(45 ILCS 78/1)
Sec. 1. Short title and statement of agreement. This Act may be cited as the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact Act. This State and the other states contracting under this compact solemnly agree to the terms of this compact.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/5)
Sec. 5. Statement of purpose. The purposes of this compact are, through joint or cooperative action:
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/10)
Sec. 10. Establishment of Commission. To further the purposes of the compact, a Commission is created to carry out the duties specified in this compact.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/15)
Sec. 15. Commission membership.
(a) The manner of appointment of Commission members, terms of office consistent with the terms of this compact, provisions for removal and suspension, and manner of appointment to fill vacancies shall be determined by each party state pursuant to its laws, but each commissioner shall be a resident of the state of appointment. Commission members shall serve without compensation from the Commission.
(b) The Commission shall consist of 4 resident members of each state as follows:
(c) All vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the laws of the appointing states. Any commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve until the end of the incomplete term. Each member state shall have equal voting privileges, as determined by the Commission bylaws.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/20)
Sec. 20. Powers and duties of the Commission.
(a) The duties of the Commission are to:
(b) In addition to its exercise of these duties, the Commission is empowered to:
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/25)
Sec. 25. Officers.
(a) The Commission shall annually elect from among its members:
(b) The officers shall perform such functions and exercise such powers as specified in the Commission bylaws.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/30)
Sec. 30. Meetings and Commission administration. The Commission shall meet at least once in each calendar year, and at such other times as may be determined by the Commission. Commission business shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and voting rights specified in the bylaws.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/35)
Sec. 35. Finance.
(a) Except as otherwise provided for, the moneys necessary to finance the general operations of the Commission in carrying forth its duties, responsibilities, and powers as stated in this Compact shall be appropriated to the Commission by the compacting states, when authorized by the respective legislatures, by equal apportionment among the compacting states. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to commit a member state to participate in financing a rail project except as provided by law of a member state.
(b) The Commission may accept, for any of its purposes and functions, donations, gifts, grants, and appropriations of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services from the federal government, from any party state, or from any department, agency, or municipality of any party state, or from any institution, person, firm, or corporation.
(c) All expenses incurred by the Commission in executing the duties imposed upon it by this compact shall be paid by the Commission out of the funds available to it. The Commission shall not issue any debt instrument.
(d) The Commission shall submit to the officer designated by the laws of each party state, periodically as required by the laws of each party state, a budget of its actual past and estimated future expenditures.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/40)
Sec. 40. Enactment; effective date; amendments.
(a) The states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are eligible to join this compact. Upon approval of the Commission, according to its bylaws, other states may also be declared eligible to join the compact.
(b) As to any eligible party state, except as provided in subsection (c), this compact shall become effective when its legislature shall have enacted the compact into law.
(c) This compact shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by any 3 party states incorporating the provisions of this compact into the laws of those states. Amendments to the compact shall become effective upon their enactment by the legislatures of all compacting states.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/45)
Sec. 45. Withdrawal; default; termination.
(a) Withdrawal from this compact shall be by enactment of a statute repealing the compact and shall take effect one year after the effective date of that statute. A withdrawing state shall be liable for any obligations which it may have incurred prior to the effective date of withdrawal.
(b) If any compacting state shall at any time default in the performance of any of its obligations, assumed or imposed, in accordance with the provisions of this compact, all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this compact or agreements under this compact shall be suspended from the effective date of default as fixed by the Commission, and the Commission shall stipulate the conditions and maximum time for compliance under which the defaulting state may resume its regular status. Unless the default shall be remedied under the stipulations and within the time period set forth by the Commission, this compact may be terminated with respect to the defaulting state by affirmative vote of a majority of the other Commission members. Any defaulting state may be reinstated, upon vote of the Commission, by performing all acts and obligations as stipulated by the Commission.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
(45 ILCS 78/50)
Sec. 50. Construction and severability.
(a) The provisions of this compact entered into under this Act shall be severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any compacting state or of the United States, or if the applicability of this compact to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability of this compact to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected.
(b) If this compact entered into under this Act shall be held contrary to the constitution of any compacting state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. The provisions of this compact entered into under this Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes of this compact.
(Source: P.A. 94-1077, eff. 6-1-07.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
45 ILCS 5/ - Pest Control Compact Act.
45 ILCS 10/ - Interstate Compact on Juveniles Act.
45 ILCS 11/ - Interstate Compact for Juveniles Act of 2008.
45 ILCS 15/ - Interstate Compact on Placement of Children Act.
45 ILCS 17/ - Interstate Compact on Adoption Act.
45 ILCS 20/ - Interstate Agreements on Sexually Dangerous Persons Act.
45 ILCS 25/ - Interstate Library Compact Act.
45 ILCS 30/ - Quad Cities Interstate Metropolitan Authority Compact Act.
45 ILCS 35/ - Quad Cities Interstate Metropolitan Authority Act.
45 ILCS 40/ - Interstate Compact on Mental Health Act.
45 ILCS 45/ - Interstate Compact on Mentally Disordered Offenders Act.
45 ILCS 50/ - Interstate Mining Compact Act.
45 ILCS 55/ - Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas Act.
45 ILCS 60/ - Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact Act.
45 ILCS 70/ - Interstate Rail Compact Act.
45 ILCS 77/ - Interstate Rail Passenger Network Compact Act.
45 ILCS 78/ - Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact Act.
45 ILCS 90/ - Interstate Compact for Education Act.
45 ILCS 95/ - Border State School Interstate Compact Act.
45 ILCS 100/ - Bi-State Development Compact Act.
45 ILCS 105/ - Bi-State Development Agency Act.
45 ILCS 110/ - Bi-State Development Powers Act.
45 ILCS 135/ - Wabash Valley Compact Act.
45 ILCS 140/ - Central Midwest Radioactive Waste Compact Act.
45 ILCS 141/ - Radioactive Waste Compact Enforcement Act.
45 ILCS 145/ - Great Lakes Basin Compact Act.
45 ILCS 147/ - Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact Act.
45 ILCS 151/ - Emergency Management Assistance Compact Act.
45 ILCS 155/ - Midwestern Higher Education Compact Act.
45 ILCS 160/ - Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact Act.
45 ILCS 162/ - Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact.
45 ILCS 165/ - Mid-America Port Commission Agreement Act.
45 ILCS 170/ - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
45 ILCS 180/ - Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Act.
45 ILCS 185/ - New Harmony Bridge Authority Act.