(45 ILCS 165/1)
Sec. 1.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the Mid-America Port Commission Agreement Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/5)
Sec. 5.
The State of Illinois ratifies and approves the
Mid-America Port Commission Agreement and enters into that Agreement with
Missouri and Iowa in substantially the following form:
This agreement shall be known as and may be cited as the "Mid-America
Port Commission Agreement". This agreement allows for the states of Illinois
and Iowa to join the effort of the state of Missouri for developing the
Mid-America Port Commission.
There is created a Mid-America Port Commission to be governed by a
nine-member port commission. The governors of Missouri, Illinois and Iowa shall
appoint one member to the port commission in accordance with the laws of the
respective state. Each state shall also be represented by two members elected
through the county governance in the geographical jurisdiction of the port
commission. The port commission members shall hold office for a period of six
years. The port commission members shall elect a chairperson of the port
commission after all the members are selected. The position of chairperson
shall rotate among the Missouri, Iowa and Illinois members for two-year
periods. A member of the port commission shall not serve more than two terms.
The port commission shall have the power to acquire, purchase, install,
lease, construct, own, hold, maintain, equip, use, control or operate ports,
harbors, waterways, channels, wharves, piers, docks, quays, elevators, tipples,
compresses, bulk loading and unloading facilities, warehouses, dry docks,
marine support railways, tugboats, ships, vessels, shipyards, shipbuilding
facilities, machinery and equipment, dredges or any other facilities required
or incidental to the construction, outfitting, dry docking or repair of ships
or vessels, or water, air, or rail terminals, or roadways or approaches
thereto, or other structures or facilities necessary for the convenient use of
the same in the aid of commerce, including the dredging, deepening, extending,
widening, or enlarging of any ports, harbors, rivers, channels, or waterways,
the damming of inland waterways, the establishment of a water basin, the
acquisition and development of industrial sites, or the reclaiming of submerged
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/10)
Sec. 10.
Adams, Brown, Cass, Hancock, Pike, Schuyler,
Henderson, Warren, Morgan, Mercer, and Scott Counties in Illinois and any
additional counties that may be added to the Mid-America Intermodal Authority
Port District are included in the jurisdiction
of the Mid-America Port Commission. Any territory that is disconnected from
the Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District shall cease to be under the
jurisdiction of the Mid-America Port Commission.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/15)
Sec. 15.
(a) Any power or powers, privileges, or authority exercised or capable of
exercise by a public agency of this State may be exercised and enjoyed jointly
with the Mid-America Port Commission according to the powers delegated to the
commission pursuant to this Act.
(b) A public agency of this State may enter into a letter of understanding
with the Commission to advance the purposes of the Commission.
(c) The Mid-America Port Commission shall exercise no control over the
operation of port districts established by any other law of this State, except
by voluntary agreement between the port district and the Commission.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/20)
Sec. 20.
Appointment of commissioners; vacancy.
(a) Within 90 days after the effective date of this Act, the Governor shall
one commissioner
to the Mid-America Port Commission
by agreement between Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa.
This commissioner must be appointed from among those members of the Mid-America
Intermodal Authority Port
District Board that were appointed by the Governor.
(b) Within 90 days after the effective date of this Act, the Mid-America
Intermodal Authority Port District Board, from its members, shall appoint 2
commissioners to the Mid-America Port Commission.
(c) Commissioners must be members of the Mid-America Intermodal Authority
Port District Board. If a commissioner ceases to be a member of the
Intermodal Authority Port District Board, there shall be vacancy in the office
(d) A vacancy in the office of commissioner shall be filled by appointment
Governor, in the case of a vacancy in the office of commissioner appointed by
Governor, or by the Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District Board, in
the case
of a vacancy in the office of commissioner appointed by the Mid-America
Intermodal Authority Port District
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/25)
Sec. 25.
Term of office.
Each commissioner shall be appointed to serve a
term of 6 years. At the expiration of the term of the commissioner appointed
by the Governor, the Governor shall appoint a successor who shall hold office
for 6 years. At the expiration of the term of a commissioner appointed by the
Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District Board, the
Mid-America Intermodal Authority Port District Board
shall appoint a successor who shall
hold office for 6 years. Each commissioner shall hold office until his
successor has been appointed.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/27)
Sec. 27.
Commissioners; compensation.
The commissioners shall serve
without compensation but shall be entitled to be reimbursed for their necessary
incurred in the performance of their duties.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/30)
Sec. 30.
Consent and approval of agreement by Congress.
The Mid-America
Port Commission has the power to apply to the Congress of the United
States for its consent and approval of the agreement. In the absence of the
consent of Congress and until the consent of Congress has been secured, the
agreement shall be binding on the State of Illinois in all respects permitted
by the law for the states of Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa without the consent
of Congress to cooperate, for the purposes enumerated in and in the manner
provided in the agreement.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
(45 ILCS 165/900)
Sec. 900.
(Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99; text omitted.)
(45 ILCS 165/99)
Sec. 99.
Effective date.
This Act takes effect upon becoming law.
(Source: P.A. 91-566, eff. 8-14-99.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
45 ILCS 5/ - Pest Control Compact Act.
45 ILCS 10/ - Interstate Compact on Juveniles Act.
45 ILCS 11/ - Interstate Compact for Juveniles Act of 2008.
45 ILCS 15/ - Interstate Compact on Placement of Children Act.
45 ILCS 17/ - Interstate Compact on Adoption Act.
45 ILCS 20/ - Interstate Agreements on Sexually Dangerous Persons Act.
45 ILCS 25/ - Interstate Library Compact Act.
45 ILCS 30/ - Quad Cities Interstate Metropolitan Authority Compact Act.
45 ILCS 35/ - Quad Cities Interstate Metropolitan Authority Act.
45 ILCS 40/ - Interstate Compact on Mental Health Act.
45 ILCS 45/ - Interstate Compact on Mentally Disordered Offenders Act.
45 ILCS 50/ - Interstate Mining Compact Act.
45 ILCS 55/ - Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and Gas Act.
45 ILCS 60/ - Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact Act.
45 ILCS 70/ - Interstate Rail Compact Act.
45 ILCS 77/ - Interstate Rail Passenger Network Compact Act.
45 ILCS 78/ - Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact Act.
45 ILCS 90/ - Interstate Compact for Education Act.
45 ILCS 95/ - Border State School Interstate Compact Act.
45 ILCS 100/ - Bi-State Development Compact Act.
45 ILCS 105/ - Bi-State Development Agency Act.
45 ILCS 110/ - Bi-State Development Powers Act.
45 ILCS 135/ - Wabash Valley Compact Act.
45 ILCS 140/ - Central Midwest Radioactive Waste Compact Act.
45 ILCS 141/ - Radioactive Waste Compact Enforcement Act.
45 ILCS 145/ - Great Lakes Basin Compact Act.
45 ILCS 147/ - Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact Act.
45 ILCS 151/ - Emergency Management Assistance Compact Act.
45 ILCS 155/ - Midwestern Higher Education Compact Act.
45 ILCS 160/ - Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact Act.
45 ILCS 162/ - Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact.
45 ILCS 165/ - Mid-America Port Commission Agreement Act.
45 ILCS 170/ - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
45 ILCS 180/ - Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Act.
45 ILCS 185/ - New Harmony Bridge Authority Act.