation; and by such corporate names they shall have
and possess the ordinary rights and incidents of corporations, and shall be
capable of taking, holding and disposing of real and personal estate for
all purposes of their organization. The provisions of any will, deed or
other instrument by which endowment is given to the library and accepted by
the trustees, managers or directors shall, as to such endowment, be a part
of the organic and fundamental law of such corporation.
The trustees, managers or directors of any such corporation shall
compose its members, and shall not be less than 7 nor more than 25 in
number; shall elect the officers of the corporation from their number; and
shall have control and management of its affairs and property; may accept
donations, and in their discretion hold the same in the form in which they
are given, for all purposes of science, literature and as are germane to
the object and purpose of the corporation. They may fill by election,
vacancies occurring in their own number by death, incapacity, retirement or
otherwise, and may make lawful by-laws for the management of the
corporation and of the library, which by-laws shall set forth what officers
there shall be of the corporation, and shall define and prescribe their
respective duties. They may appoint and employ from time to time such
agents and employees as they may deem necessary for the efficient
administration and conduct of the library and other affairs of the
corporation. Whenever any trustee, manager or director shall be elected to
fill any vacancy, a certificate under the seal of the corporation, giving
the name of the person elected, shall be recorded in the office of the
recorder of the county where the articles of incorporation
are recorded.
Whenever, by the provisions of such will, deed or other instrument by
which an endowment is created, the institution endowed is free and public,
the library and other property of such corporation shall be forever exempt
from taxation.
The trustees, managers or directors of such corporation shall, in the
month of January in each year, cause to be made a written report to the Secretary
of State for the year ending on the preceding December 31 of the condition
of the library and of the funds and other property of the corporation
showing the assets and investments of such corporation in detail.
This report shall be verified by
the secretary, or by some other responsible officer of such corporation. It
shall contain (1) an itemized statement of the various sums of money
received from the library fund and from other sources; (2) an itemized
statement of the objects and purposes for which those sums of money have
been expended; (3) a statement of the number of books and periodicals
available for use, and the number and character thereof circulated; (4) a
statement of the real and personal property acquired by legacy,
purchase, gift or otherwise; (5) a statement of the character of any
extensions of library service which have been undertaken; (6) any other
statistics, information and suggestions that may be of interest. A report
shall also be filed, at the same time, with the Illinois State Library.
(Source: P.A. 96-66, eff. 1-1-10.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
75 ILCS 5/ - Illinois Local Library Act.
75 ILCS 10/ - Illinois Library System Act.
75 ILCS 16/ - Public Library District Act of 1991.
75 ILCS 20/ - Chicago Public Library Act.
75 ILCS 23/ - Maywood Public Library District Tax Levy Validation (2002) Law.
75 ILCS 25/ - Township Library Bond Validation (1963) Act.
75 ILCS 30/ - Township Library Bond Validation (1969) Act.
75 ILCS 35/ - Township Library Bond Act.
75 ILCS 40/ - Village Library Act.
75 ILCS 45/ - Village Library Conversion Act.
75 ILCS 50/ - Village Library and Gymnasium Tax Act.
75 ILCS 55/ - Library Property Sale Act.
75 ILCS 60/ - Library Incorporation Act.