Idaho Code

63-1013. WARRANTS OF DISTRAINT — SERVICE AND EXECUTION. (1) All warrants of distraint issued by the tax collector shall be served and executed by the sheriff in the manner provided by law for the services of executions by levy upon personal property and he shall make return of the same to the tax collector of the county within ninety (90) days from the date of his receipt thereof with an endorsement thereon showing that the delinquency therein described, together with interest, late charges and costs, as provided by law, have been collected, or that, no property can be found to seize under the warrant. For making a false return the sheriff shall be liable to the county for double the amount of the property taxes, with interest and costs.
(2) Fees allowed for issuing warrants of distraint, collection, levy and return of the same, shall be set by ordinance by the board of county commissioners. When levying on a warrant of distraint, the provisions of section 31-3203, Idaho Code, shall apply in determining service fees.
(3) If the sheriff returns the warrant of distraint showing that no property can be found upon which a levy can be made to collect the delinquency, he shall note in the return the county, if any, in this state to which the delinquent taxpayer may have moved together with his mailing address and the date of his departure shall also be noted on the returns. Upon the filing of the sheriff’s return showing that any delinquent taxpayer has moved to another county in this state, it shall be the duty of the tax collector to immediately issue and mail another warrant of distraint to the sheriff of the county to which the delinquent taxpayer is so shown to have moved, or in which personal property belonging to him may be found, and the sheriff to whom the other warrant of distraint is issued shall serve and return the warrant in the manner provided for the service and return of original warrants of distraint, making return of fees and commissions earned by him to the county auditor of his county, and paying any delinquency and fees collected, shown by the other warrant of distraint to be due, to the tax collector issuing the other warrant. Should a sheriff to whom the other warrant of distraint is issued be unable to find any property out of which the delinquency may be collected, he shall so return to the tax collector issuing the warrant.

[63-1013, added 1996, ch. 98, sec. 11, p. 387; am. 1997, ch. 117, sec. 34, p. 332; am. 2010, ch. 115, sec. 1, p. 241.]