Illinois Compiled Statutes
Chapter 705 - COURTS
705 ILCS 105/ - Clerks of Courts Act.

(705 ILCS 105/0.01) (from Ch. 25, par. 0.01)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Clerks of Courts Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(705 ILCS 105/1) (from Ch. 25, par. 1)
Sec. 1.

One clerk of the circuit
court in each county shall be elected as provided by law, and shall hold
office until a successor is elected and

(Source: P.A. 81-276.)
(705 ILCS 105/1.1) (from Ch. 25, par. 1.1)
Sec. 1.1.

The clerk of the circuit court in each county shall enter upon the
duties of office on the first day in the month of December following
his or her election on which the office of the clerk of the circuit court is
required, by statute or by action of the court, to be open.
This amendatory Act of 1973 does not apply to any county which is a home
rule unit.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/3) (from Ch. 25, par. 3)
Sec. 3.
The clerks shall be commissioned by the governor.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/4) (from Ch. 25, par. 4)
Sec. 4.

Every clerk shall, before entering upon the duties of office, give
bond, with one or more sureties (or, if the county is self-insured, the
county through its self-insurance program may provide bonding), to be
approved by any two of the judges of his or her court, which bond shall be in
such penalty, not less than $5,000, as may be agreed by such judges, payable to
the People of the State of Illinois, and conditioned for the faithful
performance of the duties of office, and to pay over all moneys that may come
into his or her possession or custody by virtue of office, to the parties
entitled thereto, and to deliver up all moneys, papers, books, records, and
other things appertaining to the office, whole, safe and undefaced, when
lawfully required so to do. The bond shall be filed in the office of the
Secretary of State. The clerk shall also, before entering upon the duties of
his office, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support
the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of
Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of
clerk of ...., according to the best of my ability.
The oath shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.

(Source: P.A. 88-387.)
(705 ILCS 105/4.1) (from Ch. 25, par. 4.1)
Sec. 4.1.

At the request of the clerk of the circuit court in any county the
county board of that county shall designate one or more banks or savings
and loan associations in which funds and moneys in the custody of such clerk may be
kept. Except as provided below, the clerk of the circuit court shall be
discharged from responsibility for all funds and moneys which he or she
deposits in that designated depository, while such funds and moneys are on deposit
therein. When a bank or savings and loan association
has been designated as a depository it
shall continue as such until 10 days after a new depository is designated
and has qualified as provided above. When a new depository is designated,
the county board shall notify the sureties of the clerk of the circuit
court of that fact, in writing, at least 5 days before the transfer of
No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted
by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established
pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public
funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(705 ILCS 105/6) (from Ch. 25, par. 6)
Sec. 6.

The clerks of the Circuit Courts shall keep their offices at the
court house of their respective counties, and shall keep their offices open
and attend to the duties thereof during such hours on each day, and on such
days as may be ordered by the rule of the court in such county, which rule
may be changed from time to time as the court may see fit.

(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3395.)
(705 ILCS 105/7) (from Ch. 25, par. 7)
Sec. 7.

The clerks of the several circuit courts shall be keepers of the
seals of their respective courts.

(Source: P.A. 87-845.)
(705 ILCS 105/8) (from Ch. 25, par. 8)
Sec. 8.

The clerks shall, in all cases, attend in person
to the duties of their
offices, respectively, when it is practicable so to do, and shall perform
all the duties thereof which can reasonably be performed by one person. In
the performance of the duties of the office of clerk of the circuit court,
any such clerk, after filing with the Secretary of State his or her manual
signature certified by him or her under oath, may execute or cause to
be executed with a facsimile signature, in lieu of his or her original
signature, all forms of process and notices issued by his or her office.
"Facsimile signature" means a reproduction by engraving, imprinting,
stamping, or other means of the manual signature of an authorized officer.
When the seal of the clerk of the circuit court is required in the
execution of any process or notice issued by the clerk's office,
the clerk may cause the
seal to be printed, engraved, stamped or otherwise placed in facsimile
thereon. The facsimile seal has the same effect as the impression of the

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/9) (from Ch. 25, par. 9)
Sec. 9.

The clerks may, when necessary, appoint deputies, who shall take the same
oath or affirmation as is required of the principal clerk, which shall be
entered into the records of their office.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(705 ILCS 105/10) (from Ch. 25, par. 10)
Sec. 10.

The principal clerk shall, in all cases, be responsible for the
acts of his or her deputies.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/12) (from Ch. 25, par. 12)
Sec. 12.

The clerks shall issue the process of their respective courts in
the manner provided by law.

(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 260.)
(705 ILCS 105/12.1)
Sec. 12.1. Electronic notice. The circuit clerk may provide notice to a party by hard copy or by electronic notice, pursuant to a uniform and standard policy adopted by the circuit clerk. A recipient may elect to receive notices by hard copy or electronically via the electronic address he or she has registered with the circuit clerk. The clerk must provide notice in the format chosen by the recipient. When providing notice electronically, the circuit clerk shall maintain a copy of the electronic content and a delivery receipt as part of the records of his or her office. Administrative communications of either the clerk or the court are not subject to the electronic notice requirements. If all policies and statutes are complied with, electronic notices shall have the same effect as hard copy notices.

(Source: P.A. 96-971, eff. 7-2-10.)
(705 ILCS 105/13) (from Ch. 25, par. 13)
Sec. 13.

The clerks shall attend the sessions of their respective courts,
preserve all the files and papers thereof, make, keep and preserve complete
records of all the proceedings and determinations thereof, except in cases
otherwise provided by law, and do and perform all other duties pertaining
to their offices, as may be required by law or the rules and orders of
their courts respectively. Notwithstanding any other law, the right to access
and disseminate any court record as defined in this Act may not be subject to
an exclusive contract with another person or entity. This Section is
subject to the provisions of
"The Local Records Act", approved August 18, 1961, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 90-206, eff. 7-25-97.)
(705 ILCS 105/14) (from Ch. 25, par. 14)
Sec. 14.

The clerks shall enter of record all judgments and orders of
their respective courts, as soon after the rendition or making thereof
as practicable.
Immediately after a judgment of dissolution of marriage or declaration
of invalidity of marriage is
granted in this State, the clerk of the court which granted the judgment
of dissolution of marriage or declaration of invalidity of marriage shall
complete and sign the form
furnished by the Department of Public Health, and forward such form to
the Department of Public Health within 45 days after the close of the
month in which the judgment is rendered.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/15) (from Ch. 25, par. 15)
Sec. 15.

Any clerk who fails to enter of record any order or
judgment of his or her court within 45 days after the same is made or
rendered, or any clerk having the duty to forward to the Department of
Public Health the record of any judgment of dissolution of marriage or declaration
of invalidity of marriage, who wilfully fails to do so within 45 days after
the close of the month in which the same is made or rendered, shall be guilty
of a petty offense and shall be fined by the court not exceeding $100, and
for any subsequent offense he or she may be fined in a like amount or
proceeded against as for a Class A misdemeanor in office and removed from
office. In any county of less than 500,000
inhabitants, when it appears to the majority of judges of such court
that there are an insufficient number of persons employed in the office
of the clerk of the court to properly make the entries in accordance
with this Section, the majority of judges of such court shall thereupon
determine and fix the number of deputies they find necessary to so
properly maintain the records, and their reasonable compensation shall
be paid out of the earnings of the office.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/16) (from Ch. 25, par. 16)
Sec. 16.

Records kept by the clerks of the circuit courts are
subject to the provisions of "The Local Records Act", approved
August 18, 1961, as amended.
Unless otherwise provided by rule or administrative order of the Supreme
Court, the respective clerks of the circuit courts shall keep in their
offices the following books:
1. A general docket, upon which shall be entered all suits, in the
order in which they are commenced.
2. Two well-bound books, to be denominated "Plaintiff's Index to
Court Records," and "Defendant's Index to Court Records" to be ruled and
printed substantially in the following manner:

All cases shall be entered in such books, in alphabetical order, by the
name of each plaintiff and defendant. The books shall set forth the names
of the parties, kind of action, date commenced, the record books and pages
on which the cases are recorded, the date of judgment, books and pages of
the judgment dockets, fee book, certificates of levy, sale and redemption
records on which they are entered satisfied or not satisfied, and number of
case. The defendant's index shall be ruled and printed in the same manner
as the plaintiff's except the parties shall be reversed.
3. Proper books of record, with indices, showing the names
of all parties to any action or judgment therein recorded,
with a reference to the page where it is recorded.
4. A judgment docket, in which all final
judgments (except child support orders as hereinafter provided) shall
be minuted at the time they are entered, or within 60 days
thereafter in alphabetical order, by the name of every person against whom
the judgment is entered, showing, in the proper columns ruled for
that purpose, the names of the parties, the date, nature of the judgment,
amount of the judgment and costs in separate items,
for which it is issued, to whom issued, when returned, and the manner of
its enforcement; a blank column shall be kept in which
may be entered a note of the satisfaction or other disposition of the judgment
or order and when satisfied by enforcement or otherwise, or set aside or
enjoined; the clerk shall enter a minute thereof in such column, showing
how disposed of, the date and the book and page, where the evidence thereof
is to be found. In the case of child support orders or modifications of
such orders entered on or after May 1, 1987, the clerk shall minute such
orders or modifications in the manner and form provided herein but shall
not minute every child support installment when due or every child support
payment when made. Such dockets may be searched by persons, at all reasonable
times without fee.
5. A fee book, in which shall be distinctly set down, in
items, the proper title of the cause and heads, the cost of each action,
including clerk's, sheriff's and witness' fees, stating the name
of each witness having claimed attendance in respect of the trial
or hearing of such action with the number of days attended. It shall
not be necessary to insert the cost in the judgment; but whenever an action is
determined and final judgment entered, the costs of each party litigant
shall be made up and entered in such fee book, which shall be considered a
part of the record and judgment, subject, however, at all times to be
corrected by the court; and the prevailing party shall be considered as
having recovered judgment for the amount of the costs so taxed in his or
her favor, and the same shall be included in the certified copy of such
judgment, and a bill thereof accompanying certified copy of the judgment.
If any clerk shall issue a fee bill or a bill of costs,
with the certified copy of the judgment without
first entering the same in the fee book, or if any such bill
of costs or fee bill shall be issued which shall not be in substance a copy
of the recorded bill, the same shall be void. Any person having paid such
bill of costs or fee bill, may recover from the clerk the amount thereof,
with costs of the action, in any circuit court.
6. Such other books of record and entry as are provided by law, or
may be required in the proper performance of their duties. All records,
dockets and books required by law to be kept by such clerks shall be deemed
public records, and shall at all times be open to inspection without fee or
reward, and all persons shall have free access for inspection and
examination to such records, docket and books, and also to all papers on
file in the different clerks' offices and shall have the right to take
memoranda and abstracts thereto.

(Source: P.A. 85-1156.)
(705 ILCS 105/17) (from Ch. 25, par. 17)
Sec. 17.

If any clerk shall fail to keep any such docket, or record
book, or any book required by law to be kept by him or her, or to make the proper
entries therein at the time required by law, or, when no time is fixed,
within a reasonable time, he or she shall be guilty of a petty offense and shall
be fined by the court not exceeding $100, and for a subsequent offense he or she
may be fined in a like amount, or proceeded against as for a Class A
misdemeanor in office, and removed from the office.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/18) (from Ch. 25, par. 18)
Sec. 18.

The clerk of the supreme court shall procure the books and
stationery necessary for his or her office and proper facilities for the safe
keeping of the archives of his or her office.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/19) (from Ch. 25, par. 19)
Sec. 19.

The several clerks of the circuit courts of the respective
counties shall, from time to time, as may be necessary, procure the proper
books and stationery for their respective offices, unless the same are
provided by the county board, as provided by law.

(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3391.)
(705 ILCS 105/20) (from Ch. 25, par. 20)
Sec. 20.

The necessary rooms and office furniture, the proper vaults or
other means for the safe keeping of the archives of their respective
offices, shall be provided for the several clerks mentioned in the
preceding section by the county boards of their respective counties, and
the cost thereof paid out of the county treasury.

(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 260.)
(705 ILCS 105/21) (from Ch. 25, par. 21)
Sec. 21.

Whenever a clerk of any court goes out of office, it shall be
his or her duty to deliver over to his or her successor, and of
his or her successor to demand
and receive from him or her, all the books, papers, records and other things
appertaining to the office, or in the possession of such outgoing clerk, by
virtue of the office. Should any person herein
required to give up the
books, papers, records and other things refuse to do so on
such application or request, the court has the authority to use such
compulsory process, and take such measures as may be necessary to coerce
the delivery according to the intent and purpose hereof.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/22) (from Ch. 25, par. 22)
Sec. 22.

The judges of the several courts shall, as often as once in
each year, make an examination of the offices of the clerks of their
respective courts, and may give such directions and make such orders in
regard to the keeping of the same, and the records and papers thereof,
not contrary to law, as they shall deem best.

(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 260.)
(705 ILCS 105/24) (from Ch. 25, par. 24)
Sec. 24.

The clerks shall keep a docket, in which they shall enter all the
unsettled estates in their office, the name of the administrator, the
date of the letters of office, the amount of the bond, and the
names of the securities thereto, the names of the
heirs and surviving spouse, if
known, the time of filing inventory and sale bill, and amount of sale
bill - leaving a sufficient margin for remarks. The docket shall be prepared
in vertical columns, designated from left to right as follows: Name of
deceased and administrator; Date of letters; Amount of bond and names of
securities; Surviving spouse and heirs; When inventory and sale bill filed
and amount of sale bill; Remarks.
The dockets shall have an alphabetical index, in which shall be entered each
estate, and the page upon which it is docketed. This Section is
subject to the provisions of "The Local Records Act", approved August 18,
1961, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(705 ILCS 105/25) (from Ch. 25, par. 25)
Sec. 25.

Unless otherwise provided by rule or administrative order of
the Supreme Court, such clerks shall also keep, subject to the
provisions of "The Local Records Act", approved August 18, 1961, as amended,
a docket, in which shall be entered a
minute of all claims filed against estates, in the order in which they
are filed, setting forth the name of the claimant and of the estate
against which the same is filed, the nature and amount of the claim, if
summons was issued thereon, when and where returnable, with sufficient
margin opposite each claim for the judgment of the court. Such book
shall be prepared and kept substantially in the following form:



(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/26) (from Ch. 25, par. 26)
Sec. 26.

The judgment docket shall have an alphabetical index kept by the
clerk, both direct and indirect - the direct memorandum in the index shall show
the name of the claimant, the name of the estate, and the page upon which
the claim will be found; the indirect memorandum in the index shall merely
be the name of the estate, opposite which shall be set down the various
pages upon which judgments are entered, either against or for the estate.
This section is subject to the provisions of "The Local Records Act",
approved August 18, 1961, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 83-346.)
(705 ILCS 105/27) (from Ch. 25, par. 27)
Sec. 27.

Clerks shall provide well bound books in which to record bonds
and letters of administrators, executors and guardians; inventories,
appraisement bills and sale bills of estates; relinquishments and
selections of surviving spouses; inventories of property of minors; wills
and the probate thereof; annual and final reports of administrators,
executors and guardians; and such other exhibits or writings as are
required by law to be recorded.
Clerks shall also provide a book to be called a ledger, in which shall be
kept the accounts of all executors, administrators and guardians. The
debit side shall be made up of all items with which the executor,
administrator or guardian is charged, with a memorandum opposite each item
of charge of the book and page in which the original entry is made. The
credit side shall be made up of all sums properly paid by the executor,
administrator or guardian, under the laws of this State, which have been
allowed by the court; opposite each item of credit a like memorandum shall
be made, showing the book and page where the original entry is to be found.
Each of the books required to be kept by this Section shall have an
alphabetical index, with proper entries, so that the contents may be
readily found.
Clerks shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the court. A full
summary of all settlements made by executors, administrators or guardians
shall be entered in the journal. The journal shall have a copious
alphabetical index of all entries made therein.
This Section is subject to the provisions of the Local Records Act.

(Source: P.A. 87-828.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.1) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.1)
Sec. 27.1.

(Source: P.A. 93-385, eff. 7-25-03; 93-573, eff. 8-21-03. Repealed by P.A.
93-39, eff. 7-1-03.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.1a) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.1a)
Sec. 27.1a. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 100-173, eff. 1-1-18. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.1b)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2024)
Sec. 27.1b. Circuit court clerk fees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all fees charged by the clerks of the circuit court for the services described in this Section shall be established, collected, and disbursed in accordance with this Section. Except as otherwise specified in this Section, all fees under this Section shall be paid in advance and disbursed by each clerk on a monthly basis. In a county with a population of over 3,000,000, units of local government and school districts shall not be required to pay fees under this Section in advance and the clerk shall instead send an itemized bill to the unit of local government or school district, within 30 days of the fee being incurred, and the unit of local government or school district shall be allowed at least 30 days from the date of the itemized bill to pay; these payments shall be disbursed by each clerk on a monthly basis. Unless otherwise specified in this Section, the amount of a fee shall be determined by ordinance or resolution of the county board and remitted to the county treasurer to be used for purposes related to the operation of the court system in the county. In a county with a population of over 3,000,000, any amount retained by the clerk of the circuit court or remitted to the county treasurer shall be subject to appropriation by the county board.
(a) Civil cases. The fee for filing a complaint, petition, or other pleading initiating a civil action shall be as set forth in the applicable schedule under this subsection in accordance with case categories established by the Supreme Court in schedules.
(b) Appearance. The fee for filing an appearance in a civil action, including a cannabis civil law action under the Cannabis Control Act, shall be as set forth in the applicable schedule under this subsection in accordance with case categories established by the Supreme Court in schedules.
(b-5) Kane County and Will County. In Kane County and Will County civil cases, there is an additional fee of up to $30 as set by the county board under Section 5-1101.3 of the Counties Code to be paid by each party at the time of filing the first pleading, paper, or other appearance; provided that no additional fee shall be required if more than one party is represented in a single pleading, paper, or other appearance. Distribution of fees collected under this subsection (b-5) shall be as provided in Section 5-1101.3 of the Counties Code.
(c) Counterclaim or third party complaint. When any defendant files a counterclaim or third party complaint, as part of the defendant's answer or otherwise, the defendant shall pay a filing fee for each counterclaim or third party complaint in an amount equal to the filing fee the defendant would have had to pay had the defendant brought a separate action for the relief sought in the counterclaim or third party complaint, less the amount of the appearance fee, if any, that the defendant has already paid in the action in which the counterclaim or third party complaint is filed.
(d) Alias summons. The clerk shall collect a fee not to exceed $6 in a county with a population of 3,000,000 or more and not to exceed $5 in any other county for each alias summons or citation issued by the clerk, except as applied to units of local government and school districts in counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants an amount not to exceed $5 for each alias summons or citation issued by the clerk.
(e) Jury services. The clerk shall collect, in addition to other fees allowed by law, a sum not to exceed $212.50, as a fee for the services of a jury in every civil action not quasi-criminal in its nature and not a proceeding for the exercise of the right of eminent domain and in every other action wherein the right of trial by jury is or may be given by law. The jury fee shall be paid by the party demanding a jury at the time of filing the jury demand. If the fee is not paid by either party, no jury shall be called in the action or proceeding, and the action or proceeding shall be tried by the court without a jury.
(f) Change of venue. In connection with a change of venue:
(g) Petition to vacate or modify.
(h) Appeals preparation. The fee for preparation of a record on appeal shall be based on the number of pages, as follows:
(i) Remands. In any cases remanded to the circuit court from the Supreme Court or the appellate court for a new trial, the clerk shall reinstate the case with either its original number or a new number. The clerk shall not charge any new or additional fee for the reinstatement. Upon reinstatement, the clerk shall advise the parties of the reinstatement. Parties shall have the same right to a jury trial on remand and reinstatement that they had before the appeal, and no additional or new fee or charge shall be made for a jury trial after remand.
(j) Garnishment, wage deduction, and citation. In garnishment affidavit, wage deduction affidavit, and citation petition proceedings:
(j-5) Debt collection. In any proceeding to collect a debt subject to the exception in item (ii) of subparagraph (A-5) of paragraph (1) of subsection (z) of this Section, the circuit court shall order and the clerk shall collect from each judgment debtor a fee of:
(k) Collections.
(l) Mailing. The fee for the clerk mailing documents shall not exceed $10 plus the cost of postage.
(m) Certified copies. The fee for each certified copy of a judgment, after the first copy, shall not exceed $10.
(n) Certification, authentication, and reproduction.
(o) Record search. For each record search, within a division or municipal district, the clerk may collect a search fee not to exceed $6 for each year searched.
(p) Hard copy. For each page of hard copy print output, when case records are maintained on an automated medium, the clerk may collect a fee not to exceed $10 in a county with a population of 3,000,000 or more and not to exceed $6 in any other county, except as applied to units of local government and school districts in counties with more than 3,000,000 inhabitants an amount not to exceed $6.
(q) Index inquiry and other records. No fee shall be charged for a single plaintiff and defendant index inquiry or single case record inquiry when this request is made in person and the records are maintained in a current automated medium, and when no hard copy print output is requested. The fees to be charged for management records, multiple case records, and multiple journal records may be specified by the Chief Judge pursuant to the guidelines for access and dissemination of information approved by the Supreme Court.
(r) Performing a marriage. There shall be a $10 fee for performing a marriage in court.
(s) Voluntary assignment. For filing each deed of voluntary assignment, the clerk shall collect a fee not to exceed $20. For recording a deed of voluntary assignment, the clerk shall collect a fee not to exceed 50 cents for each 100 words. Exceptions filed to claims presented to an assignee of a debtor who has made a voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors shall be considered and treated, for the purpose of taxing costs therein, as actions in which the party or parties filing the exceptions shall be considered as party or parties plaintiff, and the claimant or claimants as party or parties defendant, and those parties respectively shall pay to the clerk the same fees as provided by this Section to be paid in other actions.
(t) Expungement petition. The clerk may collect a fee not to exceed $60 for each expungement petition filed and an additional fee not to exceed $4 for each certified copy of an order to expunge arrest records.
(u) Transcripts of judgment. For the filing of a transcript of judgment, the clerk may collect the same fee as if it were the commencement of a new suit.
(v) Probate filings.
(w) Corrections of numbers. For correction of the case number, case title, or attorney computer identification number, if required by rule of court, on any document filed in the clerk's office, to be charged against the party that filed the document, the fee shall not exceed $25.
(x) Miscellaneous.
(y) Other fees. Any fees not covered in this Section shall be set by rule or administrative order of the circuit court with the approval of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. The clerk of the circuit court may provide services in connection with the operation of the clerk's office, other than those services mentioned in this Section, as may be requested by the public and agreed to by the clerk and approved by the Chief Judge. Any charges for additional services shall be as agreed to between the clerk and the party making the request and approved by the Chief Judge. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require any clerk to provide any service not otherwise required by law.
(y-5) Unpaid fees. Unless a court ordered payment schedule is implemented or the fee
requirements of this Section are waived under a court order, the clerk of
the circuit court may add to any unpaid fees and costs under this Section a delinquency
amount equal to 5% of the unpaid fees that remain unpaid after 30 days, 10% of
the unpaid fees that remain unpaid after 60 days, and 15% of the unpaid fees
that remain unpaid after 90 days. Notice to those parties may be made by
signage posting or publication. The additional delinquency amounts collected under this Section shall
be deposited into the Circuit Court Clerk Operations and Administration Fund and used to defray additional administrative costs incurred by the clerk of the
circuit court in collecting unpaid fees and costs.
(z) Exceptions.
(aa) This Section is repealed on January 1, 2024.

(Source: P.A. 101-645, eff. 6-26-20; 102-145, eff. 7-23-21; 102-278, eff. 8-6-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.1c)
Sec. 27.1c. Assessment report.
(a) Not later than March 1, 2022, and March 1 of every year thereafter, the clerk of the circuit court shall submit to the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts an annual report for the period January 1 through December 31 of the previous year. The report shall contain, with respect to each of the 4 categories of civil cases established by the Supreme Court pursuant to Section 27.1b of this Act:
(b) The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts shall publish the reports submitted under this Section on its website.
(c) (Blank).

(Source: P.A. 101-645, eff. 6-26-20; 102-145, eff. 7-23-21.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.2) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.2)
Sec. 27.2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.2a) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.2a)
Sec. 27.2a. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 100-173, eff. 1-1-18. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.2b)
Sec. 27.2b. State income tax refund
intercept. The Clerk of the Circuit Court may enter
into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Revenue to establish
a pilot program for the purpose of collecting certain balances owed. The
purpose shall be to intercept, in whole or in part, State
income tax refunds due the persons who
owe past due fees to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in order to satisfy unpaid assessments under the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act and fines as ordered by the court. The agreement shall include, but may not be limited to, a certification by the Clerk of the Circuit Court that the debt claims forwarded to the Department of Revenue are valid and that reasonable efforts have been made to notify persons of the delinquency of the debt. The agreement shall include provisions for payment of the intercept by the Department of Revenue to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and procedures for an appeal/protest by the debtor when an intercept occurs. The agreement may also include provisions to allow the Department of Revenue to recover its cost for administering the program.
Intercepts made pursuant to this Section shall not interfere with the collection of debts related to child support. During the collection of debts under this Section, when there are 2 or more debt claims certified to the Department at the same time, priority of collection shall be as provided in Section 911.3 of the Illinois Income Tax Act.

(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.3)
Sec. 27.3. Compensation.
(a) The county board shall provide the
compensation of Clerks of
the Circuit Court, and the amount necessary for clerk hire, stationery,
fuel and other expenses. Beginning December 1, 1989, the compensation
per annum for Clerks of the Circuit Court shall be as follows:
In counties where the population is:

(b) In counties in which the population is 3,000,000 or less,
"base salary" is the compensation paid for each Clerk of the Circuit Court,
respectively, before July 1, 1989.
(c) The Clerks of the Circuit Court, in counties in which the population
is 3,000,000 or less, shall be compensated as follows:
(d) In addition to the compensation provided by the county board, each
Clerk of the Circuit Court shall receive an award from
the State for the additional duties imposed by Sections 5-9-1 and 5-9-1.2
of the Unified Code of Corrections, Section 10 of the Violent Crime Victims
Assistance Act, and
laws, in the
following amount:
(e) (Blank).
(f) No county board may reduce or otherwise impair the compensation
payable from county funds to a Clerk of the Circuit Court if the reduction or
impairment is the result of the Clerk of the Circuit Court receiving an
award or stipend payable from State funds.

(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3a)
Sec. 27.3a. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 101-275, eff. 8-9-19. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3b) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.3b)
Sec. 27.3b. The clerk of court may accept payment of fines, penalties,
or costs
by certified check, credit card,
or debit card
approved by the clerk from an offender who has been
convicted of or placed on court supervision for a traffic
offense, petty offense, ordinance offense, or misdemeanor or who has been
convicted of a felony offense. The clerk of the circuit court shall accept
credit card payments over the Internet for fines, penalties, court costs, or costs from
offenders on voluntary electronic pleas of guilty in minor traffic and
conservation offenses to satisfy the requirement of written pleas of guilty as
provided in Illinois Supreme Court Rule 529. The clerk of the court may also
payment of statutory fees by a credit card or debit card.
The clerk of the circuit court is authorized to enter into contracts
with credit card
or debit card
companies approved by the clerk and to negotiate the payment of convenience
and administrative fees normally charged by those companies for allowing the clerk of the circuit
court to accept their credit cards
or debit cards
in payment as authorized herein. The clerk of the circuit court is authorized
to enter into contracts with third party fund guarantors, facilitators, and
service providers under which those entities may contract directly with
customers of
the clerk of the circuit court and guarantee and remit the payments to the
clerk of the circuit court. Where the
offender pays fines, penalties, or costs by credit card or debit card or through a third party fund guarantor, facilitator, or service
or anyone paying
statutory fees of
the circuit court clerk, the clerk shall
collect a service fee of up to $5 or the amount charged to the clerk for use of
its services by
the credit card or debit card issuer, third party fund guarantor,
facilitator, or service provider. This service fee shall be
in addition to any other fines, penalties, or
costs. The clerk of the circuit court is authorized to negotiate the
assessment of convenience and administrative fees by the third party fund
guarantors, facilitators, and service providers with the revenue earned by the
clerk of the circuit court to be remitted
to the
county general revenue fund.
As used in this Section, "certified check" has the meaning
provided in Section 3-409 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-652, eff. 1-1-23; 102-356, eff. 1-1-22.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3b-1)
Sec. 27.3b-1. Minimum fines; disbursement of fines.
(a) Unless otherwise specified by law, the minimum fine for a conviction or supervision disposition on a minor traffic offense is $25 and the minimum fine for a conviction, supervision disposition, or violation based upon a plea of guilty or finding of guilt for any other offense is $75. If the court
finds that the fine would impose an undue burden on the victim,
the court may reduce or waive the fine. In this subsection (a), "victim" shall not be construed to include the defendant.
(b) Unless otherwise specified by law, all fines imposed on a misdemeanor offense, other than a traffic, conservation, or driving under the influence offense, or on a felony offense shall be disbursed
within 60 days after receipt by the circuit
clerk to the county treasurer for deposit into the county's General Fund. Unless otherwise specified by law, all fines imposed on an ordinance offense or a misdemeanor traffic, misdemeanor conservation, or misdemeanor driving under the influence offense shall be disbursed
within 60 days after receipt by the circuit
clerk to the treasurer of the unit of government of the arresting agency. If the arresting agency is the office of the sheriff, the county treasurer shall deposit the portion into a fund to support the law enforcement operations of the office of the sheriff. If the arresting agency is a State agency, the State Treasurer shall deposit the portion as follows:
(Source: P.A. 101-636, eff. 6-10-20; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3c) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.3c)
Sec. 27.3c. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 98-606, eff. 6-1-14. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3d)
Sec. 27.3d. Circuit Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund.
Each Circuit Court Clerk shall create a Circuit Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund, to be used to offset the costs incurred by the Circuit Court Clerk in performing the additional duties required to collect and disburse funds to entities of State and local government as provided by law. The Circuit Court Clerk shall be the custodian, ex officio, of this Fund and shall use the Fund to perform the duties required by the office. The Fund shall be audited by the auditor retained by the Clerk for the purpose of conducting the Annual Circuit Court Clerk Audit. Expenditures shall be made from the Fund by the Circuit Court Clerk for expenses related to the cost of collection for and disbursement to entities of State and local government.

(Source: P.A. 94-980, eff. 6-30-06; 94-1009, eff. 1-1-07; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3e)
Sec. 27.3e. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 97-402, eff. 8-16-11. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3f)
Sec. 27.3f. Guardianship and advocacy operations fee.
(a) As used in this Section, "guardianship and advocacy" means the guardianship and advocacy services provided by the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission and defined in the Guardianship and Advocacy Act. Viable public guardianship and advocacy programs, including the public guardianship programs created and supervised in probate proceedings in the Illinois courts, are essential to the administration of justice and ensure that incapacitated persons and their estates are protected. To defray the expense of maintaining and operating the divisions and programs of the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission and to support viable guardianship and advocacy programs throughout Illinois, each circuit court clerk shall charge and collect a fee on all matters filed in probate cases in accordance with this Section, but no fees shall be assessed against the State Guardian, any State agency under the jurisdiction of the Governor, any public guardian, or any State's Attorney.
(b) No fee specified in this Section shall be imposed in any minor guardianship established under Article XI of the Probate Act of 1975, or against an indigent person. An indigent person shall include any person who meets one or more of the following criteria:
(c) The clerk is entitled to receive the fee specified in this Section, which shall be paid in advance, and managed by the clerk as set out in paragraph (2), except that, for good cause shown, the court may suspend, reduce, or release the costs payable under this Section:
(Source: P.A. 97-1093, eff. 1-1-13.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.3g)
Sec. 27.3g. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-281, eff. 8-5-15. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.4) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.4)
Sec. 27.4.

(Source: P.A. 79-1445. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.5) (from Ch. 25, par. 27.5)
Sec. 27.5. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-658, eff. 6-23-14. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.6)
Sec. 27.6. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 99-455, eff. 1-1-16. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.7)
Sec. 27.7. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 99-859, eff. 8-19-16. Repealed by P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.8)
Sec. 27.8.
Annual audit.
(a) Beginning with fiscal years ending in 1999 and all fiscal years
thereafter, in addition to any other audits required by law, the county board
of each county shall cause an audit of the office of the circuit clerk to be
made annually at the close of the county's fiscal year by a licensed public
accountant. The county auditor and his or her staff may assist with the audit.
The audit shall
consist of a letter report that expresses an opinion on
the financial statements of the circuit clerk, a letter report that expresses
opinion on internal controls of the circuit clerk, a letter report on the
circuit clerk's compliance with applicable statutes, rules, and procedures
relating to assessment, collection, and distribution of funds, including the
timeliness of those actions, any documentation or statements necessary to
support the findings and opinions of the auditors, and any supplemental
schedules or other documents required by the audit guidelines. A listing
of applicable
legal requirements shall be compiled by the Administrative Office of the
Illinois Courts and made available to auditors
for their compliance testing.
The county board may include additional
requirements in the audit.
(b) The audits shall be completed in accordance with generally accepted
government auditing standards and generally accepted auditing standards. The
audit shall be completed within 6 months after the end of the fiscal year. The
county board may grant an extension of up to 6 months for the completion of the
(c) The expenses of conducting and filing the audit shall be paid by the
county from the circuit clerk's appropriations, and the county board shall make
provisions for the payment unless
another person or entity agrees, in writing, to pay the expenses.
(d) The audit shall be filed with the Administrative Office of the Illinois
Courts, the State Comptroller, the circuit clerk,
and the county board within one month after the completion of the audit.
(e) The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts shall disseminate
auditing guidelines to the county boards and the circuit clerks. The Auditor
General's Office shall update, with the assistance of the Administrative Office
of the Illinois Courts, the auditing
guidelines as
necessary from time to time. Revised guidelines shall be available to the
Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts for dissemination to the county
boards and the circuit clerks.
(f) The auditing requirements of this Section may be included in the audit
required by Section 6-31003 of the Counties Code.
(g) This Section is intended to require a comprehensive audit of the circuit
clerks and to eliminate duplicative audits of the circuit clerk. The audit
performed under this Section shall be available, upon request, to the public.

(Source: P.A. 90-350, eff. 1-1-98; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.9)
Sec. 27.9.
Frivolous lawsuits filed by prisoners.
(a) The fees of the
clerks of the circuit court shall not be waived for a petitioner who is a
prisoner in an Illinois Department of Corrections facility who files a
pleading, motion, or other filing which purports to be a legal document in a
lawsuit seeking post-conviction relief
under Article 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, pursuant
to Section 116-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, or in a habeas
action under Article X of the Code of Civil Procedure and the defendant is the
State, the Illinois Department of Corrections, or the Prisoner Review Board or
any of their officers or employees, and the court makes a specific finding that
the pleading, motion, or other filing which purports to be a legal document is
(b) "Frivolous" means that a pleading, motion, or other filing which
purports to be a legal document filed by a prisoner in his or her lawsuit meets
any or all of the following criteria:
(Source: P.A. 90-505, eff. 8-19-97; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)
(705 ILCS 105/27.10)
(This Section was added by P.A. 94-677, which has been held
Sec. 27.10. Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation. Each clerk of the circuit court shall provide to the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation such information as the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation requests under Section 155.19 of the Illinois Insurance Code.

(Source: P.A. 94-677, eff. 8-25-05.)
(705 ILCS 105/28)
Sec. 28. Supreme Court Clerk; fees. At the time of filing a petition or
record, the petitioner or appellant shall pay to the Clerk of the Supreme Court
the sum of $25. That sum shall be in full payment of all services of the clerk
on behalf of the petitioner or appellant, except the making of a complete
record, or copies of records, papers, or orders. The respondent or appellee,
before entering an appearance or filing any paper, shall pay to the Clerk of
the Supreme Court the sum of $15, which sum shall be in full payment of all
services of the clerk on behalf of the respondent or appellee, except the
making of a complete record, or copies of records, papers, or orders.
The fee for each official certificate and seal is $1.
The fee for making a complete record, copy of a record, or other papers
in this office is a reasonable fee per page as established by the
Supreme Court, except that the clerk shall
furnish without cost, to parties in interest or their attorneys of
record, copies of opinions or orders. In furtherance of the
public interest, the clerk may furnish copies of opinions or orders without
cost to other individuals or entities.
The fee for preparing a law license, certifying it with the seal,
administering the oath, and transcribing the name on the roll of attorneys is
After the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, the amount of any fee collected under this Section may be set by Supreme Court rule, except that the amount of the fees collected under this Section shall remain as set by statute until the Supreme Court adopts rules specifying a higher or lower fee amount.
There is created the Supreme Court Special Purposes Fund, a special fund in the State treasury. Moneys collected under this Section shall be deposited into the Supreme Court Special Purposes Fund. Moneys in the Supreme Court Special Purposes Fund shall be used by the Supreme Court for:
(705 ILCS 105/29)
Sec. 29. Salary; disposition of fees; expenditures. The ordinary
and contingent expenses of operating the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme
Court, including salaries, shall be determined by the Supreme Court and
paid from the State treasury on the warrant of the Comptroller out of
appropriations made for that purpose by the General Assembly.
Except as specified under Section 28 of this Act, Section 12 of the Professional Service Corporation Act, Section 50-45 of the Limited Liability Company Act, and Section 10 of the Professional Association Act, all fees and costs paid to or received by the Clerk of the Supreme
Court shall be paid into the State Treasury.

(Source: P.A. 98-324, eff. 10-1-13.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Chapter 705 - COURTS

705 ILCS 5/ - Supreme Court Act.

705 ILCS 10/ - Supreme Court Terms Act.

705 ILCS 15/ - Supreme Court Building Act.

705 ILCS 17/ - Supreme Court Historic Preservation Act.

705 ILCS 22/ - Judicial Circuits Apportionment Act of 2005.

705 ILCS 23/ - Judicial Districts Act of 2021.

705 ILCS 24/ - Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

705 ILCS 25/ - Appellate Court Act.

705 ILCS 30/ - Appellate Court Law Clerk and Secretary Act.

705 ILCS 35/ - Circuit Courts Act.

705 ILCS 40/ - Judicial Vacancies Act.

705 ILCS 45/ - Associate Judges Act.

705 ILCS 50/ - Cook County Circuit Apportionment Act of 1991.

705 ILCS 55/ - Compulsory Retirement of Judges Act.

705 ILCS 60/ - Qualifications of Judges Act.

705 ILCS 65/ - Official Court Reports Act.

705 ILCS 70/ - Court Reporters Act.

705 ILCS 75/ - Court Reporter Transcript Act.

705 ILCS 78/ - Foreign Language Court Interpreter Act.

705 ILCS 80/ - Child Witness Trauma Reduction Act.

705 ILCS 85/ - Court Records Restoration Act.

705 ILCS 90/ - Judicial Privacy Act.

705 ILCS 95/ - Access to Justice Act.

705 ILCS 105/ - Clerks of Courts Act.

705 ILCS 110/ - Circuit Court Clerk Regulation Act.

705 ILCS 115/ - Fee Bill Act.

705 ILCS 120/ - Record on Appeal Fee Act.

705 ILCS 125/ - Court Statistics Act.

705 ILCS 130/ - Domestic Relations Legal Funding Act.

705 ILCS 135/ - Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act.

705 ILCS 205/ - Attorney Act.

705 ILCS 210/ - Legal Business Solicitation Act.

705 ILCS 220/ - Corporation Practice of Law Prohibition Act.

705 ILCS 225/ - Attorneys Fees in Wage Actions Act.

705 ILCS 230/ - Building and Loan Receivership Fee Act.

705 ILCS 235/ - Lawyers' Assistance Program Act.

705 ILCS 305/ - Jury Act.

705 ILCS 310/ - Jury Commission Act.

705 ILCS 315/ - Jury Secrecy Act.

705 ILCS 320/ - Juror Protection Act.

705 ILCS 405/ - Juvenile Court Act of 1987.

705 ILCS 410/ - Juvenile Drug Court Treatment Act.

705 ILCS 505/ - Court of Claims Act.

705 ILCS 510/ - Medical Fees of State Inmate Escapees Act.