Illinois Compiled Statutes
70 ILCS 1215/ - Park Annuity and Benefit Fund Civil Service Act.

(70 ILCS 1215/0.01) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 113.9)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Park Annuity and Benefit Fund Civil Service Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(70 ILCS 1215/1) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 114)
Sec. 1.

All offices and places of employment other than those specifically
exempted by the provisions of section 13 of this Act, in any Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund System
created under the provisions of Article 12 of the "Illinois Pension Code"
as the same may from time to time be amended, shall be classified and
filled in the manner hereinafter provided for and not otherwise.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/2) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 115)
Sec. 2.

In any Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and
Benefit Fund System to which this Act is or shall become applicable, there
is hereby created and established a Civil Service Board to consist of three
persons to be selected in the manner following:
The Board of Trustees of the Park Employees' and Retirement Board
Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, shall, within thirty days after this
act becomes applicable appoint three persons from among their members, at
least one of whom shall be a member of said Board of Trustees from that
portion of the membership of said Board of Trustees appointed by the
Commissioners of the Park District, and one of them a member of said Board
of Trustees from that portion of the membership of said Board elected by
the employees of the Park District, under the provisions of Section 12-156
of Article 12 of the "Illinois Pension Code" as the same may from time to
time be amended, each for the term of two years from the date of his
appointment and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified, who
shall constitute and be known as the Civil Service Board of such Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund. The
members of the Civil Service Board shall not receive any salary. Two
members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
No member of the Civil Service Board shall be removed except for
palpable incompetence or malfeasance in office upon written charges filed
by or at the direction of the Board of Trustees of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, and heard before the
Board of Hearings herein provided for.
The three judges of the Circuit Court of a county in which said Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund is
situated who have longest held judicial office shall constitute the Board
of Hearings for such county; provided, that whenever more than three
circuit judges shall be eligible as having held judicial office for the
same length of time, the choice of circuit judges shall be made from them
by lot.
The Board of Hearings shall hear and determine the charges and its
findings shall be final, and if such charges shall be sustained the member
of the Civil Service Board so charged shall be forthwith removed from
office by said Board of Hearings and the said Board of Trustees shall
thereupon proceed, within thirty days, to fill the vacancy created by such
removal. In any proceeding provided for in this section, the Board of
Hearings, and each member thereof, shall have power to administer oaths and
to compel by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the
production of books and papers.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/3) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 116)
Sec. 3.

The Civil Service Board shall within ninety days after this act
goes into effect, classify all offices and places of employment in said
Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund
system with reference to the duties thereof and for the purpose of
establishing grades and of fixing and maintaining standards of examinations
hereinafter provided for. The offices and places so classified shall
constitute the classified civil service of such Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund system and no
appointments, promotions, transfers, reductions in grade or removal
therefrom shall be made except under and according to the provisions of
this act, and of the rules hereinafter mentioned. As a part of such
classified service all officers and employees of said Board of Trustees
other than those specifically exempted under the provisions of Section 13
of this Act shall be included. The Civil Service Board shall ascertain
and record the duties of each office and place in the classified civil
service and designate the grade of each position. Each grade shall comprise
offices and places having substantially similar duties. They shall also
record the lines of promotion from each lower grade to a higher grade
wherever the experience derived in the performance of the duties of such
lower grade tends to qualify for the performance of duty in such higher
grade. The Civil Service Board shall by rules prescribe standards of
efficiency for each grade and for examinations of candidates for
appointment thereto.
For the purpose of establishing standards as basis for uniformity of pay
and title for all offices and places of employment classified in the same
grade, it shall be the duty of the Civil Service Board to prescribe by rule
the maximum and minimum rate of pay for each grade and the title thereof,
for the guidance of the Board of Trustees in determining the actual pay for
each office or place of employment, and to report to the Board of Trustees
annually and at such other times as they may direct, the name and address
of each officer and employee paid more than the maximum or less than the
minimum rate of pay prescribed for his or her grade or designated by a
title other than that prescribed for his or her grade by the Civil Service
Board. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, within thirty days
after receiving such report, to change the pay or title of every officer or
employee so reported out of grade to conform to the standards of title and
pay prescribed by the Civil Service Board for the guidance of the Board of
Trustees for the grade in which the position held by such officer or
employee is classified. The Civil Service Board shall standardize
employment in each grade and make and keep a record of the relative
efficiency of each officer and employee in the classified civil service.
The Civil Service Board shall provide by rule methods for ascertaining and
verifying the facts from which such records of relative efficiency shall be
made which shall be uniform for each grade in the classified civil service.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/4) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 117)
Sec. 4.

In any Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and
Benefit Fund system created under the provisions of Article 12 of the
"Illinois Pension Code" as the same may from time to time be amended,
which is now or which hereafter may become subject to the provisions of
this Act, all persons who, at the time when this Act takes effect or
becomes applicable hold offices or places of employment which this Act
provides shall be classified, shall be included under the provisions of
this Act or become members of the classified service of such Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund system
without original examination.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/5) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 118)
Sec. 5.

The Civil Service Board shall make rules to carry out the purposes
of this Act and for examinations, appointments, transfers and removals, and
for maintaining and keeping records of the efficiency of officers and
employees, and groups of officers and employees in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, and said Board may, from time to time, make changes
in said rules.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/6) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 119)
Sec. 6.

All rules made as herein provided and all changes therein shall
forthwith be printed for distribution by the Civil Service Board, and it
shall give notice of the places where copies of said rules may be obtained
by publication in one or more daily newspapers published in the county in
which said Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and
Benefit Fund is situated and in such publication shall specify the date
when said rules or changes shall go into operation.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/7) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 120)
Sec. 7.

All applicants for offices or places in said classified civil
service shall be citizens of the United States of America and residents
of the State of Illinois for at least one year prior to the beginning
date of an examination for an office or place in said classified service
and shall be subjected to examination, which shall be public and
competitive, with limitations specified in the rules of the Board as to
the residence, age, health, habits, moral character and
qualifications to perform the duties of the office or place to be
filled, which qualifications shall be prescribed in advance of the call
for said examination. Such examinations shall be practical in their
character, and shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the
relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the
position to which they seek to be appointed, and may include tests of
physical qualifications and health, and when appropriate, of manual
skill. No question in any examination shall relate to political or
religious opinions or affiliations. The Civil Service Board shall
control all examinations and may, whenever an examination is to take
place, designate a suitable number of persons to be special examiners,
and it shall be the duty of such special examiners to conduct such
examination as the Civil Service Board may direct, and to make return
and report thereof to said Board; and said Board may at any time
substitute any other person in the place of any one so selected; and
said Board may itself, at any time, act as such special examiner and
without appointing other special examiners. Examinations shall be held
only when a vacancy exists, and within a reasonable time thereafter.
Every applicant who desires to take any civil service examination
provided for by this Act shall, at the time of making application, pay
to the Fund System a fee, as hereinafter provided, to defray the
expenses of such examination. Such fees shall be deposited in the
general fund of the Fund System. Fees to be paid shall be determined
from the minimum announced salary for the positions to be filled, and
shall be as follows:

Minimum salary of less than $1200 annually ..............$0.50

Minimum salary of $1200 or over and less than $2000 annually


Minimum salary of $2000 or over and less than $3000 annually


Minimum salary of $3000 or more annually..................3.00

(Source: P.A. 81-257.)
(70 ILCS 1215/8) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 121)
Sec. 8.

Notice of the time and place and general scope and fee of every
examination and of the duties and nature of the position sought to be
filled shall be given by the Civil Service Board by a publication two (2)
weeks preceding such examination in a daily newspaper of general
circulation published in the county in which said Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund system is situated,
and such notice shall be posted by the secretary of the Civil Service Board
in a conspicuous place in the office of the Park Employees' and Retirement
Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund for two (2) weeks before such

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/9) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 122)
Sec. 9.

From the return or report of examiners or from the examinations
made by the Civil Service Board the secretary of the Civil Service Board
shall prepare a register for each grade or class of position in the
classified service of the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees'
Annuity and Benefit Fund of the persons who shall attain such minimum mark
as may be fixed by the Civil Service Board for any part of such
examination, and whose general average standing upon examination for such
grade or class is not less than the minimum fixed by the rules of said
Board, and who are otherwise eligible; and such persons shall take rank
upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence
as determined by examination, without reference to priority of time of
Said Board may in its discretion cancel such portion of any such
register as has been in force for more than two (2) years.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/10) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 123)
Sec. 10.

The Civil Service Board shall note of record the duties (whether
imposed by law, official regulation or practice) of each office or place in
the classified service. The Civil Service Board shall thereupon, by rule,
fix lines for promotion from such several offices and places to superior
offices or places in all cases where, in the judgment of the Board, the
duties of such several positions directly tend to fit the incumbent for a
superior position. In case of vacancy in superior offices or places which
cannot be filled by reinstatement, the Civil Service Board shall hold
promotional examinations to fill such vacancy within a reasonable time.
Incumbents of offices or places next lower in the line so fixed shall be
solely eligible for such examination, unless in the judgment of the Board,
to be noted in its minutes with the grounds therefor, it is for the best
interests of the service that original entrance examination for such
vacancy be held. In promotional examinations, efficiency and seniority in
service shall form a part of such examination, but combined shall not carry
a total number of marks to exceed one-quarter (1/4) of the maximum marks
obtainable in such examination. All examinations for promotion shall be
competitive. The method of examination, the rules governing the same, and
the method of certifying shall be the same as provided for in original
entrance examination.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/11) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 124)
Sec. 11.

Whenever a position classified under this Act is to be
filled the appointing officer shall make requisition upon said civil service
board, and said board shall certify to him the name and address
of the candidate standing highest upon the register of eligibles for
said position. The appointing officer shall notify the board of each
position to be filled separately and shall fill such position by the
appointment of the person certified to him by said board therefor, which
appointment shall be on probation for a period of not more than six (6)
months to be fixed by said rules. At any time during the period of
probation the appointing officer may discharge the person so certified
and shall forthwith notify the board in writing of such discharge. If
such person is not thus discharged his or her appointment shall be
deemed complete.
When there is no eligible list, the appointing officer may, with the
authority of the Civil Service Board, make temporary appointments to
remain in force only until regular appointments under the provisions of
this Act can be made; an examination to supply an eligible list therefor
shall be held and an eligible list established therefrom within a
reasonable time thereafter.
In employment of an essentially temporary and transitory nature, the
appointing officer may, with the authority of said Civil Service Board,
make temporary appointments to fill a vacancy, but no such authority
shall be granted for a period of more than thirty (30) days, but it may
be renewed from time to time by the Civil Service Board. The acceptance
or refusal by an eligible person of a temporary appointment shall not
affect his or her standing on the register for permanent employment.
Except as may be otherwise provided by law, the words "appointing
officer" as used herein, shall be taken and construed to mean, in each
case, the Board of Trustees of the Park Employees' Annuity and Benefit
Fund or such other officers or employees of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund to whom they may
from time to time delegate or grant the power of appointment.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/12) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 125)
Sec. 12.

The Civil Service Board may, by its rules, provide for transfers
of officers and employees in the classified service from positions in one
office or department to positions of the same class and grade in another
office or department.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/13) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 126)
Sec. 13.

The following offices and places of employment, insofar as there
are or may be such, in such Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees'
Annuity and Benefit Fund system, shall not be included within the
classified civil service: The members of the Board of Trustees of the Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, the
President and Secretary of said Board, the Custodian of said Fund, the
attorneys, and the special examiners appointed by the Civil Service Board
to conduct examinations.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/14) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 127)
Sec. 14.

No officer or employee in the classified civil service of any Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund shall
be removed, discharged, demoted to an office or place of employment next
lower in the line of promotion or suspended for a period of more than
thirty (30) days, except for cause upon written charges and after an
opportunity to be heard in his or her own defense. Such charges shall be
investigated by or before the Civil Service Board or by or before some
officer or officers appointed by the board to conduct such investigation.
The hearing shall be public and the accused shall be entitled to call
witnesses in his or her defense and to have the aid of counsel. The hearing
may be postponed or continued with the consent of the Civil Service Board
or investigating officer. The finding and decision of the Civil Service
Board or of such investigating officer or officers, when approved by the
majority of said Civil Service Board, shall be final and shall be certified
to the appointing officer, and shall be forthwith enforced by such officer.
Nothing in this Act shall limit the power of any officer to suspend a
subordinate for a reasonable period not exceeding thirty (30) days. Every
such suspension shall be without pay: Provided, however, that the Civil
Service Board shall have authority to investigate every such suspension
and, in case of its disapproval thereof, it shall have power to restore pay
to the employee so suspended. In the course of any investigation provided
for in this Act, each member of the Civil Service Board and any officer
appointed by it shall have the power to administer oaths and shall have
power to secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of
witnesses and the production of books and papers. The Civil Service Board
shall have the right to strike from the list of civil service employees the
name of any person in the classified service who shall fail to report for
assignment to a position after certification or for duty after appointment
unless such failure to report shall be due to cause permitted by the rules
of the Civil Service Board.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/15) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 128)
Sec. 15.

Notice in writing shall be given by the appointing officer to said
Civil Service Board of all appointments, permanent or temporary, made in
such classified civil service, and of all transfers, promotions,
resignations or vacancies from any cause in such service within ten (10)
days of the date thereof and a record of the same shall be kept by said
Civil Service Board. If, when created, such office or place is not embraced
in the then existing classification the Civil Service Board shall within
thirty (30) days of the receipt of said report, classify the same and
standardize the duties thereof. But no place of employment shall be deemed
a newly created position, the duties of which come within the scope of
standardization already fixed by the Civil Service Board. When any office
or place of employment is created or abolished, or the compensation
attached thereto altered, the officer or board making such change shall
report it in writing to said Civil Service Board within ten (10) days of
the date thereof.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/16) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 129)
Sec. 16.

The Civil Service Board shall investigate the efficiency of all
officers and employees and of all groups of officers and employees in the
classified service and shall report to each officer, board or other
authority in charge of any office or department of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, its findings and
recommendations relative to increasing efficiency and economy therein. In
case the recommendations made by the board are not carried into effect
within a reasonable time, or in case of a difference of opinion with
reference to such findings or recommendations between the Civil Service
Board and the officer or authority in charge of an office or department
concerned in any such findings or recommendations, the report, accompanied
by a note of the relevant facts shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees
of the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit
Fund by the Civil Service Board. The Civil Service Board shall investigate
the enforcement of this Act and of the rules of the Board, the conduct of
the appointees in the classified service, and the methods of administration
therein, and may investigate the nature, tenure and compensation of all
offices and places in the civil service of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund. In the course of such
investigation said Civil Service Board shall have power to administer oaths
and to secure by subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses
and the production of books and records.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/17) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 130)
Sec. 17.

Said Board shall on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of January
of each year make to the Board of Trustees of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund a report showing its
own action, the rules in force, the practical effects thereof and any
suggestions it may approve for the more effectual accomplishment of the
purposes of this Act. The Board of Trustees of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund may require a report
from said Civil Service Board at any time.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/18) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 131)
Sec. 18.

The Civil Service Board shall select one of its own members to act
as secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the Civil Service
Board, preserve all records and perform such other duties as the Board may

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/19) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 132)
Sec. 19.

All officers and trustees of the Park Employees' and Retirement
Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund shall aid the Civil Service Board
in all proper ways in carrying out the provisions of the Act, and at any
place where examinations are to be held shall allow reasonable use of the
premises occupied by the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees'
Annuity and Benefit Fund for holding such examinations, and shall cause
suitable rooms to be provided for the Civil Service Board at the expense of
the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/20) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 133)
Sec. 20.

A sufficient sum of money shall be provided each year by the Board
of Trustees of the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity
and Benefit Fund to carry out the provisions of this Act; and said trustees
shall allow to said Civil Service Board such clerical help and such sums to
operate and maintain said Civil Service Board as shall be necessary, and
the compensation of such clerical help, and such sums allowed, shall be
paid by the Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and
Benefit Fund in the same manner as for other administrative purposes.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/21) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 134)
Sec. 21.

No person or officer shall willfully or corruptly, by himself, or
in cooperation with any one or more persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct
any person in respect to his or her right of examination and employment
hereunder; or corruptly or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the
examination or proper standing of any persons examined hereunder, or aid in
so doing; or willfully or corruptly threaten to dismiss, transfer or bring
charges against any employee in the classified civil service, or willfully
or corruptly make any false representation concerning the examination or
concerning the person examined; or willfully or corruptly furnish to any
person any special or secret information for the purpose of either
improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined or
to be examined, being appointed, employed or promoted. And no applicant for
any examination shall willfully or corruptly, by himself, or in cooperation
with any one or more persons, deceive the said Board with reference to his
or her identity, or willfully or corruptly make any false representations
in his or her application for any examination or commit any fraud for the
purpose of improving the prospects or chances of such applicant in such

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/22) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 135)
Sec. 22.

No officer or employee shall solicit, orally or in writing, or
give or receive or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or giving or
receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution from any member of
the classified civil service for any party or political purpose whatever.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/23) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 136)
Sec. 23.

No person shall solicit, orally or in writing, or be in any manner
concerned in soliciting any assessment, contribution or payment for any
party or political purpose whatever from any officer or employe in the
classified civil service.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/24) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 137)
Sec. 24.

No person shall in any room or building occupied for the discharge
of official duties by any officer or employee of the Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, solicit orally or by
written communication delivered therein or in any other manner, or receive
any contribution of money, or other thing of value, for any party or
political purpose whatever from any member of the classified civil service.
No officer, agent, clerk or employee in the employ of any such Park
Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund, who
may have charge or control of any building, office or room occupied for any
purpose of said Park Employees' and Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and
Benefit Fund shall permit any person to enter the same for the purpose of
therein soliciting or delivering written solicitations for or receiving
from, or give notice to any member of the classified civil service of any
political assessments.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/25) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 138)
Sec. 25.
No officer or employee in the service of such Park Employees' and
Retirement Board Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund shall, directly or
indirectly, give or hand over to any officer or employee in said classified
civil service, or to any senator, representative, alderperson, councilman,
park commissioner or trustee, any money or other valuable thing on account
of or to be applied to the promotion of any party or political object

(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)
(70 ILCS 1215/26) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 139)
Sec. 26.

No person who holds any public office, or who has been nominated
for, or who seeks a nomination or appointment to any public office, shall
corruptly use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any
official authority or influence in or to secure or aid any person in
securing for himself or for another, any office or public employment or any
nomination, confirmation, promotion or increase of salary as a reward for
political influence or service. No person appointed, or about to be
appointed, to the position of member of the Civil Service Board, or to a
position in the classified service, shall execute or sign a resignation in
advance, dated or undated, for the purpose or with the result of permitting
the appointing officer to create at his will a vacancy in the office of
member of the Civil Service Board or in a position in the classified

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/27) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 140)
Sec. 27.

No applicant for appointment in said classified service, or to a
position named in the thirteenth section of this Act, shall pay or
promise to pay, either directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable
thing to any person whatever for or on account of his or her appointment or
proposed appointment, and no officer or employee in said classified service
or named in section thirteen of this Act shall pay or promise to pay,
either directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing to any
person whatever for or on account of his or her promotion or proposed
promotion. Nor shall he by means of threats or coercion induce or seek to
induce any one in the classified service to resign his or her position or
to take a leave of absence, or any one at the head of an eligible list to
waive his or her right to certification or appointment. No employee shall
be given a leave of absence while under charges nor shall such leave be
given as an alternative to a trial on charges.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/28) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 141)
Sec. 28.

No applicant for appointment or promotion in the classified
service shall ask for or receive a recommendation or assistance from any
officer or employee in said service or from any person in consideration of
any political service to be rendered to or for such person or for the
promotion of such person to any office or appointment.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/29) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 142)
Sec. 29.

The Civil Service Board shall certify to the financial or auditing
officer all appointments to offices and places in the classified service,
and all vacancies occurring therein, whether by dismissal, resignation or
death, and all decisions of the Board under the provisions of Section 16 of
this Act.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/30) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 143)
Sec. 30.

No treasurer, custodian, comptroller, paymaster, auditing officer
or other officer or agent of such Park Employees' and Retirement Board
Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund shall approve the payment of or be in
any manner concerned in paying salary or wage to any person for services as
an officer or employee in the public service covered by this Act, unless an
estimate, payroll, or account for such salary or wage, containing the name
of the persons to be paid and a statement of the amount to be paid to each,
and the matter on account of which the same is to be paid, shall be filed
with him bearing the certificate of the Secretary of said Civil Service
Board that the persons named in such estimate, payroll or account have been
appointed or employed in pursuance of law, and that the amounts of money
set forth are lawfully due them under this Act and of the rules made in
pursuance of this Act. Before said Secretary of said Civil Service Board
shall certify any estimate, payroll or account for the salary or wage of
any person appointed to any new office or new place of employment in the
classified service said Civil Service Board shall investigate and determine
whether such office or place of employment is in fact new and was properly
created, and said Board shall record its findings in that respect before
making any certificate as aforesaid.

(Source: Laws 1963, p. 138.)
(70 ILCS 1215/31) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 144)
Sec. 31.

Any person who shall be served with a subpoena to appear and
testify or to produce books and papers, issued by the Civil Service Board
or by any member thereof, or by any person or persons acting under the
orders of said Board in the course of an investigation conducted under any
provision of this Act, and who shall refuse or neglect to appear or
testify, or to produce books and papers relevant to said investigation, as
commanded in the subpoena, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall, on conviction, be punished as provided in section 33
of this Act. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the
same as the fees of witnesses before circuit courts, and shall be paid by
the Board,
and any circuit court, upon application of any such
member of the Board, may, in its discretion, compel
the attendance of witnesses, the production of books and papers and giving
of testimony before the Board, or before any such investigating
officer, by attachment or contempt or otherwise, in the same manner as the
production of evidence may be compelled before the court. Every
person, who, having taken an oath or made affirmation before a member of
the Board, or officer appointed by the Board authorized to administer oaths,
shall swear or affirm willfully, corruptly and falsely, shall be guilty
of perjury and upon conviction shall
be punished accordingly.

(Source: P.A. 83-334.)
(70 ILCS 1215/32) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 145)
Sec. 32.

Persons who were engaged in the military or naval service of the
United States during the years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1914, 1915,
1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, any time between September 16, 1940 and July 25,
1947, or at any time during the national emergency between June 25, 1950
and January 31, 1955, and who were honorably discharged therefrom, and all
persons who were engaged in such military or naval service during any of
said years or period, who are now or may hereafter be on inactive or
reserve duty in such military or naval service not including, however,
persons who were convicted by court martial of disobedience of orders,
where such disobedience consisted in the refusal to perform military
service on the ground of alleged religious or conscientious objections
against war, shall be preferred for appointment to civil offices, positions
or places of employment in the classified civil service to which the
provisions of this Act apply provided they are found to possess the
business capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such
office, position, or place of employment as determined by examination.
The Civil Service Board on certifying from any existing register of
eligibles resulting from the holding of an examination for original
entrance or any register of eligibles that may be hereafter created of
persons who have taken and successfully passed the examination provided for
in this Act for original entrance commenced prior to September 1, 1949,
shall place the name or names of such persons at the head of any existing
eligible register or list of eligibles that shall be created under the
provisions of this Act to be certified for employment. The Civil Service
Board shall give preference for original appointment to persons as
hereinabove designated whose names appear on any register of eligibles
resulting from an examination for original entrance held under the
provisions of this Act and commenced on or after September 1, 1949 by
adding to the final grade average which they received or will receive as
the result of any examination held for original entrance, five points. The
numerical result thus attained shall be applied by the Civil Service Board
in determining the position of such persons on any eligible list which has
been created as the result of any examination for original entrance
commenced on or after September 1, 1949 for purposes of preference in
certification and appointment from such eligible list.
Every certified Civil Service employee who was called to, or who
volunteered for, the military or naval service of the United States at any
time during the years specified in this Act, at any time between September
16, 1940 and July 25, 1947, or at any time during the national emergency
between June 25, 1950 and January 31, 1955, and who were honorably
discharged therefrom who are now or who may hereafter be on inactive or
reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including, however,
persons who were convicted by court martial of disobedience of orders where
such disobediences consisted in the refusal to perform military service on
the ground of alleged religious or conscientious objections against war,
and whose names appear on existing promotional eligible registers or any
promotional eligible register that may hereafter be created, as provided
for by this Act, shall be preferred for promotional appointment to civil
offices, positions and places of employment in the classified civil service
to which the provisions of this Act apply.
The Civil Service Board shall give preference for promotional
appointment to persons as hereinabove designated whose names appear on
existing promotional eligible registers or promotional eligible registers
that may hereafter be created by adding to the final grade average which
they received or will receive as the result of any promotional examination
commencing prior to September 1, 1949 three-fourths of one point for each 6
months or fraction thereof of military or naval service not exceeding 30
months, and by adding to the final grade average which they will receive as
a result of any promotional examination held commencing on or after
September 1, 1949 seven-tenths of one point for each 6 months or fraction
thereof of military or naval service not exceeding 30 months. The numerical
result thus attained shall be applied by the Civil Service Board in
determining the position of such persons on any eligible list which has
been created or will be created as the result of any promotional
examination held hereunder for purposes of preference in certification and
appointment from such eligible list.
No person shall receive the preference for a promotional appointment
granted by this Section after he has received one promotion from an
eligible list on which he was allowed such preference and which was
prepared as a result of an examination held on or after September 1, 1949.
No person entitled to preference or credit for military or naval service
hereunder shall be required to furnish evidence or record of honorable
discharge from the armed forces before any examination held hereunder but
such preference shall be given after the posting or publication of the
eligible list or register and before any certification or appointments are
made from the eligible register.

(Source: Laws 1957, p. 2184.)
(70 ILCS 1215/33) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 146)
Sec. 33.

Any person who shall willfully or through culpable negligence
violate any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a Class B

(Source: P.A. 77-2362.)
(70 ILCS 1215/34) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 147)
Sec. 34.

If any person shall be convicted under the last preceding
section, any public office or place of public employment which such
person may hold, shall, by force of such conviction, be rendered vacant.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/35) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 148)
Sec. 35.

Prosecutions for violations of this Act may be instituted either
by the Attorney General, the State's Attorney for the county in which the
offense is alleged to have been committed, or by the Civil Service Board
acting through special counsel. Such suits shall be conducted and
controlled by the prosecuting officers who instituted them unless they
request the aid of other prosecuting officers.

(Source: Laws 1939, p. 418.)
(70 ILCS 1215/36) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 149)
Sec. 36.

Whenever the Attorney General, or the State's Attorney for the
county in which an offense under this Act is alleged to have been committed
shall refuse to prosecute the person or persons alleged to have committed
such an offense, or shall fail to prosecute such person or persons after a
lapse of 30 days from the date the alleged offense is
brought to his or her attention, then any taxpayer may apply to the
circuit court of the county for the appointment
of a special attorney to conduct a prosecution of such person or persons,
and upon such application the court may appoint some competent attorney
to prosecute the person or persons alleged to have committed the offense
and the special attorney so appointed shall have the same power and authority
in relation to any prosecution for
violation of this Act against such person or persons as the Attorney
General or the State's Attorney would have had in prosecuting any violation
of this Act, and such special attorney shall conduct and control such
prosecution unless he request the aid of other prosecuting attorneys.

(Source: P.A. 83-334.)
(70 ILCS 1215/37) (from Ch. 24 1/2, par. 149a)
Sec. 37.

All final administrative decisions of the Civil Service Board or
the Board of Hearings hereunder shall be subject to judicial review
pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all
amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules
adopted pursuant thereto. The term "administrative decision" is defined as
in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


70 ILCS 5/ - Airport Authorities Act.

70 ILCS 10/ - Interstate Airport Authorities Act.

70 ILCS 15/ - Kankakee River Valley Area Airport Authority Act.

70 ILCS 105/ - Cemetery Maintenance District Act.

70 ILCS 200/ - Civic Center Code.

70 ILCS 210/ - Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act.

70 ILCS 215/ - Fair and Exposition Authority Reconstruction Act.

70 ILCS 405/ - Soil and Water Conservation Districts Act.

70 ILCS 410/ - Conservation District Act.

70 ILCS 415/ - Conservation District Organization Validation Act.

70 ILCS 503/ - Chanute-Rantoul National Aviation Center Redevelopment Commission Act.

70 ILCS 504/ - Central Illinois Economic Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 506/ - Eastern Illinois Economic Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 507/ - Fort Sheridan Redevelopment Commission Act.

70 ILCS 508/ - Joliet Arsenal Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 510/ - Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority Act, approved September 22, 1987.

70 ILCS 516/ - Riverdale Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 518/ - Southeastern Illinois Economic Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 519/ - Southern Illinois Economic Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 520/ - Southwestern Illinois Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 525/ - Tri-County River Valley Development Authority Law.

70 ILCS 530/ - Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 531/ - Illinois Urban Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 532/ - Western Illinois Economic Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 535/ - Will-Kankakee Regional Development Authority Law.

70 ILCS 605/ - Illinois Drainage Code.

70 ILCS 610/ - Drainage District Pollution Abatement Act.

70 ILCS 615/ - Chicago Drainage District Act.

70 ILCS 705/ - Fire Protection District Act.

70 ILCS 710/ - Fire Protection District Validation Act.

70 ILCS 715/ - Fire Protection of Unprotected Area Act.

70 ILCS 750/ - Flood Prevention District Act.

70 ILCS 755/ - Beardstown Regional Flood Prevention District Act.

70 ILCS 805/ - Downstate Forest Preserve District Act.

70 ILCS 810/ - Cook County Forest Preserve District Act.

70 ILCS 815/ - Forest Preserve District Defective Bond Repayment Act.

70 ILCS 820/ - Forest Preserve District Refunding Bond Act.

70 ILCS 825/ - Forest Preserve District Corporate Powers Affirmation Act.

70 ILCS 830/ - Forest Preserve Botanic Gardens Act.

70 ILCS 835/ - Forest Preserve Zoological Parks Act.

70 ILCS 840/ - Forest Preserve District Tax Levy Validation (1963) Act.

70 ILCS 845/ - Forest Preserve District Tax Levy Validation (1967) Act.

70 ILCS 850/ - Forest Preserve District Tax Levy Validation (1986) Act.

70 ILCS 855/ - DuPage County Forest Preserve District Tax Levy Validation (1988) Act.

70 ILCS 860/ - Forest Preserve District and Conservation District Design-Build Authorization Act.

70 ILCS 905/ - Public Health District Act.

70 ILCS 910/ - Hospital District Law.

70 ILCS 915/ - Illinois Medical District Act.

70 ILCS 920/ - Tuberculosis Sanitarium District Act.

70 ILCS 925/ - Mid-Illinois Medical District Act.

70 ILCS 930/ - Mid-America Medical District Act.

70 ILCS 935/ - Roseland Community Medical District Act.

70 ILCS 1005/ - Mosquito Abatement District Act.

70 ILCS 1105/ - Museum District Act.

70 ILCS 1205/ - Park District Code.

70 ILCS 1210/ - Park System Civil Service Act.

70 ILCS 1215/ - Park Annuity and Benefit Fund Civil Service Act.

70 ILCS 1220/ - Park Commissioners Control of Municipal Parks Act.

70 ILCS 1225/ - Park Commissioners Land Condemnation Act.

70 ILCS 1230/ - Park Commissioners Water Control Act.

70 ILCS 1235/ - Park Commissioners Land Sale Act.

70 ILCS 1240/ - Park Commissioners Land Conveyance Act.

70 ILCS 1245/ - Park Commissioners Street Control (1879) Act.

70 ILCS 1250/ - Park Commissioners Street Control (1889) Act.

70 ILCS 1255/ - Park Commissioners Street Control (1895) Act.

70 ILCS 1260/ - Park Commissioners Street Control (1907) Act.

70 ILCS 1265/ - Park Commissioners Street Control (1917) Act.

70 ILCS 1270/ - Park District Refunding Bond Act.

70 ILCS 1275/ - Living War Memorial Act.

70 ILCS 1280/ - Park District Historical Museum Act.

70 ILCS 1285/ - Park Commissioners Federal Government Conveyance Act.

70 ILCS 1290/ - Park District Aquarium and Museum Act.

70 ILCS 1295/ - Park District Armory and Airfield Site Act.

70 ILCS 1300/ - Park District Airport Site Act.

70 ILCS 1305/ - Park District Airport Zoning Act.

70 ILCS 1310/ - Park District Elevated Highway Act.

70 ILCS 1315/ - Park Child Welfare Sanitarium Act.

70 ILCS 1320/ - Park Ordinance Violation Incarceration Act.

70 ILCS 1325/ - Park District Police Act.

70 ILCS 1505/ - Chicago Park District Act.

70 ILCS 1510/ - Chicago Park District Working Cash Fund Act.

70 ILCS 1515/ - Chicago Park District Debt Assumption Act.

70 ILCS 1520/ - Chicago Park District Bond (1935) Act.

70 ILCS 1525/ - Chicago Park District Bond (1965) Act.

70 ILCS 1530/ - Chicago Park District Corporate Note Act.

70 ILCS 1535/ - Chicago Park District Street Car Line Act.

70 ILCS 1540/ - Chicago Park District Judgment Indebtedness Bond Act.

70 ILCS 1545/ - Chicago Park and City Exchange of Functions Act.

70 ILCS 1550/ - Chicago Submerged Lands (1903) Act.

70 ILCS 1555/ - Chicago Submerged Lands (1931) Act.

70 ILCS 1560/ - Park District Exposition Authority Lease Act.

70 ILCS 1565/ - Park Waterworks Improvement Lease Act.

70 ILCS 1570/ - Lincoln Park Commissioners Land Condemnation Act.

70 ILCS 1575/ - Lincoln Park Submerged Lands Act.

70 ILCS 1580/ - Grant Park (1899) Act.

70 ILCS 1585/ - Grant Park (1905) Act.

70 ILCS 1590/ - Grant Park Boundary Act.

70 ILCS 1600/ - Exposition Authority Incorporation Act.

70 ILCS 1605/ - Metro-East Park and Recreation District Act.

70 ILCS 1610/ - Summit Park District Tax Levy Validation (2010) Act.

70 ILCS 1707/ - Regional Planning Act.

70 ILCS 1710/ - Southwestern Illinois Metropolitan and Regional Planning Act.

70 ILCS 1801/ - Alexander-Cairo Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1805/ - Havana Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1807/ - Heart of Illinois Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1810/ - Illinois International Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1815/ - Illinois Valley Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1820/ - Jackson-Union Counties Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1825/ - Joliet Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1830/ - Kaskaskia Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1831/ - Massac-Metropolis Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1832/ - Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1835/ - Mt. Carmel Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1837/ - Ottawa Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1845/ - Seneca Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1850/ - Shawneetown Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1855/ - Southwest Regional Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1860/ - America's Central Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1863/ - Upper Mississippi River International Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1865/ - Waukegan Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1870/ - White County Port District Act.

70 ILCS 1905/ - Railroad Terminal Authority Act.

70 ILCS 1915/ - Grand Avenue Railroad Relocation Authority Act.

70 ILCS 1920/ - West Cook Railroad Relocation and Development Authority Act.

70 ILCS 1925/ - Dixon Railroad Relocation Authority Law.

70 ILCS 1930/ - Southwest Suburban Railroad Redevelopment Authority Act.

70 ILCS 1935/ - Elmwood Park Grade Separation Authority Act.

70 ILCS 1950/ - Renewable Energy Production District Act.

70 ILCS 2005/ - Rescue Squad Districts Act.

70 ILCS 2105/ - River Conservancy Districts Act.

70 ILCS 2110/ - River Conservancy District Validation Act.

70 ILCS 2115/ - Rend Lake Dam and Reservoir on the Big Muddy River Act.

70 ILCS 2205/ - Sanitary District Act of 1907.

70 ILCS 2305/ - North Shore Water Reclamation District Act.

70 ILCS 2310/ - North Shore Sanitary District Extension (1st) Act.

70 ILCS 2315/ - North Shore Sanitary District Extension (2nd) Act.

70 ILCS 2405/ - Sanitary District Act of 1917.

70 ILCS 2410/ - Sanitary Districts (1917 Act) Bond Act.

70 ILCS 2605/ - Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act.

70 ILCS 2805/ - Sanitary District Act of 1936.

70 ILCS 2905/ - Metro-East Sanitary District Act of 1974.

70 ILCS 3005/ - Sanitary District Refunding Bond Act.

70 ILCS 3010/ - Sanitary District Revenue Bond Act.

70 ILCS 3015/ - Sanitary Districts Corporate Notes Act.

70 ILCS 3020/ - Eastern Will Sanitary District Act.

70 ILCS 3105/ - Solid Waste Disposal District Act.

70 ILCS 3110/ - Metro East Solid Waste Disposal and Energy Producing Service Act.

70 ILCS 3205/ - Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Act.

70 ILCS 3210/ - Downstate Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Act.

70 ILCS 3305/ - Street Light District Act.

70 ILCS 3405/ - Surface Water Protection District Act.

70 ILCS 3505/ - Prairie Trail Authority Act.

70 ILCS 3605/ - Metropolitan Transit Authority Act.

70 ILCS 3610/ - Local Mass Transit District Act.

70 ILCS 3615/ - Regional Transportation Authority Act.

70 ILCS 3620/ - Public Transit Employee Training Programs Act.

70 ILCS 3705/ - Public Water District Act.

70 ILCS 3710/ - Water Service District Act.

70 ILCS 3715/ - Water Authorities Act.

70 ILCS 3720/ - Water Commission Act of 1985.