Illinois Compiled Statutes
Chapter 75 - LIBRARIES
75 ILCS 50/ - Village Library and Gymnasium Tax Act.

(75 ILCS 50/0.01) (from Ch. 81, par. 73.9)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Village Library and Gymnasium Tax Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(75 ILCS 50/1) (from Ch. 81, par. 74)
Sec. 1.

The corporate authorities of any village of 2,500 population
or less, in which a free public library and gymnasium has been
established by public and private, or public or private, grant or
donation, absolutely or in trust, on land conveyed therefor to such
village, where the management thereof has been vested by any such donor
in a board of directors from time to time elected in accordance with "An
Act in relation to free public libraries for cities, villages,
incorporated towns and townships and to repeal Acts and parts of Acts
therein named", approved July 12, 1965, as now or hereafter amended, or
any board of trustees appointed by the president and board of trustees
in accordance with the terms of any gift or grant, may levy a tax of not
to exceed .15% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department
of Revenue, on all the taxable property in such
village, for the maintenance and operation of such library and
gymnasium. Such tax shall be levied and collected with the general taxes
of such village, and the proceeds shall be deposited in the treasury of
such village to the credit of the library and gymnasium fund and kept
separate and apart from other moneys of such village. Such fund shall be
drawn upon by the proper officers of such library and gymnasium upon the
properly authenticated vouchers of the library and gymnasium board,
provided that no trustee shall receive compensation as such from such
The board of directors shall make a report to the village board, and
file a copy thereof with the Illinois State Library in accordance with
Section 4-10 of "An Act in relation to free public libraries for cities,
villages, incorporated towns and townships and to repeal Acts and parts
of Acts therein named", approved July 12, 1965, as now or hereafter
amended. Such taxes shall be in addition to the maximum of taxes
permitted under Section 8-3-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as now or
hereafter amended.

(Source: P.A. 81-1509.)
(75 ILCS 50/2) (from Ch. 81, par. 75)
Sec. 2.

This Act shall not become effective in any village to which
it is applicable until the same shall first have been submitted to a
vote of the electors of such village at a regular election. The
proposition for the adoption of this Act shall be submitted
to referendum upon the adoption of a resolution so directing by the corporate
authorities and certified to the proper election officials in accordance
with the general election law.
If a majority of those voting upon the proposition shall be for the
adoption of this Act it shall thereafter be of full force and effect in
such village, but if a majority be against the adoption of this Act, it
shall not be again submitted to a vote until two years after the date of
such referendum.

(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)